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dayz epoch group looking for 3 new players

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Hi me and my friend are looking to add a few new players to our group. we are both 16 and im from ireland and he is from the uk. we are both very expeirenced in dayz and are looking for good mature players. we use teamspeak to communicate as i have my own server for it. Fill out the application if your interested and i will pm you teamspeak ip.






How long have you been playing dayz:

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Age: 23


Location: NE tennessee(EST)


How long have you been playing dayz: almost a month.

also do have a mic and TS so yeah

Edited by JohnWesley

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Age: 17

Location: uk

How long have i been playing dayz: recently bought arma 2 but have over 100+ hours on standalone

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Age: 16
Location: UK
How long have you been playing dayz: Since 2012 roughly 

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