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Is Arma Engine not AMD processor friendly ?

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Well I know that the RVE 3 can only utilize up to 4 gb if what ive been told is correct. Idk about RVE 4 im assuming more. So i cant really say how much the SA can utilize. 8 gb seems to be the best way to go, are you running your 4 gb in dual channel? If so I would suggest just getting a set of 8 (2x4) gb, if you buy off newegg. It isnt going to cost much more, and a higher speed will help you with ocing (f you do an fsb oc which i suggest learning). I would look for some cas 9 1866 or 2133 ram depending on which your mobo supports. It will help it so you dont have to loosen your timings as much and wont have to run dividers on your memory as quickly.  


You can get an evo 212 which will be fine for a while for 34 bucks Id watch for it go down in price. Ive seen it drop to 15 with MIR, then its a no brainer.  


Its hard to say which to get first, ram is going to benifit you more in other games coming up thats for sure. Idk what you have in mind for a budget, but imo picking them both up would be worth it if you can get the 212 for cheap. Id have to know what you want to spend right now to really help you.


Edit: While I hate wasting old tech if you run the 4 gbs with the 8, it will work but if the cas latency and clock speeds are lower, you'll be limited by the 4 gbs, it can negatively affect your ocing. Plus if I remember right Amd likes to run in dual channel when ocing.

thanks man ! I will get the 4gb first . I could have gotten 212 but I have to buy a microphone for recording purposes ... So yeah ... :)

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arma hates most of us but i have tried to put the sceneComplexity down from 500000 and got extra 10 fps in cities

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thanks man ! I will get the 4gb first . I could have gotten 212 but I have to buy a microphone for recording purposes ... So yeah ... :)

I would actually get 8 gb in a 2x4gb, it will be around the same price as adding another 2x2gb, but 2x4gb will run faster in dual channel mode than 4x2gb in i believe single channel mode (I dont know of any amd mobos that support quad channel, now that is a feature tha would be useful).

Edited by Davschall

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I've been running SA on an FX-8350 and have no CPU bottlenecks so I can go on feeling smug about how much cheaper it was than the equivalent Intel chip :lol:

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Yeah I have Fx-8120 and a GTX 670 and get 35-60 in the wild and 18-30 in citys. like mudbutt says sceneComplexity will give you a better frame rate but don't go too low because objects like fences and bushes will disappear and leave you with bland textures in the near distance.


Also how are guys with lower end amd processers than me reporting better fps in citys? 30 fps really? in Cherno/Berezino/Elektro constant 30 fps? I find it really hard to belive.

Edited by melvindorf

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I really want to know if its true because some of my steam friends whom I talked to had a less powerfull GPU but had an i5 or i7 and were getting more than double the fps I was !


I currently use FX-6300 , MSI Gtx 760 tf/oc , 4gb corsair xms3 ram and windows 8.1 


I have tried all those document tweaks but I just don't seem to get high fps ... except when I put my FOV to the least or look at the ground . 


Even in forests I get like 30 fps :( But in towns and cities it really drops . The only thing that has impact on my performance is for some reason Object quality ... which can give me a 10 fps boost ( I get 30 fps while keeping it on low/normal )


Everything else just increases or decreases my fps by 1-2




Do you see that face ? That face is sad !


I have an FX-8100+ series, and 2 dual graphics cards cross firing. I get 30-80 fps, mostly above 40?

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aren't the Arma games and DayZ all 32 bit?

Yes I believe so. I was more thinking along the lines that dayz wont be the only games he's playing in the coming months, hence my suggestion for 8 gbs. Plus 2x4 is not a whole lot more expensive than 2x2, and will run faster in dual channel than 4x2 dimms.  

Edited by Davschall
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I would actually get 8 gb in a 2x4gb, it will be around the same price as adding another 2x2gb, but 2x4gb will run faster in dual channel mode than 4x2gb in i believe single channel mode (I dont know of any amd mobos that support quad channel, now that is a feature tha would be useful).


I already have a single 4 gb ram ( corsair xms 3 ) So I will just add 4 gb more 

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Yeah I have Fx-8120 and a GTX 670 and get 35-60 in the wild and 18-30 in citys. like mudbutt says sceneComplexity will give you a better frame rate but don't go too low because objects like fences and bushes will disappear and leave you with bland textures in the near distance.


Also how are guys with lower end amd processers than me reporting better fps in citys? 30 fps really? in Cherno/Berezino/Elektro constant 30 fps? I find it really hard to belive.

Same (sorry for double post editing was not cooperating). I have an [email protected] and 7950@1175/1415 and I dip to 26ish used to be 20 but something good happened in the past few updates cause I definitely noticed a slight increase ,in the cities, my brothers 4670k@ like 4.3 i think, dips to at least 30-31. 

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I already have a single 4 gb ram ( corsair xms 3 ) So I will just add 4 gb more 

Oh ok perfect. Sorry i didnt know that lol. I do have to suggest that you try to get the 212 asap, especially if you are streaming(im assuming cause of microphone). I certainly know what its like to work with a budget lol. But an oc on the 6300 will really help. 

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But I am really tired of seeing bs threads stating that the performance is dependant on the hardware manufacturer - why the hell should it be? You can't "optimize" a game for a specific CPU manufacturer... claiming that is just stupid and proves lack of knowledge.


It's like saying "This game is badly optimized for nvidia cards, my GTX 8800 can barely run this while my friend has a HD 7970 and it's from AMD... OMG!!"


The thing about what you just said is that it happens. Some games (case and point Arma and Planetside 2) are optimized a whole lot better with Intel CPU's than AMD. They actually made a patch in Planetside just because of this. Intel is more common which leads to half-assed work sometimes when it comes to optimization for AMD.


Want proof to disprove "lack of knowledge"? Go in the bug reporter and look at how many people with AMD processors overclocked past the recommended ghz for SA are having problems. Look at all the old threads talking about how AMD is poorly optimized and people are having a lot of issues with it.

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I have Intel i5 3570 and AMD 7870 2GB... it is unplayable in cities...especially new Cherno area. FPS drops to unplayable.

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When we finally lose microsoft from the gaming world we will see how powerfull our machines really are.


Direct x & windows created a bottleneck and hold our computers back so consoles can thrive.


A pc with exactly the same specs as an xbox one or ps4 cannot compete with the consoles, why?

Because Direct x & windows hold the pc back.


So if you need to vent some hate, vent it towards microsoft, for costing you money over the years when you have had to buy an over the top gpu or extra ram just to play games that an inferior console can run easily.


U sir have the same mind as i :) "you have my beans"     


They prob wont pick up mantle since they need to rewrite 2-3 months code for the game.   Also we still lack nvidia to support mantle. Nvidia is stuborn atm they want to improve the Opengl. 

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I have an older AMD cpu and I get perfectly playable FPS.  Phenom II X4 975 3.6ghz, gtx660, 8gb ram, currently getting 30fps while in Berezhino.  Just dick around with your settings for a while.

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aren't the Arma games and DayZ all 32 bit?

Yes, but 32 bit Windows only allows you to use 3.5GB of RAM.

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