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My first hostage experience

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Was amazing to say the least.  I spent a good hour trying to track down a friend of mine on a fairly decently geared character, we eventually met up in Zelenogorsk where we hunted for gear and food.  I proceeded to stuff my face in the supermarket to get the healthy status when from behind me i hear "drop your weapon now, or your dead"


I made a bit of a noob error and turned around to face the guy holding me up.  But i guess as i was only holding a box of cereal at the time, that was enough reason for him to not gun me down there and then.  He told me to drop my gun and get on the floor, which i complied with after weighing my options.  I was seemingly surrounding, seeing another 3 guys pass by while they tailed my friend who had opened fire on the guys outside.  When pressed, i denied knowing the guy outside and claimed that i was simply passing through on my way north.  After several minutes and a lot of gun fighting outside, i was still alive, so i figured they had other designs for me aside from just my gear.


One of the guys runs back inside bleeding, and i offered to bandage him if they let me live.  They accepted, i was a good few steps away from my gun and there were now two of them with me, so they had no reason to doubt my intentions.


After the noise outside quieted down, their team regrouped and they discussed what they were going to do with me, when i chimed in and asked if i could possibly join with them.  I made a point of proving my trustworthiness and i continued on with these guys for a good few hours.  I introduced my friend, who was kitted with a new set of clothes and we had a blast, we went from town to town, looting, holding up others, and fending off KOS'ers.


That was the best and most tense experience i've had between the standalone and the mod, i can't wait to have more like it. I made some new friends, probably a few enemies and survived for another day of day z :)

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I was just killed and respawned, right after respawn I was drinking at a pond and right away someone wanted to take me hostage.

I said, "I have nothing I just respawned" and he said sorry, let me go and also said sorry he could not give me anything..hehehe.

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