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Kysman (DayZ)

How to open cans

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Hi guys, I'm playing SA for a while and I notice I can't open Cans with food. I can open only tuna and some using axe but most of theme I can't. Can you please give me advice or tell me where I can find can opener or something???

Thx guys Kysman (see you in Chernarus)

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Can openers. Drag them over your canned item and click open X with can opener.


Where to find them? In civilian houses. They are stupidly rare though.

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You should be able to open cans with most sharp objects now (axe, screwdriver, etc). I haven't personally tested it, but that's what I'm hearing. As stated, if you find a can opener just drag it to the can and use the open function. I've also heard you can find the openers in industrial type spots. Personally I've only found one, but don't remember where I got it. I think it was in a grocery store, but can't be positive.

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