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Mouse issues, literally unplayable... top priority?

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Yeah yeah It's Alpha, early Alpha infact.. I know. I purchased the game early to show my support but I'm here to ask a few questions, that's all.. not bashing, not complaining, nothing like that.


I'm curious if anyone else has this problem? my mouse just feels... like horse shit basically? (g500)


I understand acceleration is on and this will most likely be removed/fixed in the future, but what's going on with the mouse in general? It feels like I'm wrestling with my mouse just to get the cursor where I want it... I don't even want to imagine firing a weapon, I move left and the mouse does some crazy zig-zag motion, I look right and it does the same thing, the X and Y axis are seriously messed up, there's no 1:1 ratio with the mouse and the game, it feels insanely broken and my wrist starts to die after 30 minutes :\


I don't have this problem in literally every shooter but the stand alone version of DayZ has some serious mouse issues for me, I don't remember the ARMA II mod that well but I'm pretty sure it had something similar, only it wasn't as severe as the stand alone.


Also, frames... running a 680gtx and I'm already getting headaches from the frame problems.. then again, frames could be fine and it's the mouse itself destroying my eyes thanks to the messed up mechanics.


cheers, love the game and the goal behind it.. really hope the mouse thing is a top priority.

Edited by Rekuja
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I dont think acceleration would cause a "zig zag" of the mouse. I did see a thread about a mouse issue that made the cursor jump everywhere, could this be the prob? Try a search for mouse, i carnt remember if someone found a fix or not.

Edited by Karmaterror

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to be honest i think its intended, the game just doesnt let u turn around quickly 360° cause its unrealistic, so u need to wait for ur actual character to turn around. 

But in the other way, in realy life u can aim quickly at least at 180° perimeter which in game causes zigzaging cause u turn with ur mouse too fast, while ur character turns slower...


and i hate it too, it just feels weird, but if u check from 3rd person view u will see what im talking about with that character.

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to be honest i think its intended, the game just doesnt let u turn around quickly 360° cause its unrealistic, so u need to wait for ur actual character to turn around. 

But in the other way, in realy life u can aim quickly at least at 180° perimeter which in game causes zigzaging cause u turn with ur mouse too fast, while ur character turns slower...


and i hate it too, it just feels weird, but if u check from 3rd person view u will see what im talking about with that character.

NO WAY can this be intended, no way this is "realistic", sorry to say so. ;)

I really hope this issue is somewhere at the top of the "must fix" list! Can´t even test this alpha.

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There appears to be a mechanic that limits turning on the horizontal axis. Namely, it looks like you can only turn your character so many degrees in a given period of time - twentieth of a second? Tenth? I just got used to it.

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not getting zig zag issues but the X:Y thing is a bit annoying. I tried to fix it by manually adjusting it and I think I have them close now. Is acceleration that's killing me. It makes small movement really awkward and large ones have a huge delay. Its not gamebreaking but still horrible. I'm also having problems doing any sort of close combat because of it.

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mouse smoothing does nothing, and if anyone is watching the forums every day you will notice this gets posted daily...


also if you watch rocket's twitter he talks about this all the time with people tweeting him this concern.


use the search function on the forums and you shall see a ton of threads, maybe even in the sticky bug's section/forum


there was even a tweet from Frankieonpc to rocket asking about this...so relax im sure its being fixed.


however I think it should have been fixed patch 1 over some of the other crap they put priority on

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Left->right->right->left motions are a little weird since you can't turn fast and it takes time to get used to but it's much more realistic since you can't turn 360 in a split secound.

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Thanks guys.


I'm not really turning the mouse insanely fast, even to look left or look right the mouse does some weird stuff. There's no reason why my mouse goes upwards when im turning left.. if im moving my hand left, the cursor should go left, not diagonal


hope this gets fixed soon, DayZ would be insanely top-tier if the mouse movement was exactly like Counter Strike tbh

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DayZ would be insanely top-tier if the mouse movement was exactly like Counter Strike tbh


Holy fuck, please no. Counterstrike lets you move like a fucking super hero in a weightless, frictionless world.


I don't know what's wrong with your shitty mouse, but the slow pace of DayZ is deliberate. Real human beings can't spin a 180 in 50ms with 50kg of gear weighing them down.

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Holy fuck, please no. Counterstrike lets you move like a fucking super hero in a weightless, frictionless world.


I don't know what's wrong with your shitty mouse, but the slow pace of DayZ is deliberate. Real human beings can't spin a 180 in 50ms with 50kg of gear weighing them down.


i meant the gun motion mate, not the movement.


My mouse isn't "shitty" ffs, it's a G500 Logitech -_- it's clearly something with the game, works fine everywhere else.


I can't shoot for crap in this game, the cursor just zig zags all over the god damn place even when I'm moving it slowly... it's literally unplayable and I hope they are aware of this.

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I hate the mouse sensitivity just as much as...


vFIhPbH.jpg                 <<<<<<<<<<<<PLEASE SOMEONE FIX THIS SHIT IN DUE TIME :D

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Yeah maybe Counter-Strike is not realistic in controll,

but it feels more realistic than the mouse delay in DayZ.


DayZ is like GTA on that drug pill.

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Anyone ever adjust their X sensitivity? It lets you "turn faster", if you were limited by the actual turn speed of your character, this would have no effect, the issue is, X and Y are handled differently, and seems to me to be a system to limit up/down motion so you can keep a stable left/right motion, for aiming purposes, there is also this negative acceleration bug that causes issues with turning as well, if you turn 360 degrees slowly, its fine, but if you try to do that same movement quickly, you'll only end up turning say 45 degrees instead of the intended 360.


A 1:1 mouse ratio is not going to turn this into some fast paced counter-strike like game, it is not going to change how your character moves or interacts with the world, I don't even think the existing mouse handling should be removed(apart from the negative acceleration bug being fixed, and being about to disable acceleration), it should be an option, as after playing some 30+ hours of DayZ, I have gotten used to it somewhat, even though it still bugs me, but I would still much prefer a 1:1 mouse ratio.

Don't confuse DayZs slow paced nature with the way the mouse handles.

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i meant the gun motion mate, not the movement.


Gun motion, player motion. They're both ridiculous in Counterstrike.


It's obviously not something with the game or we would all be suffering from it. My mouse works fine. Yes, it moves more slowly than Arcade shooters but that's because DayZ isn't an arcade game and it's based on a milsim.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Gun motion, player motion. They're both ridiculous in Counterstrike.


It's obviously not something with the game or we would all be suffering from it. My mouse works fine. Yes, it moves more slowly than Arcade shooters but that's because DayZ isn't an arcade game and it's based on a milsim.


It's happening to quite a few people actually, not just me.. so yes, it's obviously something with the game.


When I move my mouse LEFT the cursor should go LEFT... mine does some weird zig zag left and makes the cursor go up and down for no reason whatsoever... maybe you're not understanding the situation because to be honest, it's quite hard to explain lol.. maybe I should fraps a video but I really cbf T_T


I'm sure devs are aware of the situation, would be nice if someone could link a source though...

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It's happening to quite a few people actually, not just me.. so yes, it's obviously something with the game.


Or, quite a few people have your mouse? It's a pretty popular one.

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It's happening to quite a few people actually, not just me.. so yes, it's obviously something with the game.


You know what, I absolutely apologize. I was able to recreate the "problem" you're describing by attempting to whip my mouse around at ungodly speeds from left to right.


I guess I just never experienced the issue, because I've become accustom to moving my mouse at a more reasonable rate of speed and in a controlled fashion.


So, yes. There is a "problem" in that you can't play DayZ as if it's Counterstrike or CoD. Just move your mouse at a more reasonable, controlled rate and the game works fine.

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Yeah that's the weird thing, happens to me even when I'm moving it insanely slow... who knows, we'll see what happens in future patches.. I'll cross my fingers

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In real life I'm not bound by a turn-restriction, I don't see why it should be the same in the game. It is nigh unplayable with the mosue controls the way they are now. It's hard to run through buildings, feels like I'm a tank or something.

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In real life I'm not bound by a turn-restriction, I don't see why it should be the same in the game. It is nigh unplayable with the mosue controls the way they are now. It's hard to run through buildings, feels like I'm a tank or something.

While I agree the mouse controls need to be 1:1, the problem(if you'd call it that) is that its taking into account certain characteristics about the character movement, I want to say its something akin to having the backpack and other equipment you're wearing colliding, but I am not sure that is what is going on, but either way, going through doors is clunky with this system.


And as I mentioned in my previous post, movement will NOT change if we get a 1:1 mouse ratio, it will just give people like myself a more comfortable and predictable method of looking around, we wont suddenly be sliding around the map like in Counter-Strike, I really don't get why anyone thinks that would happen.

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Don't worry about it, it's exactly like getting a new controller you've never used before, you'll get used to it if you persevere. 

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