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Tactical Vest VS UK vest

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Is there any big difference betwen them?

By the looks of it tactical vest provides more balistic protection,while uk is by the looks provides more capacity capabilyties.

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Tactical and UK both carry the same amount of gear. I do not know whether one has more protection than the other.

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Thats just don't fit common sense.

They shouldn't even be the same,not by capacity capabilities nor by ballistic protection.

We need DB.Now.

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I've just assumed as you did, that the tactical vest was more protective, while the UK vest provided more carrying capacity. That appears to be wrong.


Just stylish then, I suppose. At this stage, I'm okay with that.

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They might change in the future. Right now they have the same capacity, so they probably have the same defense too. However, I read a post earlier where someone listed all of the in-game items from the game files and ballistic vest was in that list in addition to the 2 current vest types.  I'm assuming that they have yet to be implemented, but probably will at a later date. Would be nice if ballistic vests had less capacity but more defense, and assault vests the opposite.

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They might change in the future. Right now they have the same capacity, so they probably have the same defense too. However, I read a post earlier where someone listed all of the in-game items from the game files and ballistic vest was in that list in addition to the 2 current vest types.  I'm assuming that they have yet to be implemented, but probably will at a later date. Would be nice if ballistic vests had less capacity but more defense, and assault vests the opposite.

could you point out that post with the item listing please?

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Well, i found press version of ballistic vest in the last build(shame i didn´t screenshot it :/ ), so that atleast was in, and indeed had less carry space than uk vest. Tactical and uk vests seem to have same space and same description, so i assume they´ve got same functionality too.

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I prefer wearing tactical because for now i see that it delivers protection of more critical parts in the body(it covers all the upper body parts)

While Uk has deep U form cut in it.

As for firefights i can confirm no wounds were taken from 4 (2 of them in the back) hits it the chest from M4 at 30-50 meters range.

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