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King of kong

My Idea of DayZ's Outbreak

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Post your idea of what caused the "Downfall" as I call it.

Sep 1, 2016, Hamburg, Germany: Deutsch Polizei officers apprehend an extremely violent man who violently attacked numerous people, who are brought to Asklepios Klinik St. George.

The Deutsch Polizei officers drive the, now restrained, violent man back to the station. The officers try, yet fail, at communicating with the man. 4 Hours Later: The man is discovered dead in his cell. Polizei Medical Examiners conduct an autopsy and discover an unknown bacteria in a ham burger in the man's stomach. Nothing else was found in the man's body to trigger such an act

Sep 7, 2016: German authorities order tests to be made on all beef and pork that was processed in and around Hamburg. 15 cases prove positive for the bacteria. The German Govt order all shipments of meat out of the country to cease. The victims of the "violent man" are quarantined immediately. 

Sep 16, 2016: The bacteria, known as "X1H1" is found in Berlin, and lower Saxony. The German Govt order all flights to cease, and close the border checkpoints. However, by this time, the infection has spread to the Czech Republic and Poland, both of which are unaware of the fact that the populace has already been infected. They prepare their armies at the borders, instead of quarantining the populace. Flights still go in and out normally.

Sep 17, 2016: The victims of the "Violent man" go insane overnight and escape quarantine, exiting onto the streets of Hamburg......

Sep 18, 2016: The "Violent Man" victims rapidly spread the infection throughout Hamburg, Poor containment methods result in between 1000 and 200 infected individuals roaming the city. German Infantry Units are deployed to quarantine the area around Hamburg City Hall and use it as an evacuation center for survivors in the surrounding area. A Czech flight un-wittingly delivers infected people into the Republic of Ireland, the infected population escalates rapidly. The Irish Army is mobilized to respond to the threat

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Sep 27, 2016: Containment has failed. Hamburg has been overrun. The  German AF are ordered to fire bomb the city. 


The 28th Day...: The infected that survived the bombing, roam the countryside, bringing down towns and villages. The Czech Republic's border defenses falter, winter is coming, the infected are hungry. The German President forbids any further repatriation attempts. France destroys the channel tunnel to help prevent the infection spreading to the United Kingdom. 


6 November, 2016, the Czech Republic, Germany, France and Poland have been destroyed. The infected have reached Chernarus and its neighbors......THE CDF Valiantly attempt to protect the populace, but are overrun

Now.....: The Survivors of the Chernarussian outbreak flock to the countryside. Surviving, killing, maiming, living......This is DayZ, this is your story......


Remember, the days are numbered

Edited by King of kong
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So one day goo0gle found out that he could move to chernogusville and took the offer,

First, on their national forums, he infected 98% of the population through giving them cancer, they received the cancer by reading his posts.

The infected then became violent and wanted goo0gle dead. So the fourm mods then banned goo0gle and that's how it all happened..

The remaining survivors are the forum mods and admins, dean hall was killed shortly after leaving to climb Mount Everest a second time for he forgot his aviator glasses.

The end.

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