{sas}stalker 108 Posted December 23, 2013 (edited) You shouldn't punish people for playing how they want to play, I'm all for having a distinction in character attributes but they need to be balanced. Its no good wanting one play style to be buffed and one nerfed simply because you may not like that play style. Both paths should offer advantages and disadvantages, you could argue that the bandit should be more stealthy and make less noise because that is what he is practicing more of. Edited December 23, 2013 by {SAS}Stalker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rn_max 202 Posted December 23, 2013 Another pointless topic decrying the natural behavioural tendencies for some players in a game littered with firearms. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted December 23, 2013 You shouldn't punish people for playing how they want to play, I'm all for having a distinction in character attributes but they need to be balanced. Its no good wanting one play style to be buffed and one nerfed simply because you may not like that play style. Both paths should offer advantages and disadvantages, you could argue that the bandit should be more stealthy and make less noise because that is what he is practicing more of.Yah that would make sense, I made a new post with the same idea and some others too just out of boredom and to see if anyone might like em. Just trying to get some ideas out there. Good or bad, to maybe inspire other people to have better ideas to improve the game, cuz that's all I want is for the game to be improved since were in alpha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotRedd 51 Posted December 23, 2013 all im seeing are BRING NPC INTO THE GAME. also, this game shouldnt discourage people on how they want to play it. if i want to kill people, let me. if they dont, then they dont have to. if i want to be sneaky, let me, if i dont then ill take my shot gun and shove it up your ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Knightmare (DayZ) 109 Posted December 23, 2013 The only way to make survivors want to team up, is through the game content, aka Zombies. If you could actually get swarmed by a horde, then perhaps you'd be more willing to let the guy looking for beans tag along with you. If you actually needed a group of people to raid a military base, etc etc. That said any form of punishment or benefits to one style of play over the other is not what this game is about. And reputation based on player actions?-Murders an unarmed player-"Ah fuck me! Radagast's fucking eagle just saw me, now he's going to go tell everyone how bad I've been!" -Fires pistol at Eagle- "Get back here you little piece of shit!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted December 23, 2013 I think you're ideas are good Zeeb and you should look to implementing them somewhat down the line when DayZ becomes available to modders. I don't think they will suit everyone however, so I don't agree that they should be put into the main game.They are merely options that could prevent random killers, it is not in my interest to add them all, but 1 or some so that we can look upon a brighter future, these are merely different ideas that could improve it, not something that definitely should be added, thank you for your response. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mallow88 110 Posted December 23, 2013 Let's just let the game get to where the developers currently envision it, THEN let's worry about major game changing mechanics to deal with KoS. Alright? So sick of all the KoS threads when the alpha has been out a week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted December 23, 2013 (edited) Some people does not seem to understand my obvious message...I am NOT trying to actually "remove" random player killing, I simply want to improve it in terms of making it less active, if you were in a REAL zombie apocalypse, you wouldnt just go out the first thing you do and murder everyone you see.(unless youre a complete maniac that never got hugged as a baby)Just get this into your heads, I want to "IMPROVE" not "REMOVE", shouldnt be THAT hard to get it.I had to actually change the title for people to understand this, annoying indeed.. Edited December 23, 2013 by Zeeb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Knightmare (DayZ) 109 Posted December 23, 2013 (edited) Just get this into your head, I want to "IMPROVE" not "REMOVE", shouldnt be THAT hard to get it.. The real problem is perspective. Your "improve" is subjective. I don't like the fact that the game can be such a deathmatch, but in that, there cannot be any kind of benefit or punishment applied for differing player interactions. For different styles of play. I avoid being killed by shooting first if I'm caught in a bad situation. Otherwise I avoid contact. I do shoot on sight out of necessity. But the biggest problem currently is that the game has no need for people to group up, even temporarily. There is no need for a five man group to magically come together by happenstance to clean out the zombie horde guarding the nearby hospital. You cannot punish a specific play style and then go labeling it as an improvement. It is an improvement for you.The game doesn't have enough content in the form of zombies at the moment to warrant people working together by NEED, over WANT. Until that time you have to take player interactions with a grain of salt, or join a community of like-minded individuals to protect yourselves against all threats, NPC and human-foe. My own opinion is that I'd love to see more people working together. Instead of just bandits shooting fresh spawns with high powered .50 cal sniper rifles like the Mod tended to devolve into. But punishing a person for killing another is not how to do it. Edited December 23, 2013 by Knightmare Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted December 23, 2013 (edited) Well a game will always be a game, dreaming of a 100% realistic game is like dreaming for world peace, there are way too many factors to consider, the biggest one of all is the fact that when you play a game, youre safe.Since you cant die IRL, you wont act as if it actually were IRL, hence you can never get a fully realistic game, thats why they have to consider to start making it into an actual game, not into a pointless dream that will never happen, hence benefit & punishment from different actions.That is a realistic view, anything else is actually ignorant since being realistic is how you deal with things, day dreaming is for pot smokers.Also as obvious it may be, people seem to forget that these are MY options, so ofcourse it is options that I think is improvements, that is why people can decide for themselves wether to like it or not, I do not force anyone to think in my terms, Im simply putting a suggestion like anyone else, a suggestion from MY point of view, doing anything else than that does not make any sense. Edited December 23, 2013 by Zeeb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mallow88 110 Posted December 23, 2013 I never used the word "remove". But what you are suggesting is major game changing mechanics, so how about we wait and see what the game is intended to be before we start trying to have it changed? What you are playing now is completely bare bones, and will change drastically with time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Knightmare (DayZ) 109 Posted December 23, 2013 [..]being realistic is how you deal with things I get your point and agree with the idea that someone who is playing a game, isn't going to be "fearful" of dying, in the same way as if they actually had a gun pointed at them in real life. Thank goodness this is a game. The meaning of life in DayZ is very simple. Your gear. At least for the majority sake in the value of life. I don't mind dying as much as a fresh spawn as I do fully kitted out. Considering there is basically nothing to do but survive (which when you understand how, becomes simple), get gear, and then if you desire, kill people. Why should I care about anyone else? Because I have no reason to. I bet you'd probably find some unlikely alliances in a real zombie apocalypse. Why is this? Simple - surviving has a way of overpowering your prejudices, at least enough to work together. Not always of course, but it would highly influence it. But in DayZ this is completely non-existent because zombies aren't a threat. I mean a real threat, 100 times worse of a threat than they were in the mod (mod zombies were not really one at all). Like Rocket said having hundreds of them in a city. Something that essentially forces you to team up. Want good loot? Bring friends or hope someone else is nearby. Etc, etc. You can't impose artificial penalties on someone killing another player though. The threat of being killed by another player is what makes this game exciting. Yes-yes-yes you aren't saying remove it, but you are saying to punish it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IcyBlade 48 Posted December 23, 2013 In human history we have proven we are selfish and aggressive, you can't assume these changes will fix that and to be honest I don't like the sound of what was suggested in the main post.We have however also seen that when faced against a common enemy people will band together to overcome the more powerful opposition, then they will either continue fighting each other or perhaps form meaningful alliances. This can be used, by making zombies far more numerous, deadly and aggressive so that they become this common enemy. Additionally zombie hord mentality may also encourage player grouping, as in war, mirroring oppositions behaviour is common, generally as you don't want them to have the advantage. Can't stop people fighting but you can persuade them to at least not fight each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tiger205 48 Posted December 23, 2013 9#The most common reason to random kill is because of boredom You must be dying a lot with all those potential threats left unattended on your ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted December 28, 2013 (edited) @Tygrys:I've killed more people than you can imagine, and most of the times it is because I got bored.All potential threats gets taken care of, I rarely die in this game and when I do it is because I was careless and trusting, that is why I believe something needs to be done.KoS'ing bandits like myself needs penalties. Edited December 28, 2013 by Zeeb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 98 Posted December 28, 2013 I dunno how to feel about KoS. I'm not a KoS guy but I will do it depending on the time of day in the server and my mood. Last night for instance it was dark and I noticed flashlights in Balota. So I go stalk this bambi. He didn't have shit on him but I started messing with him. Breathing heavy in the mic. Purring like a walrus. He was running around crazy in buildings trying to figure out wtf was happening. So I shot him in the arm through a window. He bolts like a rabbit in the middle of the road that can't figure out which side of the road it wants to move to so instead zig-zags in the middle. I kept screaming in the mic in Batman's voice i'm going to grape you i'm going to tie you to a fucking radiator and grape you in the mouth and then I would laugh like the crazy dentist from that old stupid movide Dr. Giggles. Finally he spotted me running at him and started running in circles. I yelled BEEEEAAAARRRRGHGHGH like that Howard Dean speech when he was running for president and I shot the poor bambi 17 times in the head. Then I tea bagged him and moved off to a safe area and logged off and went to bed. I was just really really bored after gathering supplies all day up north and needed some excitement via psychological terror. On the flip side. I woke up a bit ago and logged into my usual server. Daytime now and I leave the outskirts of Balota and head towards the settlement to the west. Right on the road I see this damn bambi heading towards Balota. I scream in the mic get down get down blablgkahdlsahlgka but I'm sure all he heard was crazy gibberish. He immediately goes prone. So I start talking to him calmly and let him know that if he wants to survive that he should never be directly on the roads. Told him to use bush lines and trees or even better, follow roads from a couple hundred meters away and stay crouched near settlements, especially during the day. Then I hooked him up with a few cans of tuna and a half filled cantean and told him there was a stream nearby he could fill it up at. Told him good luck and started the long trek back up north so I could loot military buildings that were already cleared out from within by server hoppers. My point is I'm generally a pretty nice guy and I do like helping people. But if I'm really tired and or bored I can turn into a sociopath. It being night time inscreases the chances of that by a large margin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted December 28, 2013 Right now being a "bandit" is easiest and most rewarding thing to do in game. And poeple usually do what is easiest to do. Maybe if with every player you kill you would become hungry/thirsty faster then being a bandit would require more skill and thus would be reduced. If being a bandit stays the easiest thing to be, then banditry level will never drop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gamer222 86 Posted December 28, 2013 When I see this guy in game I'll be friendly to him then chop him with axe... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lorax 99 Posted December 28, 2013 my thoughts... - keep it 100% sandbox, no skills, no artificial installments -> remove bandit/hero skins - make gameplay really hard: no easy losing zeds, rare items/ammo, always struggle to survive, firing a rifle should be heard miles away (depending on terrain...) attracting lots of zeds. - your only goal must be to stay alive at all cost. and that should be not as easy as it is now. beeing save and geared up should not be a normal thing in dayz... - real permadeath (no hoarding, no easy sk if kamenka spawn...), f.e. join only once a day^^ - benefits from interaction (risk vs. reward), things that are easier together (f.e. one distracts zeds, other loots) - stealth is the way of the survivor - maybe make "casual" and "hardcore" difficulty to get rid of 3rdp and other stuff without loosing sales - pvp (and kos) is part of the game, just make it harderThose are pretty much my setiments, and I have stated that before on forums. I've thought about the once you die you can't join for a day thing as well, but haven't said that...I like it. Also I think your tent should disappear as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phL (DayZ) 63 Posted December 28, 2013 i think there are not only a few players that want the survival aspect of the game to be pushed but it is going opposite direction. it could be achieved by altering the sandbox parameters, huge changes would be necessary. i wish someone would make a real hardcore survival mod... like a coding slave who makes my ideas come true ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted January 2, 2014 Yeah I baught Arma 2 and this standalone because I wanted a pure survival game, now it just feels like a deathmatch with zombies as a twist.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEM (DayZ) 5 Posted January 2, 2014 So basically you want to change DayZ into any modern MMO this days. Which will kill all the fun but not solve the problem of griefers because they don't care about anything and will exploit safezones and tradepost turning them into hotspots.Also adding currency to game will allow KOS ppl to hoard huge amount of money which will decrease value of your character even more. BTW how you are planing solve the problem of additional performance loss created by NPC that will need to have some really advanced AI to fight with bandits also how you want to distinguish player that KOS from player that is defending himself because that was never solved in mod? I've seen this scenario so many times... Players complaining about PVP because of random ganks or griefers developers put some game mechanics to prevent it which usually don't solve any problems but it slowly change PVP game into mindless farm simulator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted January 15, 2014 It is a shame that people does not feel something can be done, something can always be done and things can always be improved.The reason why I am now back to DayZ Epoch is because I feel the standalone must get improved, else it feels like im playing, as mentioned before, a deathmatch game. I already have deathmatch games where I can frag all I want.I play to survive, not to be forced into killing others every 5 minute, that is fucked up.Epoch is the only mod I've played which actually have less bandits then overall DayZ average.Something needs to be done here.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted January 15, 2014 It is a shame that people does not feel something can be done Listen, mate. Just because people don't like your ideas doesn't mean we feel the effort is hopeless. Random player killing will become less common when people have other stuff to do. Scrambling around looking for a bunch of goof-ball fixes to the problem now is like trying to fix the fact that your house is always cold before it has walls on it. "We need blankets!" "Start a fire!" No. Just wait for the fucking walls to be built. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeeb (DayZ) 75 Posted January 15, 2014 I can tell you are just one of those forum flamers, hence I will ignore what you wrote. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites