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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Somewhat unrelated' date=' new patch for Arma 2 released, 94444 : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

Maybe the patch was delayed for this...

lated edit: the ftp server is already overloaded


that's the third beta patch this week. it's seems a lot has been going on on that end

Seems they make more beta patches but wont give us a clue what they actually fix. The change log is the same which 94206 had.

I haven't looked this time, but the change log is numbered. If the number is greater than the patch number last time, it's new.

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I haven't looked this time' date=' but the change log is numbered. If the number is greater than the patch number last time, it's new.


Last entry from 94444 changelog :

(current patch candidate)

[94206] Fixed: Disabled channels can be bypassed in briefing screen (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33906)

I was just merely observant. Its a good thing they are updating the client. I just would like to know what exactly did they change :)

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Yeah the AI are very aware but you need to take it slow and scout the area you cant go in guns blazing thats for sure.

Use the map and look for advantage points eg high ground' date='valleys where you could set up a tunnel so the enemy can only attack from on direction.

think like you would in real life ya would never run in guns blazing you would die and its the same for arma


I agree with what you are saying. however the ai isn't just sensitive they (ai) also have wall hacks.

if you are on one side of a solid concrete fence and a zombie is on the other side they can see you through the concrete, if you get within a couple of feet of the wall. the same is true for hangars, if you get too close (i.e. close enough to grab the loot spawns) to the hangar walls the zombies on the other side can see you. I like a challenge, but super zombies with xray vision are a bit much.

this and complaints about barbwire are really just balance things, still having a barrel of fun with the game.

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Ah your talking about the Dayz AI on that I agree yeah they are super AI :P and I all so dislike the speed they charge at.

But I was talking about the vanilla AI they seem to be better but with out the xray vision etc.

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Rocket needs someone who can go to all those events, so he can work on the mod itself. ^^

I have a big need for that update, as I have ArmA X. <.<

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Possible problem/bug:

We have a new server running and did not seen ANY vehicle at all known spawn locations.

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Any update on the patch? I've gone through the last few pages but been unable to find my answer.

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Any update on the patch? I've gone through the last few pages but been unable to find my answer.

Yes' date=' it will take a good while, because Rocket needs to go to an event. x.x


Possible problem/bug:

We have a new server running and did not seen ANY vehicle at all known spawn locations.


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What happens to duped items now?

If you kill an obvious duper and loot him in a public server than go about your business. Are you at risk of item deletion? Ban? or something else entirely?

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FPS increases!! Woot! Noise reduction through wall thank god! Awesome changes guys. Step closer to a bug free full game.

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* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs, kills animals, when activated

Seriously? Another way to break your legs?

Not to mention that forests will probably become a bloody minefield. Try spoting a beartrap in tall grass and see where that gets ya.

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* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs' date=' kills animals, when activated

Seriously? Another way to break your legs?

Not to mention that forests will probably become a bloody minefield. Try spoting a beartrap in tall grass and see where that gets ya.


Lol exactly that's going to be a bitch if you or your mates have no morphine D:

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owait, that was like 100 pages ago.

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know what would be cool? Rabbit snares!

Those little bastards are way too quick, it's like trying to shoot clay pigeons in vanilla arma 2.. :(

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alright! we made PC Gamer


“I just moved everything to Prague,” says DayZ creator Dean ‘Rocket’ Hall on the mod’s official forums. “The 1.7.2 update has been ongoing, inbetween the drama that occurs when you’re trying to move in a country which you don’t speak the language.” So, that explains the delay. Rocket is obviously moving to Arma 2 creator Bohemia Interactive’s HQ, who are based in the Czech capital. In his absence – and because of the delayed update – the forums have exploded with misguided anger and flaming.


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I can't believe people get mad because he all of the sudden doesnt release a patch every other day like he did for a while. It's rediculous. You guys that do that are an insult to him and nothing more.

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alright! we made PC Gamer


“I just moved everything to Prague' date='” says DayZ creator Dean ‘Rocket’ Hall on the mod’s official forums. “The 1.7.2 update has been ongoing, inbetween the drama that occurs when you’re trying to move in a country which you don’t speak the language.” So, that explains the delay. Rocket is obviously moving to Arma 2 creator Bohemia Interactive’s HQ, who are based in the Czech capital. In his absence – and because of the delayed update – the forums have exploded with misguided anger and flaming.[/quote']


Moving sucks, the biggest language barrier I have faced has been North Texas Accent to South Texas Accent (bigger difference than you think). I can't immagine what Dean is going through, good luck brother.

And to all of the people that have been bitching and moaning about how he promised them a patch.....Try moving out of your mothers house before you try and judge his work ethic.

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I can't believe people get mad because he all of the sudden doesnt release a patch every other day like he did for a while. It's rediculous. You guys that do that are an insult to him and nothing more.

When you give people a deadline, your expected to meet it. People are mad because it was not kept and no word has been spoken ever since that. No one wants to be kept in the dark.

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People are mad because it was not kept and no word has been spoken ever since that. No one wants to be kept in the dark.

Plenty of words have been spoken since then... just look at rocket's post history. He has done a good job keeping us updated and has good reasons for the delays.

People need to relax and enjoy the game or just go do something else until the update is ready, simple as that

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I can't believe people get mad because he all of the sudden doesnt release a patch every other day like he did for a while. It's rediculous. You guys that do that are an insult to him and nothing more.

I'm actually glad there hasn't been a patch in a long time. Everything has been pretty stable since

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