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SalamanderAnder (DayZ)

Minor UI gripes.

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- I can drag items from my inventory to my hand, but not from the vicinity.


- "Take into hands" option seems to have disappeared since the last update.


- You can't drop anything onto the ground from your hands. I know rocket said he wanted to do throwing objects in a way that would let you throw any item, but I would like to be able to drop things from my hands through the UI as well.


- Certain items that seem logical to combine, such as painkillers, charcoal tablets, vitamins, and antibiotics, can't be consolidated. Also I haven't tested if it's possible, but combining water from different bottles should also be possible. This would also provide another way of accidentally spreading infection.


- Taking one item into your hands while another item is equipped is very buggy. Often times it will unequip the first item, but fails to equip the one you dragged into the box.


- When eating food, each eat action un-equips the food item. The item should remain in your hand so you can continue to eat from it, instead of having to open your gear menu 4 times to consume a whole can of pasta. Same for water.


- Water purification tablets are not multiple use, even though they seem to have a percentage like other consumables.


- I would like to be able to drink water while walking or jogging.


I can't think of any others at the moment.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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  On 12/23/2013 at 7:08 AM, SalamanderAnder said:

- When eating food, each eat action un-equips the food item. The item should remain in your hand so you can continue to eat from it, instead of having to open your gear menu 4 times to consume a whole can of pasta. Same for water.


Yes please. This is my #1.

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my favorite change would be:



- When eating food, each eat action un-equips the food item. The item should remain in your hand so you can continue to eat from it, instead of having to open your gear menu 4 times to consume a whole can of pasta. Same for water.



we need it so bad ^^

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