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Active combat timer

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I am getting tired of people logging out in the middle of combat because they are too afraid to die in DayZ. People that do that do not understand that dying is one of the major parts of DayZ and if you are going to die or are in a firefight you shouldn't be able to pussy out and leave instantly. I would like for there to be a combat timer or an option that does not let you log out when you are bleeding or taking fire like what is in the DayZ mod. Thanks guys, lets hope these scum bag combat loggers get taken care of.

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First and foremost, I agree, it's a problem. Let's talk about why your solution won't work.


I think one of the major concerns is the use of alt-f4 or other means to force the program to exit (nothing can be done by a client to circumvent a user to force exit said client).


I expect that then people might suggest that players who force combat log would die (by use of alt-f4 or other means).


Which I would reply with, how about situations where the player's DayZ client crashed? How do you differentiate a legit client crash from an intended client crash?


I would go even further with: How do you define combat? Does this just mean other players are near? How close? 


If we take my two previous points together, and define combat as having other players near: then when your client crashes randomly while you are traveling with friends you would end up dying. Or if combat is defined as firearms being discharged near you, say while you and your friends are fighting off zombies - same deal, you end up dying if your client decides to crash. Which, to be utterly frank, is a horseshit game mechanic. 


It's a commonly posted suggestion though, so I suggest you make use of the search feature next time and add to those conversations. +1 that this needs to be taken care of. Nothing I hate more than having some guy cornered and he just chicken shits out. 



Game clients crashes will happen regardless of how well everything is programmed, especially in a game like DayZ. Player experiences vary because client crashes tend to be tied to the hardware/software a user runs on their PC apart from DayZ. It is not feasible to test and fix all possible hardware/software combinations on DayZ. No arguments regarding the resolution of all possible client crashes will be respected by me. You are wrong.

Edited by tlane

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Tomorrow there should come a patch that enables a 30 seconds log-off timer even when alt-f4ing out of game.

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Tomorrow there should come a patch that enables a 30 seconds log-off timer even when alt-f4ing out of game.


It's not hard to make a script that gets around this (force crashes the client), as I suggested in my post.

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It's not hard to make a script that gets around this (force crashes the client), as I suggested in my post.


doesn't matter your character remains 30 sec in-game even after client crash or power failure

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doesn't matter your character remains 30 sec in-game even after client crash or power failure


Unfortunate in situations resulting from power loss or client crash. Possibly abused via a crash hack. Regardless, I'm glad to see the implementation. Where did you see the posted information? 

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