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The goals of a group....Discussion.

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So splintered thoughts involving the direction that DAYZ could go.


So we know there are books. I would hope that would mean learning skills to rebuild civilization.


Farming, building and industry.


Building communities from small groups.


Accomplishing 'goals' which would make the group stronger and ultimately trade between groups (either caravan and/or train).


All of which would change the dynamic of the game and make it worth a clans time and effort.

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Make players benefit from cooperation, group building, scoiety building... but no hard systems. More, emergent gameplay from simple systems.

Atleast, that is the picture I get form the way development is moving. I doubt we will see a ´´trading system´´ but maybe more incentive to trade rather than to steal, or at the very least, to steal instead of killing for loot?

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It's an interesting goal. I wonder exactly how it would be implemented though. My guess is that any bases which are established would need to be basically hidden campsites. Anything bigger or in a more prominent location is just going to get raided and trashed. I imagine once the game is complete there will be lots of clans stashing vehicles and items in the far north.


I'm skeptical that anyone could set up something that resembles a "community" in DayZ, even with crafting systems fully implemented, etc. What I'd really like to see is more content that allows clans and groups to have unique goals and missions. I've suggested adding non-lethal ways of disabling players in other threads, which would create opportunities both for bandit groups and rescue groups to accomplish their goals in really interesting ways. I am also someone who thinks that when they implement helicopters, they should (a) make them civilian helicopters, and (b) not make them too rare, because I think once clans and groups get their hands on vehicles and helis things will get a lot more interesting (they'd actually be able to patrol large swaths of territory, for example).

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