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Who have you killed?

Who have you killed?  

135 members have voted

  1. 1. Sofar, why have other players have died at your hands? (multiple selection)

    • I've not killed another player (yet).
    • Accident. (e.g, they got in the way while I was swinging at a zombie)
    • They attacked me but I won the fight.
    • They attacked me then ran away, so I hunted them down.
    • They attacked/killed my friend.
    • They were acting suspiciously.
    • They had something I wanted.
    • They had lots of things I wanted.
    • They were bugging me.
    • For the fun of it.
    • For the challange of it.
    • Other?.
    • They posed a potentional threat.

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Curiosity killed the cat, but also the mouse the cat was following.


Today I saw someone with full camo and an assault rifle run into a field outside of cherno. I followed. As I walked in his direction I saw him prone in the field. He was aiming down on the city thinking he was camouflaged. I aimed at him. I asked "are you friendly?" No response. He turned to face me. I yelled "Are you friendly?..... Are you FRIENDLY." I saw him pull out his gun and start aiming. I shot at his head, missed and hit the ground around him. I fired again, hitting his shoulder. He rolled over and fired some shots. I shot one more shot, hitting him in the head and killing him.


I'm not sure whose in the wrong here. I'm a curious person. I never kill unless I feel threatened but at the same time I put myself into threatening situations. Although I tracked a person into a field, I had no intention of killing him. The lack of a response and having a gun pointed at me left me with no choice but to kill him.


This is why I love DayZ. Everything is questionable.

Edited by gaznox

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Was in Chernogorsk second day into DayZ SA Im looting a residential building and a fully kitted camo army player with M4 launches himself up the stairs, we lock eyes, i duck into the room i was searching and then he asks me over VOIP if im friendly, With my mic busted i typed i was friendly, He accepted it and said he would leave and let me continue looting.


A feeling or relief came over me for a moment but then i rememberd, A fully decked camo guy wouldn't be wandering around Cherno unless hes after something, So i go back down the stairs and a hear a ruckus of zombie sounds to my left i pop my head out the door and take a look see, The fully decked out camo guy is hitting two zombies in the street and another two what seemed to be average geared players were hanging around him, It seems my head poking out caught thier attention.


At this point all i had was the mountain backpack a motorcycle helmet and a Fireaxe and i wasn't in the mood to be negotiating with the camo guys friends so his friends start runnning towards me without saying a word, My quick reflexes had me spin around and hightail it out of there and duck into the backalleys at this point the M4 guy's mate was screaming at me saying "we just want your blood!" I may have listened to this nonsense if the camo guy wasn't spraying his m4 at me.


Anyways i meandered my way around the back alleys for a little bit and then ducked into a house i had already visited and ducked in there for 3 minutes, After the time had passed i popped my head out again and looked up and down the street and saw no one, At this point my objective was to get out of dodge and move onto the next town, Before i did this i wanted to check out the nearest industrial shed to see if anything good was in there, Unfortunately it was empty as i was jogging out i saw one of the camo guys friends fireaxe in hand charging towards me to my right side, Without stopping i unslung my own Fireaxe and timed my strike, It seemed this guy didn't even see me to avoid my axe strike it plunged deep into his chest/throat area and he went down like a sack of potatos.


As is common right now the body didn't just stop dead ont he floor it carried on sliding i managed to open up his gear and one of things i was desperately searching for was in his pack a Can Opener i swiped it and took off to the north as i passed the northern area i came across a dead bambi and low and behold he had a Mosin, I swiped it and continued on my journey.


I still have the Mosin with a few other attachments i have found in my survival journey.

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Added. but it does kinda throw off the statistics adding something after the voting has started.

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Where is the option that they just quit out the game when they got into a little trouble or fell down?

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I am extremely surprised at these poll results... "They attacked me but I won the fight" is most chosen option. Interesting. So far I've only had to kill one other player. He attacked me in the firestation in Cherno with an axe. Little did he know that I play Chivalry.

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I've only killed one guy been in many close heart throbbing situations though but the one guy, I was leaving the main building at balota airport after a real nice hall and as i stepped out to the world before me bullets suddenly pelted the ground around me, I made a break for the back of the building away from where i thought the bullets were coming and darted into cover without taking a hit, then i waited for him to appear from his hiding spot to come find me.

After almost a minute he must of decided i was gone or not worth the chase and like a fool he exposed himself by climbing to the top of the glass dome flight observation tower.. thingy, i watched and waited as he climbed up the ladder then got into position and went prone and grabbing all my 2 virtual balls i strafed out of my cover and i popped a couple of shots at him in reply, I don't think they hit as i could only see a slither of his back but it scared him and he stood up so i peppered that bastard up real good and his body feel from the roof all the way to the ground and not for a second did i think of looting him no i did the manly thing, i ran and i ran and i ran as tears coated my face!

I am bored lol

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Refuse to kill anybody unless they attempt to kill me first. Lived by this rule all through the mod and will not be changing for SA. If you do want to "have a go" though....i have a particular set of skills...

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I've killed three players so far.


One was self defense. A player kept following me while saying friendly (I've been keeping count since I started on SA, 4 out of the 5 players who have said "friendly" have attempted to kill me unprovoked within a minute of encountering them). I told him to go away or I would shoot him. He said "That's not cool I just want to team up" pulled out his axe and started charging at me swinging, so I shot him.


One was in Balota Airfield. I had a fresh spawn after an unfortunate death to another player, and noticed I was at Balota so I decided I had nothing to lose and checked it. I picked up an M4 and ammo, and while I was in the room a guy logged in next to me decked out in gear. He turned and faced me and I shot him reflexively, since he had an M4 too.


The last one I felt really bad about. I had an extremely good set of gear to start a run inland with (35 slot backpack, tons of food, FOUR canteens, a coveted can opener and a Mosin Nagant with ammo to spare). There was just one problem. A zombie snuck up on me while I was filling my canteens and hit me leaving me bleeding. I had no bandages, so out of desperation I took off my shirt to tear it into rags. Problem was, the game decided to just make the shirt disappear instead of tear into rags properly. I searched house to house as fast as possible hoping to find something desperately when I saw a player running from three zombies. I walked around the corner to see him trying to fight them all off with a baseball bat, and I gunned him and the zombies down. I ripped his shirt off and tore it into rags only to pass out unconscious right as I went to use the rag.


I'm generally not a KoS guy, as I usually avoid players if possible, and when I encounter unarmed players I always leave them be unless they follow me and ignore my statements to leave. So that was a situation where I was desperate and killed a guy in vain, just to literally take the shirt off his back to save my own ass, and it didn't even work.

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I've killed two players.


The first was day one, a buddy and I were at Zelno, looting around when two players came up on me and said friendly I replied friendly and went north to find my friend. Stopping at the small group of houses just north of Zelno we look back to the pond we just drank from and saw the same two guys that we had just met. Then outta no where a player with an M4 started shooting at the unarmed players. After the fire fight one lay dead and one injured. We watched the player with the M4 ran just west of where we were hiding. As my friend initiated a fire fight I flanked north and planted a 7.62 rnd right in his bean. Later on we saw the injured guy at Pustoshka, we talked for a bit told him we killed the player that tried killing them and proceeded to NWAF.


The second one was at NEAF I was alone and looting the airfield on my way to the ATC I forgot to loot the far west military/jail building so I started heading back to it, just as I got west of the hangers I saw 3 players crossing the airfield and they saw me, All went prone and sighted up on me, I ran like hell using the pine trees to hide my relocation. After a few minutes of crouching around I got into position about 500m away and saw them still looking for me, knowing that leaving my position would most likely end up with my death I opened fire on only one guy, shot him with my Mosin and Long Range scope and he fell dead. Fired the rest of my rounds  around his body and watched the other two log out.


This is my rule: I am a survivor, NOT a hero NOT a bandit I will do what it takes to survive, if you aim at me I will fire no questions asked, so leave those guns down and I'll break out my camping stove and we'll eat, drink, and tell our stories.

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