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No gun at respawn? Impossible for beginners

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@Mansen : you're experienced player' date=' so you could learn this game via the previous version. Your argument is invalid.

@chrispow : No way I dont "running because that house looks like it's so far away" I spent 4 hours to sneak out. Argument is invalid.

NO GUN for veterans server onyl plz!


It can't be server specific as far as I know. Either you start with them or you don't. Also their arguments are invalid and you also don't know who is and isn't an experienced player. Many starting characters have adapted fine you just don't hear them in the forums as much because of it. I've also navigated zombies multiple times without issue.. my own problem is their ability to hit through walls and break your bones instantly and knock you out. The stealth part is not hard.

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@Mansen Wallhack still works for zombies. One even passed thru a wall one time.

Okay for big cities loot starting, but you should mention it in your guide...

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@Mansen : you're experienced player' date=' so you could learn this game via the previous version. Your argument is invalid.

@chrispow : No way I'm not "running because that house looks like it's so far away" I spent 4 hours to sneak out. Argument is invalid.

NO GUN for veterans server onyl plz!


My argument isn't invalid because of that reason. Why is it that other people manage perfectly when being patient? Patience is not necessarily tied with experience, all it takes is for the new player to realize that it's important to think ahead and take your time.

When it comes to loot... it's about luck. This has nothing to do with if you start with a weapon or not. I enjoy the horror of spawning without a weapon, and it also gives me a reason to approach players when (1) I have nothing to lose and (2) I can't hurt them so they have nothing to lose. This means co-operation is encouraged! People get the chance to introduce each other without worrying about who'll shoot first preventively. I normally don't shoot people because of the ha-has but because I don't want to lose what I've been working for. A lot of people find it easier to trust someone after they have spoken and worked together for minutes or even hours. There will always be the arse who backstabs you, but this is a nice way of meeting people and taking that lovely risk of working with a complete stranger.

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Argument Invalid Argument Invalid

You seem to be really matter of fact in your responses. You've obviously made up your mind and any response you receive won't make a difference.

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Starting to wonder if all the people complaining about it being tough are actually just trying to be trolls....

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Starting to wonder if all the people complaining about it being tough are actually just trying to be trolls....

I just don't think they want to put the time and effort in. Maybe they're looking for an excuse for making mistakes. That's fine! but... is this mod really for them?

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Just because you're not having success does not mean that the current state of the game is "impossible." Especially with the patch, where zombies are no longer equipped with sonar.

I started playing when you still spawned with a Makarov. To be honest, it wasn't the saving grace you or other people try to make it out to be. At best, it was a deterrent for bandits, and not much else. If you got spotted in a zombie infested area and tried to shoot your way out, you were going to die just the same.

DayZ is a hardcore survival simulator. The most important thing to realize is that accumulating a good amount of supplies takes time. Stop thinking that you should be well-armed and well-supplied in under than 4 hours. If you manage to be well-equipped in under 4 hours, then you got incredibly lucky.

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I started right when the no gun patch came out. Sure it was a little rough figuring out a couple of things at first but really it's all about persistence. Just the other day I was braving Cherno hoping to find something of use. I managed a makarov with a single clip after 40 min. then got my legs taken out by some guy taking potshots at me. Then I crawled across Cherno for 3 hours finding food to heal myself before a kind survivor took pity on me and helped me out.

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I bought Arma 2 + CO 2 days ago and i never played Arma. First i sneaked into backyards/gardens looking for axes and finally i found one.

Then i made my first zombiekill and later on, i found in a normal looking house a magarof or something handgun with some ammo.

Then you have 2 options;

Kill a player and take his guns and ammo...

Or you can look to this map and instead of going to city's, go to a barn or farm... 51% chance you find some shotgun or lee rifle! And from there on you progress.. go to supermarkets or kill other players ;)

Later on i got Lee Enfield with a couple of mags. The other day you find doublesided shotgun, and there is plenty of ammo to be found everywhere! When you have one of these basic guns or a handgun you can take you chances and go northwest to the airfield or a other airfield and then you will find some kick ass guns like the M16A2, AK, whatever... I went to the airfield and i saw some skilled player running from zombies, i followed him, shot him in the face and took his Assault backpack, M4A1 + 6 magz :)

So anything is possible, don't quit or make a post like this after 5 minutes.. you have to be patient and if you don't have patience go play call of duty

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Sometimes, it's just the luck of the draw... I had a character that I'd kept alive throughout the 1.7.1,,, etc etc times. I had a fully stocked M104, a camo suit, M1911, Knife, map, watch, binoculars... I found a crashed chopper and went to check it out. Making my way away from it, I spooked another survivor who popped me twice in the legs, and then shot me in the head at close range. On respawn, I made my way into a town, found a barn, and found a CZ-550 with 10 rounds... Unfortunately, I was mobbed by about 10 zombies as I crept through a house fifteen minutes later. On my second respawn tonight, I found a ghillie suit and an AKM with two mags within ten minutes of spawning... Luck... pure luck.

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I started right when the no gun patch came out. Sure it was a little rough figuring out a couple of things at first but really it's all about persistence. Just the other day I was braving Cherno hoping to find something of use. I managed a makarov with a single clip after 40 min. then got my legs taken out by some guy taking potshots at me. Then I crawled across Cherno for 3 hours finding food to heal myself before a kind survivor took pity on me and helped me out.

XD I had a similar thing happen to me yesterday in Cherno. I had looted the supermarket and gotten some decent loot, was going to head to the hospital to get a few bandages and morphine before leaving. Heard a shot, my legs were broken. 2 More shots fired and then I was dead. It was pretty much my fault though. I stayed much longer than I should have and I got too greedy.

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Easy for you "Vets"

I'm sorry' date=' I'm a vet now? After playing for only 3 days? =D Awesome.


Like I said, this guy is just trolling, or he's a pretty stubborn person. Constantly saying, "Your argument is invalid," and, "You guys are vets."

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Easy for you "Vets"

I'm sorry' date=' I'm a vet now? After playing for only 3 days? =D Awesome.


Like I said, this guy is just trolling, or he's a pretty stubborn person. Constantly saying, "Your argument is invalid," and, "You guys are vets."

What veterinary school did you attend?

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Easy for you "Vets"

Easy? No, DayZ has never been easy. Not for me, and not for a lot of other players. Despite that, we continue to press onward, because we are intent on helping the developer make this the best game/mod that he can. I have certainly been lucky so far with, but there are also those who have been quite unlucky. Please note that I died several times before I got to where I am in my current life.

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Easy for you "Vets"

Did you even read my reply? Just stfu then

Starting to suspect troll.

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I am very new to Dayz. I have died ....a lot. LOL

That is the challenge for me to learn not to die. I have not found guns, but I have learned how to ditch zombies chasing me.

I like it just the way it is.

When a veteran dies he or she comes back with the same load-out as the beginners. Key: don't die.

When we are running and we have a hoard chasing us could our chacter cry for his mommy? Just asking:D

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I thought it was impossible too, then an hour later I learned you need to prone to live! After that the games gotten easier to actually survive

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I dont consider myself a veteran but I rarely die from starvation or zombs.

here is a tip that helped me a lot:

dayzmap.info - Use it! Go to places like barns, deerstands and forts for guns without the chance of 10 other guys looting it.

And ofcourse prone a LOT, also having a buddy playing with you helps.

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I started playing in with the crazy zombies. I still managed to find a revolver, crossbow and plenty of bolts in one of my first lives.

Only thing I have trouble finding is food and medical supplies (not bandages/painkillers/heat packs)

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good to know im not the only one who cant find guns. the true problem is if this was a zombie apoclypes i understand that using a gun is accully a stupid choice in crowded places ( i have seen that hachets are accully very useful. if you stay sneaky its just enough to keep you alive and is silent) but the TRUE problem is that your screwed if you run into a bandit. atleast give us noobs a CHANCE! i ran into a guy with a shotgun and a guy with a hachet when i had one too so we rushd the shot gun guy and he took both of us out with us no where close to him. i hounestly thought there was something wrong with my game cause i couldnt find a gun and only ammo after 5 hours of playing. but i think i might accully have problem if anyone knows why but i only have "group" "vechicle" and (white texted one i cant remember the name) and other games have the global and the blue text on where you can talk to everyone. i enjoy chatting while i play and would like to know why i dont have those chats in some severs

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While I do feel this game has a learning curve more akin to a vertical cliff face, its not impossible.

I'm only 2 days in, and I die a lot getting to where I am now. My character is still alive and decently kitted out, and I've only hit the OUTSKIRTS of Cherno. I have food and water, enough to keep me for several days, and means to defend myself form zombies and players alike. I need to hit up Cherno for a bigger bag, but, I'm playing it safe.

I'd love to see some sort of "stash" ability, the way STALKER did. With, of course, the ability for other players to find your stash and loot it.

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I'd love to see some sort of "stash" ability' date=' the way STALKER did. With, of course, the ability for other players to find your stash and loot it.


That would be tents.

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