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Survival or Deathmatch?

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The alpha is barely out and I'm already noticing a disturbing behaviour in the majority of the players: if it moves, shoot first and ignore questions. There's been a lot of talk during development about the survival aspect, about team play and reasons to simply not shoot on sight. So far, it's absolutely not working.

I was never a big fan of artificially punishing people for bad behaviour, like the bandit skins from the mod, but I do see the reason it was introduced: plenty of people are simply dicks. I really do want days to be the awesome survival game it could be, but so far I see mostly deathmatch from other players.

The ability to cuff people is great. The fact that gear takes damage when shot at is great. However none if this seems to really change player behaviour.

But yes... suggestion: I think perhaps people would spend less time hunting players if the environment posed a challenge. At lest a challenge that can't be overcome by killing players for loot. I'm really new to this and I can already clear an entire village of zombies with nothing but a pipe wrench. The environment is tame, but the players harsh. Maybe if the environment was harsher with more and stronger zombies, more players might choose cooperation rather than execution.

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I think the south has become a KOS fest because of the loot. There isn't any reason to go north, if you can get the only two guns at cherno/balota. Why leave? It needs that progression back, the mod felt like you gathered food/drink, and went north for guns/heli crashes.

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Yeh I feel you, I am new to this game and when I play dayz I love the idea of ppl against environment and other ppl, but basically what I see happening is that ppl get bored once they understand the environment and almost everyone will turn bandid, making it a shooting gallery. Basically the social experiment of dayz ends there, we are all assholes when we can be.

Atm it feels like a game you play for a while until you learn the ropes and then probably just get bored or move on to trolling ppl.


Personally I would add more uncertainty, more death and dispair, failing weapons, one bite kill zombies, deadly animals like snakes that will kill unless you get help you can not do yourself, plague's that will kill off everyone in the server if it is not stopped, the environment should be harsh harsh harsh, so it will force people to work together if they like it or not sometimes, and once they become friends, they can betray each other. Things that will force more dynamics into the choices you have to make as a player towards other players and retains it.

And to counter more reward for long life, things you will not get unless you work together.




Another HUGE thing I don't like about this game is friends playing with friends, it kill off the whole idea to me.

You should not know who the fuck you are meeting, you should not be able to band up with a buddy and murder all you can for joy.
The only friends you should have are ppl you met in the game, ppl you really don't know, ppl that might one day turn their back on you....


Edited by Unhek
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If your getting KOS alot:


1.) spawn

2.) find some food

3.) find a fire axe

4.) start running north


the longer you dick around in electro/cherno ungeared the faster your gong to get KOS. It's the nature of DayZ...


it's only going to get worse since shooters cannot loot - it becomes a larger grieving/deathmatch game then :(


use this map to hit the water sources running north in al the towns etc



once you get north you can somewhat relax

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If your getting KOS alot:


1.) spawn

2.) find some food

3.) find a fire axe

4.) start running north


the longer you dick around in electro/cherno ungeared the faster your gong to get KOS. It's the nature of DayZ...


it's only going to get worse since shooters cannot loot - it becomes a larger grieving/deathmatch game then :(


use this map to hit the water sources running north in al the towns etc



once you get north you can somewhat relax

Nah not my experience constantly get KOS up north too, hiding in the forest could be an option but actually there isn't enough to live from the fat of the land ^^.

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I always get the hell away from the respawns ASAP. Now up north people are fewer and further between but they still KOS with no reason. Just takes a bit longer is all.

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yeah the airbases up north will be camped with server hoppers. this is true. but at least by the time you make it there you should have a way to defend yourself.


again, if dean will patch in some sort of timer to prevent server hopping, KOS would drop 10x. most your KOS dudes are jumping servers and hunting players that way.

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Dean has sorta dug his own grave here.


Once you get geared (which is too f'n easy btw), the ONLY content in this game is to server hop and player camp military areas (bases, air fields, etc), and basically KOS everything in sight. The AI is down right horrible, so no one is going to drive their gameplay off that lol


It is what it is. Hopefully the game will get some real content soon, or else we went nowhere with the SA, only a circle back to DZMod lol

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