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With over 5 million revenue in sales.....

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Edit: 5m in revenue from the game. Not single copies sold.


Shouldnt Dayz SA start dominating over the mod soon? This should give the game much more resources to build/grow and even the devs more ambition to make the game better?


Who else thinks the Standalone will become amazing because of this? And easily make it better then the mod?



Edited by RHCPepper7

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Though I Agee it will surpass the mod in numbers, given the last time I checked the mod still hasn't hit 2 mil.

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Not sure where you're pulling that number from (although I have an idea).


Fairly sure that it's more like the 350k someone else mentioned.


EDIT : Revenue, ahhh, ok.


Mind you though, they have been developing for the past year, that leaves a lot of bills to be payed....

Edited by Weparo

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I want to see them using some of that 5 mil to start hiring new talent and get this supposed 6 man team up to 50 or more.  Hopefully then this game will be great. That has always been BIS problem. Their team size. They get too ambitious and don't have the amount of people they need. Happened with ARMA 3. DayZ can be a big money maker that could put this indie developer on the mainstream map. 

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i hope so to :) totaly agree . i hope he hire 10 more ppl to join this game progression imo to speed it up and so on .

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Exactly ^ 


If they could market the game more that could easily justify hiring more devs for the game.


Come to think about it, I have never heard of this game outside of searching for it on google. Only reason i found it was because I played arma.

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BiS is a small indie company, people seem to forget that because of Arma3 is so epic you would think it was made by a aaa company.


Hats off to bis imo :)

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lol, first i thought that arma was made by like 50 ppl at least and they were having a fraction of that working on dayz...


since they made so much money with arma 2 CO arma 3 and now dayz, i cannot believe that the game is still in this horrible state to be honest...


i see alot of potential but really, they announced this so long ago i find it stupid...


either they fucked up alot or they are trying to keep that money for themselves instead of dayz...

Edited by Zreks

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More money .. more servers .. more resources .. more win .. happier developers.

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