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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Yes debug forests sucks but you are not "stuck" in it for a long shot' date=' I respawned there at least four times and each time I managed to find the borders of the map (albeit after a 20-30 minutes run), the only way you get "stuck" in debug forest is if you dont try to leave it...


You're right..

All you have to do is run East.

Don't know which way is East? Look which way the clouds are moving.. it's East.

I actually didn't mind spawning there because if you head North-East, you can aim for Zelenogorsk or even Lopatino if you have something to drink with you.. It's almost like spawning by the airfield, if you're patient. ;)

Also, I agree about spawning with nothing. When I first heard that the new versions would spawn me without a gun, I was terrified.. but in all seriousness, it's pretty awesome. I used to keep my Makorov because I had a ton of ammo for it, but now I use the 1911 and g9 more than I would have otherwise.. It would be nice to start with a Hatchet or a Crow-bar, but in all reality, it makes more sense to start with nothing at all. The only point in starting with a bandage is to stop bleeding if you agro zeds before you find a weapon, but if I get damaged before I find anything, I usually just respawn anyway. :P

(I know, I know.. it's not cool to do that, but c'mon, you know you do it too!) ;)

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It's so easy to lose zombies by running through buildings and around corners for a while. Especially the buildings with two entrances come in quite handy. But of course you are running around. However, since you have nothing to lose, a death isn't quite that bad. You just lose 5-10 minutes.

Spawning with nothing hasn't been a problem so far, for me. Sure, zombies might drain me down to 7k blood, but I've always managed to find a weapon and some ammo.

It has gotten harder, yes, but I actually don't mind the new spawn system. I voted against it, first. But I had to change my mind.

So, I don't think we need a weapon when spawning. If there are a lot of players who desperately want one, though, I wouldn't really mind either. I just don't care. Either way is fine for me.

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Spawning without a weapon.

This really is not an issue.

It is extremely easy to make it without the gun UNLESS one insists on entering into hostile areas right away.

I think that people have learned to spawn and start a shoot-em-up right away instead of hoofing it away from the coast and finding some stuff first.

It seems that there is a specific demographic which wants to spend all of their time in Cherno and Elektro shooting each other. That's fine, BUT now they have to find a gun before they can shoot at everything that moves.

In summary.

It seems that the primary reason for people wanting a gun is to play the game a certain way they like.

Now that the guns are gone, people need to adapt to the new challenge, especially since it is not hard to make it just fine as long as one does not insist on wanting to prowl in hostile terrain from the start.

Spawn, get away from the coast, find gun, come back and shoot everyone.


(Too much work? Play a different game because Day-Z is NOT meant to be a noob-fest FPS)

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I think that you should spawn with 1 food and 1 water (maybe a canteen but doesn't really matter) in addition to what you currently have. As being honest spawning without a weapon is only a problem for the first few times you run into a group of zombies flailing and unsure of what's happening. It focuses the start game more on surviving as a human rather than shoot-em up zombies.

Plus spawning with food/water will really help out new players to understanding the components of the game quickly and easily. Plus it means when you spawn it's slightly less of a frantic run to the nearest town for the food, but I understand some players do like that theme.

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* [FIXED] Animal bodies despawn way too fast (now despawn automatically after 2 minutes)

I personally think it should be more like 5-10 minutes. I was in a situation where I had shot a boar but there were zombies about so I had to crawl my way around the zombies and get to the boar. If the timer had only been 2 minutes long it would have despawned before I got there.

Indeed - in the same vein, I was on the way to meet a friend of mine - he had a knife/matches, I had a hatchet and I came across a boar. I killed it and waited for my friend but by the time he arrived the boar had de-spawned. would've been a nice bit of co-op gameplay but the mechanics got in the way :(

Also, agreeing on the general consensus re. spawning with no weapon. though I should state that I haven't died yet since the update last week, so I can't comment from direct experience... but... in the last few runs I've made, I didn't fire a shot until I was 3/4 of the map north, and by then I'd upgraded my weapon several times.

Sure, the people who want to run & gun in cherno don't have a weapon straight off, but it just means they have to adapt their early gameplay for a short while, and also makes the surrounding deer stands/loot spots along the coast a little more used, adding to the tension for everyone.

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After addition of barbed wire began to place their buildings and because of this' date=' no one could take the loot. I propose to make a tool that could cut it and make it more spawn.


Not to be a jerk, but try to do a little bit of research before you post stuff like this people. There is a tool for it. Called the toolbox. Who knows if its spawning or what the rates are these days(I personally haven't seen one in a while), but they are there.

Yes, they are spawning. I actually found two next to each other from a small storage house. Other than that, haven't found any but my friend has. It sure is really annoying that people keep blocking ways to firestations, church etc. with barbed wire and tank traps. :|

Oh, and about morphine: I think it's good how it is now. People are forced to go to the hospital at some point of their adventure if they want to survive longer. What should change is that please add one morphine auto-injector into your spawn loot. When you spawn somewhere very far away from the two major cities, you're fucked without morphine if a zombie gets a good swipe at you. One is enough to make you able to go to the major cities and loot for more morphine. There's plenty of them in the hospitals. They do seem so spawn randomly somewhere else too (have found some from firestation and Balota airfield tower) which is fine.

And bone breaking should be nerfed. Instead, make zombies give you more damage from attacks but at least nerf the bone breaking.

And sorry, but I'm still complaining about the black "Receiving..." screen problem. I hope you look into it, rocket.

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I'm not sure if these issues have been posted. But I'm going to go ahead and post it just in case.

Zeds walking through walls seemingly on every enterable building.

Also, zeds can still hit through structures because of this, specially in airport towers. Where if you are up top on the tower walking around on the outside they can hit you if they are on the internal stairs.

Zombies spawning to fast in small towns. I can understand the reason for this as I'm sure it would just make it easy to go into a town, given enough ammo, and round up all the zeds and headshot them. But if you are cornered in a building and you got about 5-10 zeds on you and you're shooting, the first three you kill respawn, hear your shots and come straight back in the builing. Not cool.

Cars go to slow up hills which is kinda ridiculous. Also not being able to striaght run up a hill is a bit ridiculous too.

Oh the major thing I have a gripe about is the, light dark light dark light dark light dark effect of looking up and down which has forced me into turning my brightness and gamma up even during the day. I understand the reason for the effect but atleast give us the option to disable it as it is not done very well.


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...Also not being able to striaght run up a hill is a bit ridiculous too...

Wait.. what? You try and run up a very abrupt hill in real life. It's realistic that you cannot sprint it up. It's an ArmA feature too, not DayZ. It's good how it is since this game is supposed to be realistic.

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

Nope. Rare weapon is rare. Conserve or use a common weapon.

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Zombies spawning to fast in small towns. I can understand the reason for this as I'm sure it would just make it easy to go into a town' date=' given enough ammo, and round up all the zeds and headshot them. But if you are cornered in a building and you got about 5-10 zeds on you and you're shooting, the first three you kill respawn, hear your shots and come straight back in the builing. Not cool.


This bugged me as well. If you can afford to kill 10 to 30 Zs with your ammo and whipe out the whole town, than it should be possible. Of course your timeframe with no Z in your area, should be limited to a small amount of minutes.

I still like spawning without a gun, but sometimes I feel too much forced to look in a big city for weapons. Bigger chances of loot and I think it's way easier to escape Zs. As it is now, smaller towns are a higher Z risk for me and a friend. We just died yesterday with good equipment, because we shot a chicken next to a town. Yes this wasn't a smart move, but the amount of Zs was just abnormal and absurd.

I miss some purpose in this game after 48 to 72 hours in playing. I've visited most of the places, that I always wanted to get to. I've reached that goals. What's left? PvP.

I need more reasons to stay alive, to explore, to travel and to keep playing. I don't know what that could be. Right now it's "finding better loot". This game isn't Diablo 3!

Barbed wire got ridicolous on servers. Let us vault over it! We would loose blood and maybe bleed. That's fair. Right now you must have a rare toolbox. This needs some balancing!

but I really like the latest update so far!

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

No, many of us agree.

Also, does anyone know if the bandit heartbeat thing is working properly? What is the minimum distance required, if any? Also, does this mechanic work even on name tag disabled servers?

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

Nope. Rare weapon is rare. Conserve or use a common weapon.

yea but DMR/M14 use 7.62x51mm, so does the FAL, rocket, please just do what you did with revolver/m1911 and make it combine-able. i understand the weapon is rare and that's alright. but the ammo shouldn't be.

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Im not saying that starting without a gun is bad. I enjoy having challenges. But as a new player, the time it takes to find a gun plus the chances of me dying (as a newb) makes it really frustrating when I do die after finally finding a gun. It's the same as if you guys had a DMR and other shiny things and got killed by something you didn't umderstand (I.e: bug)

Anyway, do send me some tips to surviving and finding a gun. I'm a newb, show me this game rewards effort and isn't based on luck.

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The new zombie attack animation is a massive clip-a-rama when the zombie walks into the player and back out all the time.

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Zombies shouldn't be able to break your legs or at the rate they do these days... or even make it so more morphine spawns or that you use a bandage with wood to make a splint or even have a timer for how long it will take to heal... as morphine doesn't cure broken legs in the first place. These frequent broken legs is a game breaker.

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

I would go for more weapons. hundreds of them, modifications, different ammo types, etc. ARMA community has done a great job on modeling any kind of weapon you could possibly imagine

but they all should spawn only at crash sites

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More skins more weapons more vehicles.

Also maybe some combinable weapons like

Enfield plus Scope => Enfield with Scope!

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

I would go for more weapons. hundreds of them' date=' modifications, different ammo types, etc. ARMA community has done a great job on modeling any kind of weapon you could possibly imagine

but they all should spawn only at crash sites


So you'd never get the same weapon twice, and each one would likely require some sort of different ammo type. Nightmare.

FAL ammo needs to be able to convert to DMR and vice versa, and Bizon ammo needs to be able to be made from MP5 mags (2 mags = almost 1 bizon mag)

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Zombies shouldn't be able to break your legs or at the rate they do these days... or even make it so more morphine spawns or that you use a bandage with wood to make a splint or even have a timer for how long it will take to heal... as morphine doesn't cure broken legs in the first place. These frequent broken legs is a game breaker.

A mechanic I've been toying with in my mind could work here as well...

"Shock" has littleuse in gameplay as we see it now, with only a 5 minute timer to get rid of it.

I propose that we could use the familiar trope of a can of fizzy sugary drink after a traumatic experience, as a quick shot of sugar to the system. Being in shock, affecting weapon accuracy, could then be nullified by drinking a can (but not water) which gives another use for the many, many cans of drink we have floating around, thus rebalancing drinking and giving another use to cans, as well as the possibility of the decision being made to use your last can to stop the shakes, and having to find more fluids in the near future.

The 5 minute timer should remain, as you can leave shock to wear off if you don't mind the decreased accuracy it brings.

Leading on to... splints. Take a pile of wood, and a bandage - making a splint to hold your broken leg. Walking should now be possible, but running should be limited - if possible from a game engine standpoint, short bursts of running should induce shock (and necessitate a can to calm the shakes), while running for an extended period, ignoring audio warnings of groans of pain, should break the leg again.

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Weapons should be limited, its a zombie apocalypse in a Russian State that has already been evacuated. Mose of everything has already been taken. If too many weapons are added to the game with pointless additions like camouflage it will take away from the 'survival' aspect of the mod and make it more a of a pvp shooter.

I am for adding more weapons, just not 'hundreds' more. The situation is supposed to be dire, not flourishing.

I think the Zombies could be tweaked, having a mixture of older decaying zombies that haven't had a feed for a while who don't run like ninjas. I can understand fresh zombies with the virus would still have semi fresh muscles and plausibly run as fast as they do.. But seriously overtime the zombies would either get fat on human crackling or decay rendering them as useless as Julia Gillard.

Alpha powaa!

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Zombies are a bit op right now. But i really wish tents would get fixed.

First we had about 5 tents on 2 different servers. First 5, 4 emptied on restart and one held gear.

Next day all tents completely gone. No trace at all.

Can we get this fixed. I now have no tents and this sucks.

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Zombies are a bit op right now. But i really wish tents would get fixed.

First we had about 5 tents on 2 different servers. First 5' date=' 4 emptied on restart and one held gear.

Next day all tents completely gone. No trace at all.

Can we get this fixed. I now have no tents and this sucks.


didnt rocket say they'd be wiped? its a game in alpha...dont get precious over items.

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just put the guns back rocket

spawning with nothing is a joke

Not a gun, but atleast some weak melee weapon. Something, honestly

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