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possible solution for server hopping

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Thought of the following idea for how to prevent server hopping:

When the player logs out, it should be treated as if the player is going to sleep. This means the following:

1) Player still appears on the server and can be killed for a specified period of time (somewhere in the 30 second - 5 min range)

2) When the player logs back in, they start slightly hungrier, thirstier, and with less energy when they first log on, scaled to how long it's been since they logged off (if it's been long enough, no penalty). Maybe a short period of grogginess could be added as well, which would limit the player to walking and maybe add a slight blur to the screen.

All of these penalties should be subtle - just enough to give an incentive not to server hop and to force players to log off in a safe area.


(NOTE: this shouldn't be implemented at least until loot/zombie respawns are implemented as it is rather difficult to gear up without server hopping currently).

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That would just be awful right now. Would that also affect me when I am trying to find a day-server, or have to log out because the server is restarted every x hours?


If and when server restarts become unnecessary you still face the problem of people crashing or losing connection. 


There needs to be more parameters for this to be as fair as possible, without letting loot/combat loggers do what they do.

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hence why I said this would be a bad idea to implement now.

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That would just be awful right now. Would that also affect me when I am trying to find a day-server, or have to log out because the server is restarted every x hours?


If and when server restarts become unnecessary you still face the problem of people crashing or losing connection. 


There needs to be more parameters for this to be as fair as possible, without letting loot/combat loggers do what they do.


Zhylo, you are absolutely correct. I sort of think the one character per server idea is more elegant and easier to implement, even with it's obvious drawback. 


OP - TheRaptMuse:

The idea has been suggested. Please read forum rules and do diligence to search for the topic before making a re-post. Ultimately, I agree that it's a problem. I just don't like your solution.

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