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King of kong

"Raise Hood" Option [SA]

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It Would Be Nice If We Could Raise Hoods On Raincoats Etc. Would Go Well With G-Masks. Maybe After Importantey StuffieZ Is DonieZ.

Perhaps it provides added protection against the cold?

TIC321: Great idea. Perhaps the hood could provide some type of visor to prevent some properties of the sunlight to create a shadow around your eyes to make it easier to navigate but of course, the hood should be able to get damaged and may include holes, rips and tears.

Good idea! Also would be pretty cool If you could wear it over a baseball cap or something. 

^^^; Much Explain, Very Detail.

Edited by King of kong
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Great idea. Perhaps the hood could provide some type of visor to prevent some properties of the sunlight to create a shadow around your eyes to make it easier to navigate but of course, the hood should be able to get damaged and may include holes, rips and tears.

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Good idea! Also would be pretty cool If you could wear it over a baseball cap or something.

Edited by Nyz01

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i came here to ask why, thinking of cars. but this, i agree

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