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Current Mosin "Inaccuracy" unrealistic.

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As the title suggests right now the Mosin Nagant has a very large bullet wander over distance.  At 550 meters it was extremely difficult to hit a target as the bullet was wandering up to 3.5 meters (roughly) from my aiming point.  The Mosin was a rifle used by snipers in World War 2... (yes Enemy At the Gates Vasiliy Zaytsev) but also by the legendary White Death... Simo Hayha.  A good Mosin has a bullet wander of approximately 2-3" at 100 meters.  Multiply that by 5.5 and you'll get a wander of roughly 10.5 - 15.5 inches.  That's an acceptable wander for such a rifle in pristine condition.  My wander of 7 meters (3.5 in either direction) mean's the rifle is shooting a 1.2 meter grouping at 100 meters meaning that the Mosin is over twice as inaccurate in the game at 100m as a real life one is at 550m.... 


Now, this was using a pristine long range scope but I had to do my shots from the kneeling position.  The reason being that when zero'd my rifle invariably shot into the ground at the tip of my barrel despite the fact that I was on a hill. 


Love to hear a differing opinion on the matter... but in my opinion right now the Mosin needs some lovin'

Edited by jBrick
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how are you estimating the 550m?

kind of related, but people on reddit were pointing out that changing your FOV really changes the perception of distance in this game


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Well, its been 60+ years since Mosins have been new. That's a lot of years of corrosive ammo being shot through it to seriously ruin the bore. Lots of eastern bloc ammo has corrosive salts on the primer which if not cleaned properly and neutralized will eat the bore away.

But beyond all that its probably a play balance issue to prevent too much sniping in the Alpher.

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how are you estimating the 550m?

kind of related, but people on reddit were pointing out that changing your FOV really changes the perception of distance in this game



I zero'd in on a barraks @ 500 and it was roughly a foot low... I then zero'd for 600 and it was a foot and a half high... I'm guessing it was anywhere from 540 - 560 meters away.

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Well, its been 60+ years since Mosins have been new. That's a lot of years of corrosive ammo being shot through it to seriously ruin the bore. Lots of eastern bloc ammo has corrosive salts on the primer which if not cleaned properly and neutralized will eat the bore away.

But beyond all that its probably a play balance issue to prevent too much sniping in the Alpher.


Then the item description wouldn't be "pristine" ;P

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mosin is bugged, obviously. put your gun to 800m. aim at a target thats roughly 800 or more. youll see your bullet sway off to the left top

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Then the item description wouldn't be "pristine" ;P

Is there even weapon condition? I thought only attachments had conditions. When I hover over the weapon all I get is a blank item description.

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was it windy where you guys tried it?

wind has no effect right now asfar as i know

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If they want to make it harder to kill at long ranges then add wind, humidity, temperature and elevation.

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yeah I think all the weapons could do with a small accuracy boost. The pistol feels ridiculously inacurate too.

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If they want to make it harder to kill at long ranges then add wind, humidity, temperature and elevation.


Agreed... because then it is a consistent movement to a specific direction and you are able to calculate roughly the general location of the bullet.  Unfortunately most games go completely bonkers and overboard in calculating the affect of windage etc. and have even included the corealis effect for sub 1,000 meter shots.. which is almost negligible for that distance.

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was it windy where you guys tried it?

idk, rocket told me to turn off the clouds :P

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wow cry more, i kinda like how it is atm and i think you need to check if wind actually has an effect. 


Just imagine that you get shot at but he barely misses you and then you can return fire instead of instant you are dead screen.

Edited by Jojjkano

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wow cry more, i kinda like how it is atm and i think you need to check if wind actually has an effect.


It is NOT windage... the bullet's are "wandering" due to weapon inaccuracy.  if it was windage I'd be consistently moving to an area but it's actually all over the place...

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I havent had any issues, when i tested these claims the bullets went bang on center of crosshair.


Must be weapon decay or something.

Edited by Jojjkano

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I think that such inaccuracy at 550m is acceptable, wait for better rifles to be added for sniping.

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Remember the character you are playing is just a civilian not a pro sniper from the army.

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Did some testing myself, while prone at 800m theres a load of spread, but once i deployed the bipod it the spread pretty much vanished, though it did hit consistantly to the left a little, this may be down to the scope being badly damaged or maybe the gun itself.

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Did some testing myself, while prone at 800m theres a load of spread, but once i deployed the bipod it the spread pretty much vanished, though it did hit consistantly to the left a little, this may be down to the scope being badly damaged or maybe the gun itself.


Yea I have noticed the shots are hitting to the far left at long distances.

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Remember the character you are playing is just a civilian not a pro sniper from the army.


I'm a civillian and I can shoot a handgun free standing more accurately than this guy is shooting a rifle at 500 meters.  8 Meter Spread... total garbage.

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Not to mention every Mosin you find in DayZ has a turn down bolt which specifies it as "sniper" grade.  They should be really accurate.  Also I think they should have more commonly found regular Mosins that don't have the down turn bolt which wouldn't let you use the scope.  Right now there are basically (broken) sniper rifles laying all over the place.  I'm sure in the next few patches they'll play with the accuracy numbers, I'm sure it's not intended to be this extreme.

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