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wish there was a bandit punishment system...

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so i haven't played since 1.7 was first intro

i got back from business trip and had issues with beta install now that they're fixed i log in. no guns holy moley! i was like ME LIKEY!! so boom get into cherno and was never happier to find a makarov, mind you like everyone knows getting into any town is a daunting task alone now, lol picked it up and left. found some sardines and 2 bandages and i was high on life!!

so i meet someone else and he has no gun we team up. he leaves my sight literally for 2 seconds and i hear a gunshot and see that BLAKE was killed im like oh gEEZ!! as soon as i go prone, bam one shot kill

so i'm wondering...i'm not complaining or anything but the zombie LOS is good now but bandit activity seems to have increased too

after starting 4 more games after the same demise over and over i just feel like i'm a fish in a barrel getting shot at...repeatedly lol

i like the way the difficulty is now but i feel like a bandit punishment system should be implemented like if you murder a survivor your gun instantly drops and you have to pick it up again...giving the survivor precious seconds to escape idk im just ranting :P

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There is a suggestion forum for a reason. Ya know, to suggest things.

Personally, I don't think this will ever happen. This game is getting to the point of it just being a zombie apocalypse simulator with full realism, which I enjoy that. So, do you think it's realistic for when you kill a survivor that your gun would just drop out of your hand?

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What we need is a chance of Zeds spawning on their arses when they fire their mega loud weapons from 3km away.

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Although I agree that there needs to be some kind of solution to the bandit problem I DONT agree with punishing anyones playstyle.

No one should be punished for how they play the game.

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no punishment. just something that lets people know theyre a bandit

Sounds like a good system. Maybe a hover over icon that indicates how many survivors they've killed. Almost like being able to see an evil glint in their eye or a sadistic twitch.

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yeah a punishment system would be unrealistic i suppose

wish there was a new way to tell who is friendly or not..then again anyone can turn to the darkside lol

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OP, I hate to sound like a asshole... but... you run into Cherno, get killed, then complain. You went into Cherno, honestly, what else did you expect to happen?

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yeah a punishment system would be unrealistic i suppose

wish there was a new way to tell who is friendly or not..then again anyone can turn to the darkside lol

True enough, but if you had a colour indicator based on how many they had killed then at least you'd know a pyscho when you saw one. If you're someones "first course" then that's just tough luck. Could work.

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You run into the big city because :

a) You have nothing to loose right at the start, now even less than before

b) You can gear up and get going within 10 minutes

c) Most spawns are near Elektro/Cherno

d) Maybe you are lucky and there is only a horrible sniper there, so you may make it out with all the loot. *scnr*

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well first off i said i wasn't complaining, in fact i said i like the new stuff in the game now. i thought i'd share my story and see what everyone else thought. and yeah i knew going into cherno was bad to begin with and it was a fun challenge to do it.

im not mad or angry, i just thought since there was so many new additions and fixes to bone the player, why not come up with one thing that can be rewarding.

and since starting this thread, i've been killed twice on the beach so i'm in no way complaining about getting killed in cherno

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The enemy to homicidal maniacs would be communication, even in a zombie apocalypse. If you've met other survivors you'd chat about the "crazy guy with a sniper rifle in Cherno whose killed scores of survivors" (ie lots of survivor kills / time on the account) and be able to recognize a prominent PK in future. That would allow players who are not PK prone to have some level of trust and form anti-PK groups to clear and hold areas.

I have a thread in the suggestion forum on this, but I expect there's also a lot of vocal PK fans who are salivating at having a full-loot open PvP game and quite like things as they are.

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A lot of realism purists would say this is a bad idea, but I disagree. Whilst it is true that anyone could gun you down, if someone makes a habit of it this is because they are a psychopath. If you met a psychopath in real life (in a lot of cases) your own human empathy would detect something wrong with the person. This might be obvious from the way they act or just an uneasy feeling. So even if such a character behaved friendly and invited you to a certain location you'd quite often pickup problems with the way they were acting, very rare is the psychopath that can be have normally. So I think an indicator to show there tendency for violence would fit with the game. It would have to based on a difference between your murder count and theirs, after all if you're emotionally disconnected yourself you can't detect others.

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yeah an indicator would be awesome lol but i have no idea how to even calculate what it would show. oh well, just gotta keep gambling with people i guess

i met up with a friendly a few minutes ago, but then he ran into kamenka, and then ran back out to where i was prone with every z in town lol then he had the nerve to logout and i was left with all the party guests...

alas...tis but another day in DayZ haha

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A lot of realism purists would say this is a bad idea' date=' but I disagree. Whilst it is true that anyone could gun you down, if someone makes a habit of it this is because they are a psychopath. If you met a psychopath in real life (in a lot of cases) your own human empathy would detect something wrong with the person. This might be obvious from the way they act or just an uneasy feeling. So even if such a character behaved friendly and invited you to a certain location you'd quite often pickup problems with the way they were acting, very rare is the psychopath that can be have normally. So I think an indicator to show there tendency for violence would fit with the game. It would have to based on a difference between your murder count and theirs, after all if you're emotionally disconnected yourself you can't detect others.


I agree basically something to compensate for the lack of being there in person.

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Combat rarely happens at that range though. To be useful you'd need to be able to detect a PK threat at longer range. Survivors showing each other a photo of "this is the guy who gunned down my group" would do that.

Use as a metric something like 1 survivor kill / 3 hours (per account, and hide the numbers) to allow for the occasional oops, shooting someone who really needed it and the fact the information wouldn't be perfect especially for marginal cases. My suggestion also includes you have to visit a survivor camp to get this information, you don't wash up on shore knowing it (so better assume everyone is a danger).

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I dont think there should be any indicator for bandits. I think think its kinda unfair to "mark" someone and not others cause im guessing this indicator would be visible giving away position and so on. I think there should be some kind of rewards for people helping others, an in game reward system of some kind promoting cooperation. now as for what those rewards would be i have no idea.

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So here is my solution.

Psychopath status between two player is based difference between their kills and yours.

To activate the indicator you must be at a close range. i.e. can't tell a murderer from far off

To activate the indicator must look at target at close range for several seconds. i.e. can't tell straight away

Indicator is a HUD element that shows from green to red depending on the psychopath status.

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i don't think it should be a mark from afar that will give a location away, but i def like the close range idea.

if the zombies can have a short LoS that turns this game into a prone simulator then why can't survivors have a bandit LoS so to speak

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the indicator might work if the "bandit" is trying to trick you to shoot you in the back but i hear most of the killing is done by sniping from afar and im guessing they'll group up with like minded people so i dont see it comming into play too much unless you get the drop on someone and they dont notice you. If your close range with a bandit the 2 seconds it takes for you to decide if he's a bandit or not might be the end for you.

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