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Ruined items after PvP

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Killing people in the game is part of surviving.  Some people just don't get that.  If running up to people and emoting "hi" gets you shot, then stop doing it.  Many players, including myself, play for the competitive PvP.  If going to Cherno gets you in the crosshairs of some sniper on a hilltop, find another place for loot. 


Or, better yet, be smarter and look for ways to kill him instead.

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Killing people in the game is part of surviving. 


Not always, no. I'll kill someone if it's necessary, but killing people for their items is not necessary to your survival in the game. Handling situations tactically and intelligently is part of surviving. That is all. If anything, being a player-killer puts you more in harm's way. Don't talk like you know how to play and other people don't. That's just like, your opinion man.

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If handling situations tactically and intelligently means trusting everyone who says, "I'm friendly, don't shoot.", then more often than not, you'll find a bullet in the back of your head.  I don't kill everyone I see, but I don't trust anyone outside of my group either.  


I don't need your gear to survive, but if it means I'll survive with a lesser amount of difficulty by taking yours, you're free game.  Or, I just might want to kill you because it's safer for me not looking over my shoulder.  Either way, that's why there are weapons.  I don't need a sniper rifle with 20X scope to kill a zombie.   :rolleyes:

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Great system but how does it work exactly? I don't think its modeled exactly per item location on the body is it?

Frankly if I kill someone with 1-3 bullets then 90% of their gear should probably be untouched..


If that's not the case, it should be balanced somewhat.

I agree if somebody ate a full auto mag, there will probably not be many intact beans on that guy left.

Edited by gloriousgonzo

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What exactly does item degradation even do?


Ruined consumables like food, bandages, canteens, water bottles, compasses, etc all seem to operate just fine. I've heard ruined guns are less accurate and ruined clothing provides less protection, but other than that it doesn't seem to me like something being ruined really even matters.

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I do agree that hitting someone elses backpack with a bat should get loot damaged as well. But it feels like some stuff are made out of glass... Items degrade way too fast now. It's not that all entertaining nor fun.

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There's nothing wrong with the mechanic itself but the fact that EVERYTHING (literally) gets ruined/badly damaged from getting shot by like 1 bullet (headshot) or a couple (burst to the chest) isn't right either. I'd understand it if you meleed someone to death or literally sprayed him full of holes but when it's a couple shots I find it a bit silly/excessive/unrealistic. If you are going for realism here, not every single thing in someone's inventory/backpack should get destroyed by getting shot a few times.

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Exactly my point.  The conversation changed a bit when people complained that bandits should find their own loot instead of killing others.  


Quite funny actually.    :)

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There's nothing wrong with the mechanic itself but the fact that EVERYTHING (literally) gets ruined/badly damaged from getting shot by like 1 bullet (headshot) or a couple (burst to the chest) isn't right either. I'd understand it if you meleed someone to death or literally sprayed him full of holes but when it's a couple shots I find it a bit silly/excessive/unrealistic. If you are going for realism here, not every single thing in someone's inventory/backpack should get destroyed by getting shot a few times.


In my experience this is not the case. Only items in the area where you are shot tend to be damaged.

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In my experience this is not the case. Only items in the area where you are shot tend to be damaged. 

Either I'm extremely unlucky that everyone is carrying around ruined shit anyway or there is something wrong with the hit detection of the area people get shot in. I often see pants being completely broken and all the items in them aswell after putting shots into someone's chest/head area.

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I have to disagree with you completely.  There is already WAY too much KoS going on in the alpha. I would actually like to see more features that benefit group play (aside from safety in numbers).


Well i agree with both sides. Items do get damaged ofc. Obviously! But if i shot a dude in the chest how can i damage what was in his pants? See the flaw? If i shot the the top of the backpack (ie neck) how could i damage everysingle item init? There is a flaw there, should randomize it so that 1-2 items get completely ruined for every shot

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Its a good system and its doing what it was designed to do

Lower the amount of KOS for items

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While you make a good point, orlok, the vast majority of items in DayZ would not be damaged by blood or other indirect combat soiling. Weapons, I could understand being adversely affected by blood and dirt gumming up the works, and perhaps cereal and rice would be tainted, matches and maps could get soaked, and fruit or even a plastic water bottle could get squished. But that's all that comes to mind. The rest could be rinsed off without adverse affect.

Not that I disagree with the mechanics. I just don't see your particular reasoning as being sufficient. If the engine is capable of it, I'd love to see more location specific damage.

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It's good as it is, makes robbery more rewarding and therefore encourages to team up.


I guess it's gonna change in the future, but I'm hoping for that they're not gonna change it much.

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If handling situations tactically and intelligently means trusting everyone who says, "I'm friendly, don't shoot.", then more often than not, you'll find a bullet in the back of your head.  I don't kill everyone I see, but I don't trust anyone outside of my group either.  




Lol, did I ever say that? You don't have to trust people to handle them in a way that reduces violence. Having a sniper in the hills in intelligent and tactical. Turning your back on a stranger with a gun is exactly the opposite, genius.


Besides, making PvP more profitable will only result in a shitty, trollish community that is hyper PvP centered when really that's only one part of this game. I can find tons of gear without firing a shot.




Yeah, that looks like a guy who trusts everyone he meets.  :rolleyes:

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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The whole game is PvP centered.  That's why it's using Arma 2.  Loot or no loot, players will not need a reason to kill others.  Even if it handicaps themselves in some way by doing so.  That's the competitive drive in this game - outsmarting your opponent.

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The whole game is PvP centered.  That's why it's using Arma 2.  Loot or no loot, players will not need a reason to kill others.  Even if it handicaps themselves in some way by doing so.  That's the competitive drive in this game - outsmarting your opponent.


The game needs a proper ways to explore social interactions in the situations game places us in...and killing/getting killed for lulz doesn´t count.

If there ever is a point where one feels more compelled to keep their character alive than to charge in with an axe in hopes of atleast dealing some damage to possible robber, then i say this game has succeeded to provide authentic survival situation.

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The whole game is PvP centered.  That's why it's using Arma 2. 


That make no sense whatsoever. WarZ has PvP. Lots of games have PvP. Stop trying to justify your views with weak arguments based on the engine. The game is primarily about survival. PvP is one aspect of that survival, which is utterly freaking apparent. Why else do you have to drink, eat, perform medical procedures, and prevent your character from getting sick? You also seem to be completely overlooking the fact that the aim is to have thousands of zombies on the map. The game is not just deathmatch. Get over it.

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I dont even bother looting the bodies, leave it there to attract more fresh spawns~

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too many dumb people in this thread. If you want all of someones gear undamaged, you're going to have to hold them up, simple as that. I know at the moment combat logging is way too prevalent, but obviously that's the problem, not item degradation. 


Shooting someone is it's own reward, and if you choose to shoot someone for their gear then you took the easy solution, and as a result will have less gear. Less risk = less reward. 

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I like the item degredation, its a little too much right now though (I got shot by a single mosin round in the leg and everything in my pants was ruined) but I dont think it should be removed. I kill people for their gear, I enjoy it more than running around in buildings finding that gear myself, and I find that the item degredation from bullets enriches my experience. When I see a great item that I ruined, like a scope, I think "damn...if only I got that headshot off..." and thats exactly how I think it should be, once they've got the item degredation in a realistic place, its going to be AMAZING.

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Yeah, it's understandable to a degree, however, the loot on a corpse presently looks like they were hit by a cannon.

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I'd like to see it being improved as well. Perhaps each bullet that hits the clothing article would ruin the item in an order? For example, you have a gas mask, bandages, beans, and gloves in your jacket, if 2 bullets were to hit your jacket, then your gas mask and bandages would be ruined in that order.

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I'd like to see it being improved as well. Perhaps each bullet that hits the clothing article would ruin the item in an order? For example, you have a gas mask, bandages, beans, and gloves in your jacket, if 2 bullets were to hit your jacket, then your gas mask and bandages would be ruined in that order.

it should probly be randomized, otherwise everyone will just put their most precious things in the last slot

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