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ARMA 3 controls and advanced stances for DayZ Standalone

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In ARMA 3 Bohemia changed the default control scheme and introduced advanced stances. The controls in ARMA 3 are more intuitive than ARMA 2's and make more sense, for example 'Z' is Prone, 'X' toggles Crouch and Stand and 'C' toggles Walk and Run.


Another addition to ARMA 3 is advanced stances, adding two extra body positions between the standard Stand, Crouch and Prone. They are toggled using Ctrl+W/S/A/D and can be very useful. An example would be:

You are in knee height grass and want to camp with a sniper rifle, prone is too low and blocks your vision, crouching is too high and your rifle isn't steady. In ARMA 3 they added sitting which is Prone > Ctrl+W. It puts you into a sitting position with your rifle and you can easily see with a steady gun.


There is a myriad of other uses such as Crouch > Ctrl+W to peek over low walls or Prone > Ctrl+A/D to lay on your side around corners of objects.


A guide to ARMA 3 advanced stances with pictures is available here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=133759937


Very useful and I think it would be rather easy to impliment. Possibly.


Thats my two cents, cya all later.


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I like the stance system, but I like the movement from the standalone better.

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