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[Suggestion] Blood test kit part of the first aidl kit

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As it stands right now, with the rarity of these kits, being able to test a donor and the person needing blood probably doesn't happen very often. I think removing a set of the bandages from the first aid kit and replacing it with a blood test kit or making the chance of a first aid kit having one would have multiple effects:

It would lessen the amount of medical grade bandages in-game, making rags more useful

It would allow the usefulness of the blood bags to go up, being able to sucessfully transfuse more often, this is with the assumption that you don't spawn with the same blood-type every life.

It still makes the wrong blood being used a problem, multiple first aid kits in good enough condition are not always readily available. A blood transfusion is not a procedure you want to necessarily do without the proper equipment

This doesn't mean your always going to find a match either


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I would like this.


Also i can't remember the last time i used something other than a rag.

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I like the challenge of having to find the blood testing kit.  The only problem I have is that each time I've tested my blood, I've had O+.  Does anyone know if this is just a huge confidence or if each player is tied to one blood type no matter what character he/she is.

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Yeah decent idea, maybe a couple pills too I don't see the point in like 4 different kinds of bandages

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Actually I think something that would be cool is to have different type of medkits.  Some being civilian type ones, others being doctors, and then soldiers' medkits.  That way it could vary things up and some might have blood testing kits.

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Actually I think something that would be cool is to have different type of medkits.  Some being civilian type ones, others being doctors, and then soldiers' medkits.  That way it could vary things up and some might have blood testing kits.


Nice idea!

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I actually like the idea, as I have yet to find a testing kit, even though I have spent my fair few hours ingame. And currently there's no use in bloodbags, as the salinebag does a better job and you would go through loads of testing kits having to test every single character every single time over again.

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I don't know. I mean before the apocalypse, why would they have a blood test kit in a first aid kit in some house? That seems unlikely, but i guess it's just as unlikely that they'd have a bloodbag kit and stuff. I'd rather see the idea above where we get different kinds of first aid kits, ones from hospitals should have this stuff, and then ones from houses just have basic stuff.

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