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How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

Vote about what do you think in cycle Day/nigth of the game.  

242 members have voted

  1. 1. about the cycle

    • keep as it is now (24h)
    • Reduce to 12h
    • reduce to 6h
    • make the nigth brigther
    • add some collors to the nigth
    • Reduce to a time not stated here( say bellow)
    • Reduce to 8h
    • Reduce to 4h

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Nighttime would be fine if there were actual moonlight.  As I said in another thread, if the moon is obstructed by clouds, then pitch black is appropriate until the clouds move.  Otherwise the moon is quite bright and you can actually see very well at night with a full moon (or even a partial one).  But being completely pitch black all the time is unrealistic.


And yeah, the flashlight mechanics need fixed for sure, but I think that's obvious.

well, really like the Dark nigth, but i dont want to play all the game in the nigth, i want to see the sunset, the morning, i want to see all day long.

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Id like to see day and night in one sitting with out having to switch servers.

I feel like a 2 hour day 1 hour night or something in that ball park would be perfect.

It would support the current deterioration of items and thirst/hunger system. 

Important aspect of the game i think would be the transition.

Which we should encounter more often.

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by the looks of it more than 65% of the peoople wants a reduction and a good amount of the people dont so i think there should be a reduction to 12h first just to see what people say about, and if people wants reduce more.

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i say 12 hour day night cycle because it gives everyone the chance to encounter night or morning, sun rise or sun set, because its more realistic, also 24 hours, who plays for 24 hours straight, i bet no body so 12 hours would be fine.

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i say 12 hour day night cycle because it gives everyone the chance to encounter night or morning, sun rise or sun set, because its more realistic, also 24 hours, who plays for 24 hours straight, i bet no body so 12 hours would be fine.

i agree.

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I really like having to worry about it getting dark, how much time I need to travel, planning a town raid for night time and not having to wait 8 to 10 real life hours for it to get dark. Most of us can only play a little bit in a day. After work, or between classes etc. A 24 night/day cycle isn't conducive to a game. Night time should be a concern. We should have to work it into our play plans. But to do this, the day night cycle is going to have to be a LOT shorter. A few hours each even.


I feel that having short day night cycles, on every server, will make day/night a part of the game. Otherwise, we just have people (myself included) seeking out one or the other based on preference and the entire day/night cycle experience is lost.

Just my thoughts.

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Remove night, only gamma abusers play on those servers, daytime servers fill up night time servers maybe have 10 people on them. the only thing a night time server is good for is to server hop to get loot.

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Remove night, only gamma abusers play on those servers, daytime servers fill up night time servers maybe have 10 people on them. the only thing a night time server is good for is to server hop to get loot.

i really think the nigth is really good, but not only playing in the nigth.

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I tend to stick to low pop night servers. Less leet kiddes running around. You still have to dodge the occassional loot jumper, but they let you know they're coming and usually die easy.


And the only use for a head light or torch is as a honey pot trap. Drop a spare magnum or two and a few empty mags on the ground and light them up. Sit back and wait for the moths to flit around the flame. And don't be sitting at the origin of the light source, people.


But back to the OP, I'd like to see a shorter night/day cycle. Just not sure how much shorter it needs to be.

Edited by DJPorterNZ

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Nights need a little more ambient light.  Most nights the moon is visible irl, and even without the moon visible there's starlight and sunlight scattered through the atmosphere, it's never pitch black.


Or they could just add a very dim light-radius around your character that's only visible to you, akin to Diablo or Dark Souls. Just bright enough so you could see walls and trees directly in front of you, but still need a flashlight to loot effectively, and you wouldn't be able to see things in the distance well.

Edited by Brofessional

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Or they could just add a very dim light-radius around your character that's only visible to you, akin to Diablo or Dark Souls. Just bright enough so you could see walls and trees directly in front of you, but still need a flashlight to loot effectively, and you wouldn't be able to see things in the distance well.


that sounds nice too

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Dont change it or you'll break the whole simulation approach.

There are/will be plenty server with different times out there to chose from.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Dont change it or you'll break the whole simulation approach.

There are/will be plenty server with different times out there to chose from.

i understand your point however you get sick and cured in a period of hours what in real life would take a week,

so i think for the good for the imersion  the cycle should be shorter.

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i understand your point however you get sick and cured in a period of hours what in real life would take a week,

so i think for the good for the imersion  the cycle should be shorter.


also no zombies in real life
I agree that we have to give the possibility for admins to decide what they want on your server.
You will join as you choose
I am in favor of a normal cycle based on my schedule Time zone

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Firstly, the current night-time and torches needs to be fixed, it's too dark for 99% of activity, using a torch is suicide and using the gamma trick makes it inappropriately easy.


I don't think it should be an equatorial day/night cycle of 50:50... I'd go for a near Arctic summertime, with 90% of the gametime during daylight hours and extended dawn/dusks so it's only truly 'noon' bright for a short period with long drawn out periods of diminishing light levels either side, possibly never reaching full darkness but only ever deepening to white night (twilight) or a midnight sun (although a midnight sun will confuse the hell out of people trying to use it for navigation). I think really there should be a short period of complete darkness though, I just wanted to point out those possibilities.


I think a few map based lightsources should be added to aid navigation - maybe a couple of buildings could have generators running, some vehicles with their headlights still on...that kinda thing.


Once that's done to a degree where nighttime isn't the mess it is at the moment and is tolerable by everyone, I'm gonna be hardcore and suggest that the public hive has all servers synced on the same day/night cycle. Otherwise people can just avoid the zombies at night experience...which I think is sad.


As for the cycle itself, 4/6/8/12/24 hour cycles aren't a great idea because then players would have the exact same conditions every day if they log in at the same time (and if it's locked to the public hive then someone round the world will never see anything different). Something like a 10 or 20 hour cycle would mean that players would experience different start times on consecutive days or even consecutive weekends. It's also long enough that the change in light levels shouldn't be overly perceptible to the players and diminish from the realism. Of that, something with maybe only 30-60 mins of actual complete darkness would be good...nothing too bad to make people say 'I can't play at all today cuz it's night-time on the servers'

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Didn't vote, don't care, only came to say spell check is built into your computer please have the courtesy to use it and read what you have written before submitting.

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Didn't vote, don't care, only came to say spell check is built into your computer please have the courtesy to use it and read what you have written before submitting.

well, my spell check is in PT-Br, if you did not understand what i meant im sorry and i have done my best, and please if you dont care dont come to this post.

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i understand your point however you get sick and cured in a period of hours what in real life would take a week,

so i think for the good for the imersion  the cycle should be shorter.

Yes, of cause some game elements are speeded up since most things would get very time consuming and tiresome such as reality sometimes happen to be. Remember, there's something like a real life as well. Playing a game that simulates real life in real time would just take most of your time.

But the main element of a simulation is time. Everyone has a rhythm. Get up early, get up late, are you active at night...? I'm perfectly fine with chosing a server which fits my rhythm. Lets say in an apocalypse you would be active at night, to avoid certain situations, then choose a server where it is 22 o'clock or something and you perfectly can play a night owl.

If you are a morning person, find a server where it is morning.

No survivor would be active at every daytime. One has to sleep and rest as well. So that speeded up time in my eyes just destroys the whole simulation approach and takes your ingame character out of the game world context.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Yeah but if the devs are accurately implementing a day/night cycle, it kinda hints they might intend for players to experience the full cycle...


This is why 24hr (or any factor of) and fixed time servers are bad on the public hive - it results in players having the same time of day each time they log in. It's also why I don't think servers on public hive should be allowed to choose their own timezone, because then players can server hop to avoid the more difficult times of day (if they really hate it they can play on a private hive until the sun rises on the public hive again). OFC this is all to be considered once night-time is actually playable in some form without gamma hax.

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I'd prefer shorter day/night cycles so you can at least experience both times of day in a single gaming session.  "Realtime" day/night would mean a lot of people are would be playing in the dark, since that may be the only time to play and that would get old really fast.  2-4 hour cycles would mean you would most likely experience the time change in a 2-3 hour gaming session. 

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Yeah but if the devs are accurately implementing a day/night cycle, it kinda hints they might intend for players to experience the full cycle...


This is why 24hr (or any factor of) and fixed time servers are bad on the public hive - it results in players having the same time of day each time they log in. It's also why I don't think servers on public hive should be allowed to choose their own timezone, because then players can server hop to avoid the more difficult times of day (if they really hate it they can play on a private hive until the sun rises on the public hive again). OFC this is all to be considered once night-time is actually playable in some form without gamma hax.

You can experience the whole cycle, just noth within 4 hours. And yep, I love to log on to the same time each day. I also stand up in real life almost the same time each day. So it makes sense a lot and I like it.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Night is currently unrealistically dark.


In no area that I've lived in, is night completely pitch black all the time to where you can't even see.


Couple that with the problems we have with flashlights, and night servers aren't a lot of fun unless you want to cheat the system.  And those people have a clear advantage (almost night vision) over those of us who wish to play the game as it should be.



I don't know about the shorter night cycles.  While I do think it would spread the population out evenly across servers (no need to hop to daytime), I think it's unrealistic.  It's hard to make a decision on that.



I'd much rather just have realistic moonlight with flashlights that don't pierce the Earth and give away your position.



Oh, and lock the damn gamma and brightness.  If people need to adjust their brightness for vision reasons, they can adjust their monitor.

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