hazychestnutz 0 Posted June 21, 2012 It's a video game. We want to have fun. I know this is alpha, but Rocket has removed some essential stuff like the side channel. You play on a full server and you feel completely alone, not motivated to move around the map and everyone feels like everyone is a hostile turning it into a shoot em up fest. Other than that, all im asking is don't turn this into a simulator... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LambsParade 0 Posted June 21, 2012 I think his goal is to make a zombie apocalypse video game. Yea the side chat being gone does suck but it does make it more realistic and some people enjoy that. I would suggest maybe finding a group and you won't feel so alone.You can play 20 hours of this game by yourself and you will get bored. But join a group and you will 300+ hours of fun times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 21, 2012 It's a video game. We want to have fun.YOU want to have fun. I want to see what else rocket has in store for me in other emotional areas. Please don't pretend you speak for the community.I know this is alpha' date=' but Rocket has removed some essential stuff like the side channel.[/quote']Not essential by any definition of the word.You play on a full server and you feel completely aloneI don't. I'm always with my brother and friend and we have saved each other's lives on many occasions.not motivated to move around the map and everyone feels like everyone is a hostile turning it into a shoot em up fest.If people shoot at you, shoot at them. That's an important part of the game. DayZ is by no meas a shoot 'em up considering people are living for 10+ days and 50+ hours with some regularity.Look, bud. We have plenty of "fun" zombie video games out there. We don't need another. L4D and Resident Evil and the like are great games and good fun, but if that's what you want just go play those games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazychestnutz 0 Posted June 21, 2012 Who the hell wants DayZ to be like Left 4 dead and resident evil?? haha! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xBlackCat 1 Posted June 22, 2012 Wasn't it rocket himself who said this is an anti-game?iirc, he called it more of a social experiment and not a game as we know it. I simply call it an interesting experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted June 22, 2012 there's plenty of zombie games out there. I like this because it's different... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xBlackCat 1 Posted June 22, 2012 there's plenty of zombie games out there. I like this because it's different...Personally, I'm a gamer that chooses immersion over pretty much anything else, and I have found few things that need "improving" that I wasn't sure rocket already plans to fix. Other than the outrageously dark nights. That cause 80% of people to leave the servers....I think I'm allowed to be bitter about just one thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strategos (DayZ) 190 Posted June 22, 2012 Someone is playing the wrong game ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walrus2517 27 Posted June 22, 2012 I suppose everyone has a limit as to how difficult this mod can become before it stops being fun but with 80+ hours played I haven't hit it yet. I'm a lone survivor too because none of my friends play video games and my girlfriend won't let me use a microphone. :)Try playing on a less populated server and you'll tend to find people more friendly, at least that has been my experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enigma (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2012 but Rocket has removed some essential stuff like the side channelWhat other "essential stuff" was removed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5P4RK4 (DayZ) 50 Posted June 22, 2012 L4D and Dead Island may be worth a rent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted June 22, 2012 I understand your concerns but i think you may be playing the wrong game. Rocket wants to screw with our heads not let us have fun. Who would be having fun in a Zombie Apocalypse? Snipers maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RowRockx 0 Posted June 22, 2012 In my opinion Rocket should keep side chat on beginner servers.I started two days ago and I had some trouble with starting up, no idea what to do, where to go, controls, etc. The side channel helped me with this though, since some people would help me out, and this is how I could get started with the game.Now, two days later, I like it that I don't have a side channel anymore. Sure, if I would be on a beginner server I would like to help new players, and they would like the help too I assume, but on servers with a higher 'difficulty' I like to just have the direct channel, because that feels more realistic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5P4RK4 (DayZ) 50 Posted June 22, 2012 In my opinion Rocket should keep side chat on beginner servers.I started two days ago and I had some trouble with starting up' date=' no idea what to do, where to go, controls, etc. The side channel helped me with this though, since some people would help me out, and this is how I could get started with the game.Now, two days later, I like it that I don't have a side channel anymore. Sure, if I would be on a beginner server I would like to help new players, and they would like the help too I assume, but on servers with a higher 'difficulty' I like to just have the direct channel, because that feels more realistic.[/quote']The feeling of disorientation and WTF now is sort of paramount to the game experience though. Its what got me hooked in the first place. Now that I know the map very well, its certainly more gamey and less immersive. I thought removing the side channel and the starter weapons were some of the best overall changes so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted June 22, 2012 See the ironic thing is,Dayz was a simulator but you lot are turning it into a videogame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RobV3 0 Posted June 22, 2012 Taking out side/global chat was essential. Not only did people ruin the mood of the game (isolation, paranoia, always being unsure) but also opened up a tool for trolls to troll whilst they trolled. I'm all for removing the mood-breaking, telepathic, country-wide chat system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyydragonn 0 Posted June 22, 2012 the entire purpose of a MULTIPLAYEr rserver is to interact with OTHER PLAYERS. having at least one universal chat channel is fairly integral to interactions OTHER than shooting at one another. Removing the single means of communication between players DOES remove a vital aspect of any game/mod etc from it. the COMMUNITY. can't really form freindships with other players or determine if they're freind/foe without COMMUNICATION. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrMorton 0 Posted June 22, 2012 if you want something changed, I would suggest going to the suggestions forum and writing up a comprehensive post detailing:-what you want-why it benefits the gameplay experience-why it is an improvement over the current system-possible bias and appropriate compensationsaying "ITS BAD BECAUSE IT IS" does nothing to convince anyone you are correct or that your argument has merit, and does not consider rocket's, nor anyone else's, opinions and reasonings on the subject. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 117 Posted June 22, 2012 please don't rocket. i'm playing this game exactly because it's not a video game, but something difficult and challenging, that invokes emotional response and generates stories and experiences. this mod is something different from common games, and i want it to stay true to what you said you wanted it to be in interviews and forum posts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted June 22, 2012 I remember when I first started playing this game. It was a pitch-black, moonless night. I didnt have the resources and information available that most of you all have now....I have never felt such disorientation and terror in that first night of playing. I envy the new players and how they still have a chance to feel this way. I can't believe that some of their first reactions are "this is too hard, I need to go to the forums and tell them to make it a bit easier".It is such a unique experience I had, that I havent felt since playing Doom when I was 7-8 years old. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5P4RK4 (DayZ) 50 Posted June 22, 2012 I remember when I first started playing this game. It was a pitch-black' date=' moonless night. I didnt have the resources and information available that most of you all have now....I have never felt such disorientation and terror in that first night of playing. I envy the new players and how they still have a chance to feel this way. I can't believe that some of their first reactions are "this is too hard, I need to go to the forums and tell them to make it a bit easier".It is such a unique experience I had, that I havent felt since playing Doom when I was 7-8 years old.[/quote']This exactly. DayZ is not about friendships, its not about community. Believe it or not its about dying and being upset, and the emotions that go along with trying to avoid this feeling. You do interact with players regardless of sidechat. Mostly when they shoot you in the face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 22, 2012 This exactly. DayZ is not about friendships' date=' its not about community. Believe it or not its about dying and being upset, and the emotions that go along with trying to avoid this feeling.[/quote']The great thing about DayZ is even the people who think they get it, don't.DayZ isn't "about" anything other than what the individual players decide to subjectively make it about. You say it's not about friendships, but the sense of relief and companionship I have felt for my companions in this game who have pulled me out of a tight situation with a critically timed epi-pen or blood bag, literally when all hope was lost swooping in and turning things around and pulling me out alive and well? A greater emotional reaction than I have EVER felt in another video game before. Not the kind of "Oh, hey, nice job" thanks and relief I would feel when someone would get a mechanic right on a WoW boss and help us down it or avoid a wipe, but a deeper, more real, true and heartfelt sense of gratitude and thankfulness. A desire to repay the debt. Heart racing. Smile on my face. How is this game NOT about friendships and community? That's the only thing that will ever make you truly successful in this game in my opinion. And it's the reason I return and play every night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sledgehammer (DayZ) 1 Posted June 22, 2012 i don't see any reason why side chat could not be regulated to servers instead of being completely taken out..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 81 Posted June 22, 2012 It's a video game. We want to have fun. I know this is alpha' date=' but Rocket has removed some essential stuff like the side channel. You play on a full server and you feel completely alone, not motivated to move around the map and everyone feels like everyone is a hostile turning it into a shoot em up fest. Other than that, all im asking is don't turn this into a simulator...[/quote']please..you dont belong here, why are you even playing this game or even posting on this forum.you want to play video games, get an xbox 360. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sledgehammer (DayZ) 1 Posted June 22, 2012 This exactly. DayZ is not about friendships' date=' its not about community. Believe it or not its about dying and being upset, and the emotions that go along with trying to avoid this feeling.[/quote']The great thing about DayZ is even the people who think they get it, don't.DayZ isn't "about" anything other than what the individual players decide to subjectively make it about. You say it's not about friendships, but the sense of relief and companionship I have felt for my companions in this game who have pulled me out of a tight situation with a critically timed epi-pen or blood bag, literally when all hope was lost swooping in and turning things around and pulling me out alive and well? A greater emotional reaction than I have EVER felt in another video game before. Not the kind of "Oh, hey, nice job" thanks and relief I would feel when someone would get a mechanic right on a WoW boss and help us down it or avoid a wipe, but a deeper, more real, true and heartfelt sense of gratitude and thankfulness. A desire to repay the debt. Heart racing. Smile on my face. How is this game NOT about friendships and community? That's the only thing that will ever make you truly successful in this game in my opinion. And it's the reason I return and play every night.i would say the game itself does nothing more than harbor a very hostile/defensive player base due to the very nature of perma death.that very mechanic itself also allowed you to increase your relationship with another player, but for the majority there is no community as everyone is afraid of contact with another survivor.i love the perma death, but the same mechanic also drives players to murder out of fear of what another might do to them if they were in the same situation.in essence perma death goes REALLY REALLY WELL with a tight nit clan, but makes pugs and random encounters always hostile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites