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how do i fix broken legs without epi-pen?

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i got my legs broken while spawning.... and i dont have any epi-pen. im not even sure epi-pen is in the game yet.

is there any way to fix it, which will not include being eaten by zombies?... finally got myself some gear...

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You can craft a splint, Im unsure how you make said splint though maybe by combining the wooden stick and bandages?

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Epi-pen is in game, but it is not for fixing broken legs (or reviving for that matter).

Use morphine or a splint on your character and relog.  :thumbsup:

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Epi-pen is in game, but it is not for fixing broken legs (or reviving for that matter).

Use morphine or a splint on your character and relog.  :thumbsup:


epi pen don't fix broken legs, morphine do

yea, got confused. anyway i think it was a bug, cuz i relogged into the server and now everythings fine.

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