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Third person view removal from SA discussion

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It is a GAME ... that form of entertainment that is taken as such, by those who don't need a valid reason to disagree with such an imposition on their paid-for product and leisure time.  I am for neither side.  I am for choice.


The feature has deliberately been included by the developers ... just like it was left in the mod.


I feel I have no choice but to put it bluntly ... Want to play in the sandbox your way?  Then rent a server and set it up to your liking.


Can't do that right now?  Have some patience, or go rent a mod server and set that up to your liking until the option is available.

Edited by RN_Max
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there are two groups of players. some like 3rd person and some like 1st person. for different reasons.


you can easily split these groups by making it a server setting. no big deal and everyone is happy.

there is no need to remove / force something.

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Look at it this way 3rd person players. You're arguments are based on opinion(because our opinion is different). Ours are based on fact.


FOV - opinon

Headbob - opinon

Sickness - opinon

Looks nicer - opinion

see character - can be seen in inventory


camera angle advantage/abuse - fact

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:14 PM, RN_Max said:

It is a GAME ... that form of entertainment that is taken as such, by those who don't need a valid reason to disagree with such an imposition on their paid-for product and leisure time.  I am for neither side.  I am for choice.


The feature has deliberately been included by the developers ... just like it was left in the mod.


I feel I have no choice but to put it bluntly ... Want to play in the sandbox your way?  Then rent a server and set it up to your liking.


Can't do that right now?  Have some patience, or go rent a mod server and set that up to your liking until the option is available.


Not sure, but I've read somewhere on the forums that there's experimental build already that you can download through Steam, which disables 3rd person view.


Hope they implement it for good.




Yeah, just tested it. There's downloadable patch 113899 through steam and on those servers you can't use 3rd person. The only problem is that there are very few experimental servers.

Edited by ZenekZombie

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  On 12/23/2013 at 11:43 AM, Tourdion said:

Hm...not sure, really. If you are on a bike and can go 3d person you may peek over walls and spot people who is moving through a town or freelook around  like you are using a periscope. Anyway, if they decide to go first person all the way ill be happy if i can drive a vehicle without feeling like a wooden mannequin with a camera attached to its head.


Edit: Tho 3rd person may be necessary to land helis and such now that i think about it


Landing a heli in first person isnt all that hard, you just have to keep and eye out and be aware of your surroundings. I used to always fly in 3rd person, but after watching Dyslexci's Art of Flight videos, I gave first person a try (same with infantry) and I loved it. The immersion level increased 10 fold. Landing in first person just takes practice. I love flying in first person, sure it can be hard when you have to look around without using TIR5 or something but its still brilliant!

Also, the only time I use 3rd person is when running through an open field/long distance, purely because I have to aim my camera down towards the ground a bit to increase my FPS due to playing on a laptop. once a get my new comp it will be first person the entire time.

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Someone wrote that he wants to reduce the 3rd person to running and if this would be possible, I would prefer this one. I dont really like running in 1st person cause it seems to be a bit more laggy and I like to watch myself walking because the environment is not that interessting most of the time. But on the other hand I've to say that i love the only 1st person style where you need a small backpack to look behind you and no one can look around a corner.
All in all i dont think, that it is possible to make 3rd person only availabe while running or don't rendering persons in the 3rd view so I think the best choice would be different servers

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Pros and cons for both visions (3rd person view and 1st person view). I can see the only solution for it and that is separated hives.  ;)

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:19 PM, ZenekZombie said:

Not sure, but I've read somewhere on the forums that there's experimental build already that you can download through Steam, which disables 3rd person view.


Hope they implement it for good.




Yeah, just tested it. There's downloadable patch 113899 through steam and on those servers you can't use 3rd person. The only problem is that there are very few experimental servers.


But they do exist and are mostly empty... so those who so want to see it happen can vote with their e-feet.  Enough said.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:35 PM, lDeel said:

Pros and cons for both visions (3rd person view and 1st person view). I can see the only solution for it and that is separated hives.  ;)


Pretty much this. I hope they will set this up.


Atm as where the game stands now you have 3rd person on all servers, so while your playing first person its your choice to be in a disadvantage you can easily even the playing field be using it yourself. I know most people dont wanna play with it or dislike it but this is the situation where we are all in right now.

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If there are plans to make separate Hives for 1st/3rd person servers then the problem is solved and we can all go back to playing the way we like.


For 3rd person servers however i would like the server locked to 3rd as well. Why should you be able to have it both ways? ;)

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  On 12/23/2013 at 11:03 AM, gibonez said:

You can turn that off in the options its called head bob.


..... NEXT ?


Gamers like to SEE their character interact with the environment, and i don't mean in the inventory screen. I for one love to see my character sit down and enjoy a drink next to a roaring fire with the mountains in the backdrop, much better than seeing a bottle come at your face in tunnel vision. removing 3rd person will destroy really nice aspects of the game, people like to see the the city they are running through, not just for an advantage but just because it looks really nice and you get that 'I am legend' feel. the only time i ever use 1st person is in a firefight, you'd lose that beautiful dynamic feel. its got nothing to do with cheating it just looks nice and you can have some really nice moments with it and get great screenshots. once they sort the servers out there is no harm in having CHOICE, if you wanna play 1st then do so, don't force your style of playing onto everyone just because you don't like it. that way everyone can do what they prefer and everyone is happy. 

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:44 PM, DemonGroover said:

If there are plans to make separate Hives for 1st/3rd person servers then the problem is solved and we can all go back to playing the way we like.


For 3rd person servers however i would like the server locked to 3rd as well. Why should you be able to have it both ways? ;)


Because choice is often better than imposition in a sandbox and disabling a feature just to deny that choice and for no other sake is absurd. :P

Edited by RN_Max
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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:39 PM, RN_Max said:

But they do exist and are mostly empty... so those who so want to see it happen can vote with their e-feet.  Enough said.


How many players actually use experimental builds? How many of total DayZ players even checked for it or read the forums?


I'd use it before if I knew that it existed. So yeah, your argument about e-feets seems invalid to me.






  On 12/23/2013 at 12:44 PM, DemonGroover said:

For 3rd person servers however i would like the server locked to 3rd as well. Why should you be able to have it both ways? ;)


I was just about to suggest it aswell. Seems unfair for me, having both avaliable at once since one of them is clearly putting player at disadvantage.

Edited by ZenekZombie

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:35 PM, lDeel said:

Pros and cons for both visions (3rd person view and 1st person view). I can see the only solution for it and that is separated hives.  ;)


The only issue with this is that the 1st person hive will have 10% the player count as the 3rd person hive. 


Personally I hope he removes 3rd person view all together (If they keep it in for running I guess that's OK). I feel that 3rd person completely undermines the feeling of DayZ. When you're in 1st person mode you're unaware of your surroundings, you're not in control, and you're a lot more paranoid. When you're in 3rd person you know exactly where everything is and how it's situated. You know whats over that wall and around that corner.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 7:20 AM, Aussie Bogan said:

Even when 1st person gets implemented... Most people will shoot like this including myself!




because the sensitivity is uneven.


We need to push for a 1:1 mouse ratio  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You don't know if he hit his targets or not.

I find mouse fine... Why people complaining?

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:47 PM, Brother Biscuit said:

The only issue with this is that the 1st person hive will have 10% the player count as the 3rd person hive. 


Personally I hope he removes 3rd person view all together (If they keep it in for running I guess that's OK). I feel that 3rd person completely undermines the feeling of DayZ. When you're in 1st person mode you're unaware of your surroundings, you're not in control, and you're a lot more paranoid. When you're in 3rd person you know exactly where everything is and how it's situated. You know whats over that wall and around that corner.


then deal with it, if you wanna play 1st person make do with the low number of players, does that not tell you something? if your so hell bent against 3rd person go and play COD or Battlefield, Dayz is not the type of game suited to 1st

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:47 PM, ZenekZombie said:

How many players actually use experimental builds? How many of total DayZ players even checked for it or read the forums?


I'd use it before if I knew that it existed. So yeah, your argument about e-feets seems invalid to me.







I was just about to propose it aswell. Seems unfair for me, having both avaliable at once since one of them is clearly putting player at disadvantage.


Given that it would be a CHOICE between 1P and 3P ... you do realise how ridiculous what you posted actually is? :lol:


That's as daft as not letting players reduce their screen brightness to zero, in case they CHOOSE to be at a disadvantage. :emptycan:

Edited by RN_Max

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:50 PM, AP_Norris said:

You don't know if he hit his targets or not.

I find mouse fine... Why people complaining?


Comparing the current sensitivity to the mod of any other top of the line fps (Battle field-cod etc).


It's terrible imo  It's not smooth and hard to adapt to.


Other games i can go from one to the other and play on much the same smooth quick/accurate sensitivity as for the SA you can't....


Note: Tell me how many people you see shoot down a range like that with great accuracy i can assure you not many ;) (referring to the picture)

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Although I agree that having third person adds clear advantages, people simply still want to use it no matter how much you insist they shouldn't.


Generally I stay in first person most of the time, but sometimes when I'm travelling long distances the movement just simply gives me a headache, even with headbob turned off. This is even more so for players with poor framerates, if you're running below 25 frames it can be very irking to be in first person for extended periods. Especially if you're still holding a melee weapon (nessesary if you're in a town) and I'm not talking about people playing on toasters either.


Just seperate the servers, seperate hives is just an excessive measure. The advantage of gearing up in third person is negligible.

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  On 12/23/2013 at 12:54 PM, RN_Max said:

Given that it would be a CHOICE between 1P and 3P ... you do realise how ridiculous what you posted actually is? :lol:


That's as daft as not letting players reduce their screen brightness to zero, in case they CHOOSE to be at a disadvantage. :emptycan:


You don't get the point at all. There are people who enjoy playing at nights or with just a 1st person, but game is kind of forcing you to exploit gamma and use third person to see over your character. If you don't do so you'll be the only one running with flashlight at night on whole server and therefore exposing yourself while other clearly are not.


That's why it'll be nice to see it forced either way.




It just subtracts a bit enjoyment from the game if I know that most people on the server are exploiting game settings while I'm not.

Edited by ZenekZombie

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Yet to hear a pro for 3rd person that isn't an opinion.


Every single player that plays in 3rd person looks over walls and rooftops and around corners. Every single one. Fact.

Those reasons alone are why it shouldn't be allowed.

I don't care if you get sick, I don't. That's an opinion.

Simple as that.

If it was 1st person only would you never play again? I doubt it.

Edited by thehet
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Choice is opinion, you may yet discover that many choices in life have little to do with fact.  Especially when it comes to entertainment.  Which is paid for.


@ZenekZombie ... oh no not another one ... I don't agree so I don't understand?  Wrong.  I just don't agree.

Edited by RN_Max

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  On 12/23/2013 at 1:05 PM, thehet said:

Yet to hear a pro for 3rd person that isn't an opinion.


Apparently, for some people, easier gameplay counts as pro of 3rd person. Being in advantage also might be pro. Depends how you look at it. Tuning gamma and playing 3rd person in DayZ is like drawing dicks on Mona Lisa painting. It just doesn't feel right.


At least that's how I see it.

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And guess what?  You're entitled to see it that way, just don't expect everyone else to ... you will be very disappointed.  I am not on any side and don't think choice should be removed from the whole game to suit one side or the other.

Edited by RN_Max
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