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A story... Chaos at Balota airfield

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I'm new to this game, didnt play the mod but watched some vids.

This is about my 5th life.


So I spawned at Balota, right next to the airfield, I started looting the houses without many issues then I see what appears to be a military base, so I'm like "yay, a chance for loot" I go inside, there doesn't seem to be anyone inside; I loot the first few buildings for an M4 w/o mag, a mountain backpack (35 slots), an axe and some ammo.


Some people appear, friendly enough, we part ways and suddenly one tries to handcuff me, I down him with the ace and a new spawn appears, also friendly. We chat for a while and part ways; but when looting the control tower he comes at me telling me to help him since he is being punched but some dude. So I help him, axe comes out and turns out the puncher had an armed friend hidden in the hangar. A zombie is behind him.


I decide to take a run behind a small building there while he is firing at the man that asked me for help, he ends up dead. I notice the zombie comes up behind him and attacks him while he is not looking so I charge; he seems to be glitching but I take him out. His friend is trying to kill me with an axe as well, I dont have any guns so it's an axe duel against him. I kill him without taking a hit, fortunately.


At this point I am absolutely shaken, I'm shivering, but decide to loot the guy with the gun. He uses a military helmet and a pistol that takes .45 ACP rounds, I have 30 in my pocket. New spawns come in, I tell them to back off. I am trying to reload the pistol but I didn't know how, while I'm figuring it out, I hear what seems to be shots and ricochets. I panic, get inside one of the small buildings still trying to reload the pistol. I figure it out but I still hear shots. I yell at the mic that someones shooting and the spawns tell me no one is firing. I don't believe them.


At some point I stop hearing them so I beeline into the forest, my hands are cold and I'm scared, I get paranoid: my backpack is blue so maybe they'll spot me. I have no idea where to go, the town next to the airfield (the one with the big buildings) is probably full of bandits or people with guns so I dont feel like going there. I decide to go one more time into the control tower and see if I can find a mag for the M4 (more on that later), but I'm still terrified.


I decide I want to get away from any urban zone and somehow end up in the houses between Balota and Chernogorsk, I enter a house and log out; I don't know what to do now.


How should I play it from now on? Paranoid like or friendly? Needless to say I dont KoS, I just tell to stop and ask if friendly, haven't met anyone with guns so don't know what to do.

Should I move inside the forests or on the roads?


I feel like having the mag less M4 or the military helmet is bad mojo since they are rather prized, thinking maybe I should ditch them.


This has been my most interesting life and I friggin love this game thanks to how it went down.


PS: About my trip to the control tower: When I go inside there seems to be a new spawn idle in there, I say Hi but he doesn't answer so I move upstairs. When I'm on the top floor I hear him responding but, since I'm still shook out, I pull out the pistol and tell him to freeze, then I calm down since he doesnt have anything and we chat for a while. I give him an extra pistol I find and we part ways.


This is the time I'm thinking where to go, and I try to pull out a map from the steam interface, but not before hiding in a small shed in the far end of the airstrip. While trying to find myself I hear someone on the mic, I pull out the pistol and lean out to see what is happening, apparently some Douche bag is chasing and taunting the dude I met at the control tower, trying to kill him. I decide to take him out but the pistol isn't firing; when I press tab it does say the mag is full and it is reloaded so any notes on what could be the problem?


This is the longest thread I've written :P

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You need a pistol clip to load the rounds into, same as the m4.

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You need a pistol clip to load the rounds into, same as the m4.

The M4 takes a pistol clip?........ Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

Edited by OOPz

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You need a pistol clip to load the rounds into, same as the m4.


The clip was filled and it was inside the gun

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You need a pistol clip to load the rounds into, same as the m4.

You should be able to breech load pistols.

Edited by AP_Norris

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Good read, i hope you are enjoying the game so far. It's that kind of encounters and you heart beating that makes the game so amazing.

Good on you for not shooting them on sight btw. Also, don't be paranoid, its not a good trait to have in this game. Avoid the roads yes, but follow them in the treeline if you get lost. And don't get attached to you gear to the point you are afraid of player encounters

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Not having a map is part of the damn fun man :) Play like your there, while its all still fresh and new.

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one day i found shotgun shells but no gun, i tried to ram them into my m4...no worky...



nice story...i suck at story telling as you can see.

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FYI, you can chamber rounds into the m4 (without a clip), so it stands to reason that you should be able to with the pistol. Hopefully, they'll add that in later. Anyway, you have to maintain a fine line between suspicious and trusting of everyone. It all depends on the situation. If you ask 'friendly' in chat and you don't get an answer, I would beware. Also, if you can find the supplies to make a trip up north you'll find less KOS fags and more realistic survivors.

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FYI, you can chamber rounds into the m4 (without a clip), so it stands to reason that you should be able to with the pistol. Hopefully, they'll add that in later. Anyway, you have to maintain a fine line between suspicious and trusting of everyone. It all depends on the situation. If you ask 'friendly' in chat and you don't get an answer, I would beware. Also, if you can find the supplies to make a trip up north you'll find less KOS fags and more realistic survivors.

 Actually I'm now at a village north form a big Comm antenna with a packload of food and healthy and it is true, I met a big group in a town nearby and they were friendly, also KoS or at least fire and ask questions later mentality is only at military bases... I got shot in the arm in one but I hid and told them I wasnt gonna fire so they let me out.

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I'm a newbie to Day Z, followed accounts of the original mod when it came out but never played until the alpha SA release. Sometimes it seems this is more of a sociological experiment than a PC game. Was on top of the control tower at the airfield ( I've finally learned how to navigate ladders without falling to my death or giving myself a crippling injury) when I heard several shots ring out nearby. Saw a survivor lying on his back on the runway. He had a backpack on but I could not tell if he was armed or what other gear he had. As I watched through the telescopic site of my M4, two armed survivors walked out and stood over him, obviously dividing up their loot. They were not close enough for an easy shot, and I'd not fired on another human yet (The zombies are our common enemy! Can't we all just get along?), but I just felt that they should have a taste of their own medicine. So I lined them up in my site and let loose a burst. They scattered like ants and only then did I realize there were actually  three heavily armed bandits. No one dropped and I got off two more bursts before it suddenly hit me that I was outnumbered and isolated on top of that control tower. So I high tailed it off of there, running in the opposite direction, in the process passing another survivor yelling "I'm friendly! I'm friendly!" as he ran unwittingly toward the hornets nest I'd just stirred up. I didn't hang around to listen for any gunshots after that.

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