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Everyone just quits the game when they die to keep their stuff!!??

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Everytime I kill someone their body and all their stuff immediately disappears. I'm assuming they are just exiting the game really quick as soon as they die so it doesn't get saved to the server? 
This completely kills the game for me. How are they doing it? Is it a certain key to exit dayz so fast? And when will it be fixed :(

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Last time I got bit by this I was swapping the victims backpack with mine. I was going to then move my gear into the bigger backpack I looted from him. I got the backpack, then his body dissapeared........ all my stuff.... went with him.

I read it's tied to when the guy respwans though, I dont think its about combat logging.

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It's because they click respawn too quckly to start over, and I think it causes their corpse to disappear. This happened on the DayZ Mod as well. I've seen it happen a few times.

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It's called combat logging and for some it may be just a bug. It's being worked on. 


They don't keep their gear, they're still dead and lost everything, but it keeps you from getting it as well. Are you just running around killing people and are upset you're not getting their lootz?

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My clan just noticed this issue last night and tonight on one of the US West servers where hitting the re-spawn button just gave us 'waiting for host' forever so the only way to re-spawn was to exit (corpse disappears) and rejoin the server.  Please don't assume it is a combat logger when literally every person on the server is forced to do it to keep playing.

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I dont mind if people try to combat log during combat, just a reason to want to kill them faster and aim better. But having this happen after I killed them? Not cool.. Im glad its being worked on. Sucks not having a reward when everybodys gear disappears when they click respawn or exit 

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It is not combat loging.... This is a bug there the body disappears. What you want them to stay still in the black screen and wait for your bandit arse to loot them?

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It is not combat loging.... This is a bug there the body disappears. What you want them to stay still in the black screen and wait for your bandit arse to loot them?


Lol until the bug is fixed, yeah :) 

I gotta throw my bag on the floor and take theres as soon as they die I guess for now

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Oh nice good to know its fixed in next patch!
Any idea when that will be? 

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It's because they click respawn too quckly to start over, and I think it causes their corpse to disappear. This happened on the DayZ Mod as well. I've seen it happen a few times.

That's not it. Me and a friend tested this and our bodies stayed the entire time. Its a fail attempt at combat logging or a rage quit.

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So. every time I've died and immediately quit the game (not 'rage quitting', it just seems a natural stopping point.... time to do something else for an hour or two). I robbed the KoSing bastards of all my gear?.


Awesome, Couldn't be happier.

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