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Some Ideas for Dayz

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Well first of all please excuse my english  and i'm sorry if this has been mentioned anytime before.



1: My Idea would be to improve the whole Atmosphere feeling by adding Crowling Zed's with cut off legs ( or maybe broken legs) and even some other kind of normal zombies with different injuries, ( Some gore is just needed in an Mod like this for my personal meaning)


2: In the final version of the Game i would like to see some kind of building little Outpost ( Not big ones just some little ones to rest at)


3: Possibility to build traps like Beartraps ect. would give an strategy kind effect into the game.




Of course i know it's still an Early Access Alpha and there will be huge changes up to the final build , and of course i know everyone has his own idea of an perfect Dayz but this are just some ideas and i would like to hear what you guys would think about that.



Thanks in advantage



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  On 12/23/2013 at 1:00 AM, Semphex said:

1: My Idea would be to improve the whole Atmosphere feeling by adding Crowling Zed's with cut off legs ( or maybe broken legs) and even some other kind of normal zombies with different injuries, ( Some gore is just needed in an Mod like this for my personal meaning)


I really like the idea of broken legs.



  On 12/23/2013 at 1:00 AM, Semphex said:

2: In the final version of the Game i would like to see some kind of building little Outpost ( Not big ones just some little ones to rest at)


Base building was talked about, but nothing is confirmed yet. I'd like this idea though.



  On 12/23/2013 at 1:00 AM, Semphex said:

3: Possibility to build traps like Beartraps ect. would give an strategy kind effect into the game.


This was actually in the mod, and I'd really like to see them in the full game.


Good suggestions, and great first post. Also, your english is fine.


Welcome to the forums!

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Thx for your Reply



Another idea i had so far would be a Second Map in the Final build of the Game maybe more modern like Big city's Huge Buildings with small ways around something like London ect. ( of course i just remembered 28 Days later now lol)


But would like anytime else a Second map which is different from Chernarus because Chernarus is already be known from Dayz Mod.




Well have fun in the Zombie Apocalypse ;)




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