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What are the odds of getting tents or storage boxes thrown into the game.  Hauling around all your gear is not fun when you die.  Storage would bring a whole new aspect of the game after getting geared up, other than looking for people to kill.  This seems simple, no?  Until they come out with more end game stuff, such as base building.

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Not sure how much storage will help atm. I think that there will be regular database wipes trough the alpha phase so in a way best not to have em. Better to just loose personal gear rather than a whole camp ;)

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I don't think tents will come until there is some sort of loot respawn, which Dean said will be sometime early 2014

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Well dying is supposed to be a pretty shit experience. Personally I'd prefer they hold off on that for a bit and fix loot, bodies despawning, more zombies, more loot/weapons, and of course bug fixing.


If they made fridges/chests something you could loot and store crap in though that would be interesting enough. Might come upon someone's stash.

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