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The "Best" of the Most Common Suggestions

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Looking through these Threads you come to realise that a lot are duplicated. As well as this, some of the ideas are plain dumb (some of mine included, in hindsight), some aren’t feasible, while some are based on selfish reasons (ie: make the Zeds aggro less). Below I have come up with the 10 “best” suggestions. These aren’t necessarily my favourites, just the thread topics that seem to have garnered the most threads, support or response. In no particular order:

1) Able to drink from source, be it a well pump or lake.

2) Incorporate some dangerous animals in game

3) Have random wandering Zeds in the wilderness (could be large groups wandering also)

4) Ability to create/modify areas for fortification

5) Have multiple skins to choose from/find

6) More variety of Zeds (old/young, male/female, fast/slow etc)

7) Combating DC issues by having a timer where body remains in game for a while

8) Random spawns like the current heli crashes (finding military posts, broken ambulances etc)

9) Molotov cocktails

10) Incorporate radios

This list is by no means complete and was produced by looking back over the thread topics etc. I didnt look at every thread, but there did seem to be duplications of the same topics over and over.

I also didn’t add the ideas that seem to split the community – giving weapons on spawn and being able to identify bandits etc.

Feel free to add, modify this list – like I said I don’t necessarily agree with all of these suggestions, but we seem to be getting the same old things brought up time and again.

I do realise that this thread itself is a duplication. :P

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you can take it out #7, it has been implemented :P

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Molotovs - oh yeah!!

DC issues - i dont think it is fully effective yet

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Instead of Zeds in the woods, put wolves and bears. Territorial type animals that won't attack you unless provoked. Edible territorial animals... Faster than zombies with sharper senses.

This may, of course, ruin the entire game dynamic.

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1) Yes

2) Sounds good

3) I support

4) Ehhh. It really depends on the extent. I don't want to see a massive Megaton-like pile of scrap while walking through the wilderness. I'm alright with small camps , fires , maybe even player built deerstands.

5) Yep

6) I'm alright with different skins , but different atributes will get a little confusing.

7) Already in

8) Yes-aroony

9) Sure , why not

10) Yep yeppity yep

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