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How do I run from zombies?

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I thought this would be a pretty simple thing to do (and maybe it is and I just suck at it), but I can't seem to ever escape from zombies. I was looting a house when a zombie glitched through the door and started chasing me around so I ran out and hightailed it across a field. I tried zig zagging and hiding behind bushes and trees and running up hills, all the things I was told would get them off me. But it never did. Eventually it stopped when I started running down a hill and I made sure there were no other zombies around and there weren't so I crouched behind a bush to rest my poor starving character when suddenly: Zombie! The same one that had stopped on top of the hill so far away I could hardly see it! And so I ran until I passed out from lack of food and it killed me.

Is anyone else having this problem? I haven't found any weapons or anything so I couldn't fight it and apparently I can't run away either. Is there something I'm not doing that I need to be in order to be able to lose them?

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Punch it in the head a few times and it falls over. You can then double tap W to sprint, run into a house and out the other door then zig-zag up a hill.

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Punch it in the head a few times and it falls over. You can then double tap W to sprint, run into a house and out the other door then zig-zag up a hill.

Won't it hit me if I get too close?

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The Zeds in the SA are totally bugged in their movement right now and just follow your waypoints. Its not you beeing noobish, they are just very difficult to lose right now. Work in progress.

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I think you run faster when your healthier (not thirsty / hungry).  So, if you're that close to passing out, you might be slower.  I've had no problems out running them to the point of them giving up today, and I was chased at least 6 different times.  Having said that, I didn't try any fancy out manuevering tricks, I just ran off in a straight line as fast as I could.

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Please guys. Why can't my character have normal thirst and hunger. Do I really have to eat 10 cans of beans and 5 big bottles of water just to stay alive each day. Come on, developers, wtf. A human can go without food for 15 days straight and still be walking and without water 3 and still be on legs but barely. For the love of everything thats holy lol, just make it real and it WILL BE SOOO MUCH FUN. And no more passing out every 5 minutes. I'm a male here and I'm not pregnant.  Thank you

Edited by Highlander007
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I haven't died from not even one zombie. Just when I bought Dayz I went to change keybinds and saw a button turbo that was unbinded (its the same as double w I think). So I binded it on my mouse button. Now when a zombie starts chasing me, I press that button and run. And wow, I run faster than the slow zombie and after running 100 meters or less the zombie stays behind. Much wow such difficult

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