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Detrimental health effects around military loot areas.

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Hi all,


I was thinking about how easy it can be to get fully kitted in a short amount of time and how this can have a negative effect on gameplay and occurances of KoS. Obviously, everyone knows where the military camps are aside from the airfields and if they don't, a quick Google search will clear that up with a map. Now, as things stand, people tend to go to these camps / airfields with no risk aside from other players either camping the area or server hopping and putting a bullet in your cranium when they spawn behind you. To explain my suggestion for making these things difficult / impossible I first need to set the scene that is the basis for a system that will make high value loot areas a dangerous place to be for both loot seekers and loot seeker murderers. So, a back story:


When the zombie infection first reached Chernarus's shores, the military were completely unprepared for the speed of it's spread and in the final weeks before the area became a wasteland they resorted to chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in a last ditch effort to quash the infection. Unfortunately, these weapons were never used due to the speed of the infection so we'll never know if they could have ended the crisis. The nuclear weapons were held at the (then) secure airbases and the chemical weapons were sent across Chernarus to various staging posts (military camps/bases) with some also held at the airbases. After the area was abandoned or the military contingent wiped out at these areas the nuclear and chemical weapons containers began to decay, leaking radiation and biological agents into the surrounding atmosphere and contaminating the air. This meant that now, in the current day when survivors are desperately trying to survive, these areas carry a high health risk to those that venture near them and certain precautions must be taken before any attempt to do so. Even so, the concentration of the airborne agents is such that even with full anti radiation / biological gear / meds there would still be negative health implications involved. The zombies however, as it turns out are unaffected by these airborne agents so it seems this last ditch effort would have been inneffective.


So that's the basis of the changes I suggest, now onto the mechanics. First of all, any time spent in any of these areas will carry major health risks for everyone. As most know, gasmasks are already in so it's obvious that they have a planned purpose in the future, so this plays straight into that. Also, new clothing that can lessen the effects in these areas (Hazmat suits) would be lootable in the towns around these areas, left behind by military personnel who lived there and in hospitals / tec buildings. These alone will not be enough though, there would also be anti-radiation meds and anti bio pills / syringes to break down any agents absorbed into the bloodstream. Any attempt to venture into these areas would need to be well planned, preferably by a group (encouraging players to team up), and with enough equipment / meds to counter any lasting health issues. It would be possible for an individual to venture into an area but even with the best counteractive equipment they would have very limited time in the area before the effects would take their toll and the damage done would either kill them or cause lasting health effects that would need continuous addressing with meds for the rest of the player's life cycle (this is an idea which may not be agreed with, but is realistic, discuss..).


Also, server hopping would be addressed as anyone who logs out in these areas and then joins another server has a random chance of spawning unconcious, and while they may wake up in time, the contaminants are ravaging their body the whole time forcing them to immediately leave the area upon waking up. Some may respawn and be ok but it's the possibility of not that will deter most. Those that log out and rejoin the same server would not be subject to the random chance and will be able to carry on from the point of log off, to make it fair on those that disconn legitimately or who have to AFK for RL issues. So, this is a preventative measure for what is a lot of DayZ players' pet hates as well as a gameplay mechanic that encourages group play. So let's take a look at what would be involved at raiding let's say the military camp SW of Stary Sobor;


First of all, I'd like to state that I'm a fan of having more traditional weapons and equipment with military grade gear being something that needs planning and co-operation to obtain. The nearest thing to a sniper rifle you can find by just roaming the countryside is a CZ550 or the Mosin and similar. DMR's, AS50's, assault rifles and the like should only be obtainable through co-operation with other's, luck, or by killing a kitted player (which would hopefully lessen the killing of newer spawns or midrange kitted players). I'm also a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and many of the items in that game, geiger counter, anti-rads, pills etc have inspired this suggestion.




Let's say 4 members in the group. Each member would need a Hazmat suit, these suits would negate a fixed percentage of the effects for each level of damage, pristine=max effect, ruined=little to no effect. They would also need to take blocking pills, that also would have their effects degraded according to their condition and would add to the percentage of protection offered by the suit. There would be no possibility of completely negating the health effects in these areas and as such, time spent in these areas is limited, forcing each member of the group to plan out what building they would search, so the guy with all the pristine gear would search the main building with the jail cell while the other guys would hit a barracks each. There'd be know hanging around, get in, grab what you can, get out. This also means that one player, or even a small group couldn't clean out a military camp in one go, and airbases would need majorly co-ordinated, multi-run missions to hit every loot spot. Given that restarts are currently every four hours, everyone on the server has the chance to get something from these areas if planned effectively. After leaving the area, meds would need to be taken if anyone has been over-exposed to the radiation / chemical agents. All this means is just having the preventative items is not enough, you need the aftercare too, as over exposure and being unable to find the relevant meds to combat that could mean death hours, or even days after the raid.




Same requirements as groups in terms of clothing / meds but at most you'll be able to hit one, maybe two barracks, that's it. Find some players to group with in other words.



So yeh, that's it basically, I don't know if all my suggestions are doable, but if they are they address multiple issues;


Server hopping.

Stripped military sites, no good loot.


Encouraging team play, grouping up.

EVERYONE having military loot (and then using it to kill fresh spawns) <Reduced, not eradicated of course>

Added level of gameplay and a goal beyond kitting up easily and looking for things to do / shoot.

Other things I may have not thought of, discuss.



Thanks for reading, I look forward to people's input (and possible beans).



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I only read until you wrote about nuclear weapons.


If they had used an atomic bomb on Chernarus, nothing had been left.


They did not use nuclear weapons.

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I only read until you wrote about nuclear weapons.


If they had used an atomic bomb on Chernarus, nothing had been left.


They did not use nuclear weapons.




Keep reading...


You'll see that it was a plan that never came to fruition. But the nuclear aspect is not a requirement, chemical / biological achieves the effect just as well on it's own.


Note to everyone else, read the whole post before commenting.

Edited by MrNomadic76

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I suppose they could have used radiation itself as a weapon against the zombies.

I don't think they would in a situation where bullets are a clear option though.

However, the chance that maybe a nuke was stowed away as last ditch to just destroy this uncontrollable virus is kinda likely.

Either way, I think maybe there should be crates of Alpha particle emitters with long half lifes.

These alpha particles can't penetrate skin, but you could breath them in.

A gas mask/ rebreather may help you in that aspect.

Radiation should be realistic, breathing in enough He2+ results in the liquefaction of your lungs, coughing up of blood and such.

Good times.

I would want to see this at Balota, please.

It would bring me so much pleasure to let the people that try running there to grab an M4 and kill new spawns during server restart to choke on their own blood.

Some Plutonium 238 might be perfect, half life of 88 years.

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An elegant and effective solution to a commonly agreed upon issue with the alpha in its current state. Those of the opposite opinion are respected by me (I get how to go about avoiding the nonsense), but I'm not sure the devs had the KoS shit fest that has erupted from the presence of the Military base in mind. That said, I think the suggestion, in some form or another, is likely to be taken. 


Heavily booby trapping the area may be an alternative solution. A back story revolving around a post-abandonment contingent of survivors who founded the military base as a survivor camp could work to make everything fit nicely. You could then add other items such as metal detectors as a means to avoid the landmines. Along with that I could see the addition of tripwires with explosives, trou de loup (pitfall with spikes), pressure fuse attached to a loose floor bored (explosive). 


I really like your idea, but I think it is unlikely that every military base would suffer the circumstances you suggested. It's also important to keep in mind that the devs would need to heavily rework the base so it has the proper facilities to hold the weapons you are suggesting. The other possibility may involve a back story involving a cargo plane which was landing in the base. Perhaps the base was overrun when the plane landed and the flight crew attempted to save the camp but failed miserably (successfully landed plane carrying the chemical weapons/nuclear device). We could also envision a story that resulted in a crashed plane (failed landing carrying the same types of weapons), this would also explain why the containment devices failed. 


I would recommend you add a TL;DR section for those who either don't have the time or don't care to read; it would certainly increase the audience that the soul of your post reaches. 

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TL DR possible leaking radiation from Balota with negative effects towards people that choose to try and gear up quickly.

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Hi all,


I was thinking about how easy it can be to get fully kitted in a short amount of time and how this can have a negative effect on gameplay and occurances of KoS. Obviously, everyone knows where the military camps are aside from the airfields and if they don't, a quick Google search will clear that up with a map. Now, as things stand, people tend to go to these camps / airfields with no risk aside from other players either camping the area or server hopping and putting a bullet in your cranium when they spawn behind you. To explain my suggestion for making these things difficult / impossible I first need to set the scene that is the basis for a system that will make high value loot areas a dangerous place to be for both loot seekers and loot seeker murderers. So, a back story:


When the zombie infection first reached Chernarus's shores, the military were completely unprepared for the speed of it's spread and in the final weeks before the area became a wasteland they resorted to chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in a last ditch effort to quash the infection. Unfortunately, these weapons were never used due to the speed of the infection so we'll never know if they could have ended the crisis. The nuclear weapons were held at the (then) secure airbases and the chemical weapons were sent across Chernarus to various staging posts (military camps/bases) with some also held at the airbases. After the area was abandoned or the military contingent wiped out at these areas the nuclear and chemical weapons containers began to decay, leaking radiation and biological agents into the surrounding atmosphere and contaminating the air. This meant that now, in the current day when survivors are desperately trying to survive, these areas carry a high health risk to those that venture near them and certain precautions must be taken before any attempt to do so. Even so, the concentration of the airborne agents is such that even with full anti radiation / biological gear / meds there would still be negative health implications involved. The zombies however, as it turns out are unaffected by these airborne agents so it seems this last ditch effort would have been inneffective.


So that's the basis of the changes I suggest, now onto the mechanics. First of all, any time spent in any of these areas will carry major health risks for everyone. As most know, gasmasks are already in so it's obvious that they have a planned purpose in the future, so this plays straight into that. Also, new clothing that can lessen the effects in these areas (Hazmat suits) would be lootable in the towns around these areas, left behind by military personnel who lived there and in hospitals / tec buildings. These alone will not be enough though, there would also be anti-radiation meds and anti bio pills / syringes to break down any agents absorbed into the bloodstream. Any attempt to venture into these areas would need to be well planned, preferably by a group (encouraging players to team up), and with enough equipment / meds to counter any lasting health issues. It would be possible for an individual to venture into an area but even with the best counteractive equipment they would have very limited time in the area before the effects would take their toll and the damage done would either kill them or cause lasting health effects that would need continuous addressing with meds for the rest of the player's life cycle (this is an idea which may not be agreed with, but is realistic, discuss..).


Also, server hopping would be addressed as anyone who logs out in these areas and then joins another server has a random chance of spawning unconcious, and while they may wake up in time, the contaminants are ravaging their body the whole time forcing them to immediately leave the area upon waking up. Some may respawn and be ok but it's the possibility of not that will deter most. Those that log out and rejoin the same server would not be subject to the random chance and will be able to carry on from the point of log off, to make it fair on those that disconn legitimately or who have to AFK for RL issues. So, this is a preventative measure for what is a lot of DayZ players' pet hates as well as a gameplay mechanic that encourages group play. So let's take a look at what would be involved at raiding let's say the military camp SW of Stary Sobor;


First of all, I'd like to state that I'm a fan of having more traditional weapons and equipment with military grade gear being something that needs planning and co-operation to obtain. The nearest thing to a sniper rifle you can find by just roaming the countryside is a CZ550 or the Mosin and similar. DMR's, AS50's, assault rifles and the like should only be obtainable through co-operation with other's, luck, or by killing a kitted player (which would hopefully lessen the killing of newer spawns or midrange kitted players). I'm also a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and many of the items in that game, geiger counter, anti-rads, pills etc have inspired this suggestion.




Let's say 4 members in the group. Each member would need a Hazmat suit, these suits would negate a fixed percentage of the effects for each level of damage, pristine=max effect, ruined=little to no effect. They would also need to take blocking pills, that also would have their effects degraded according to their condition and would add to the percentage of protection offered by the suit. There would be no possibility of completely negating the health effects in these areas and as such, time spent in these areas is limited, forcing each member of the group to plan out what building they would search, so the guy with all the pristine gear would search the main building with the jail cell while the other guys would hit a barracks each. There'd be know hanging around, get in, grab what you can, get out. This also means that one player, or even a small group couldn't clean out a military camp in one go, and airbases would need majorly co-ordinated, multi-run missions to hit every loot spot. Given that restarts are currently every four hours, everyone on the server has the chance to get something from these areas if planned effectively. After leaving the area, meds would need to be taken if anyone has been over-exposed to the radiation / chemical agents. All this means is just having the preventative items is not enough, you need the aftercare too, as over exposure and being unable to find the relevant meds to combat that could mean death hours, or even days after the raid.




Same requirements as groups in terms of clothing / meds but at most you'll be able to hit one, maybe two barracks, that's it. Find some players to group with in other words.



So yeh, that's it basically, I don't know if all my suggestions are doable, but if they are they address multiple issues;


Server hopping.

Stripped military sites, no good loot.


Encouraging team play, grouping up.

EVERYONE having military loot (and then using it to kill fresh spawns) <Reduced, not eradicated of course>

Added level of gameplay and a goal beyond kitting up easily and looking for things to do / shoot.

Other things I may have not thought of, discuss.



Thanks for reading, I look forward to people's input (and possible beans).

the CDF don't have access to Nuclear/Biological weapons

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I am more convinced of this booby-trap and security meassures idea. I personally thought that there could be AI soldiers barricaded in the NWAF, effectively securing "their" weapons, but that would conflict with the "NO-AI"-policy of the game.


In the end I really think that such stuff could be added to military buildings and areas to increase the risk of going there, without breaking immersion. Landmines, booby-traps, Barbedwire Fences, electrical fences? and maybe armored (tactical vest, helmet etc.) Zeds.

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I don't mind the idea, maybe balota or the NW-airfields were being used to transport nuclear waste, or plutonium for secret military weapons programs. 


When the outbreak happened there was no maintenance and the failsafes no longer worked, waste leaked out around the area ??? 


There can always be a way to justify it. 

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