Psychobob 155 Posted December 21, 2013 See, this argument for 3rd person always kind of bothers me, because you can get your 1st person FOV really high in this game. Plenty of people still use the standard FOV when playing DayZ, and you can easily get a 1st person FOV that is much higher than the default 3rd person FOV. Oh well, at least I don't see people complaining about head bob anymore. And to people saying that server owners should have as many options as they want, don't you think it's a good thing that 97% of the servers aren't "10,000 vehicles start with guns daylight 24/7" anymore? Just before SA I actually had a really hard time finding any server that wasn't like that. It may be their own server, but giving people too much freedom just means that they're going to go for the lowest common denominator, and make DayZ into something that it's not. I certainly hope that doesn't happen to the standalone as well. Anyways, since we are able to have only one or two items across all servers now, I think there should be a very small amount of news choppers, but completely wrecked. I imagine all of the ones in working order would have already left Chernarus.This.As for the choppers, I'm fine with having them added so long as camps are able to be truly camouflaged making them able to be hidden from the players in the chopper for more than a single day. I want to be able to have a chopper to fly directly over my base and have no clue it was there even though the players in it were specifically looking for the camp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted December 21, 2013 Some people may not realise that the 1st person and 3rd person view along with the FOV slider enables some people to actually be able to play the game in comfortnot everyone has perfect vision and limits on setting up how individuals can view the world can actually result in people getting motion sickness and headaches or limits to the duration that they can actually play before they get those symptoms if people want to play on a 1st person only server then thats fine but not everyone can but other than that i like most of your ideasThird person is a much bigger issues for the game than people getting motion sickness and not being able to play as long as others. Especially since there is a FoV slider now and you are easily able to disable things like blur effects and head-bob. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaper1 2 Posted December 21, 2013 Being able to use the butt of your gun as a weapon should definitely be added. Also I really hope they do something about server hoppers. It's way too easy for scumbags to go to the northwest airfield or other military loot spawn and switch servers continually until they find all the loot they need. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProGamerGov 74 Posted December 21, 2013 "5. Don't add helicopters!I absolutely love flying helicopters in the DayZ Mod and ArmA. I really think they shouldn't be added, at all, to Standalone. In the mod they always made camps pointless. Players in a chopper could find every camp on the server in a single day. I just don't want to see all the amazing camp/base locations I've found made obsolete because of an un-needed flying vehicle. I'm all for having nearly any type of ground vehicle."No, just no. Helicopters are coming. Hide you camp better from the Sky instead of whinning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaper1 2 Posted December 21, 2013 "5. Don't add helicopters!I absolutely love flying helicopters in the DayZ Mod and ArmA. I really think they shouldn't be added, at all, to Standalone. In the mod they always made camps pointless. Players in a chopper could find every camp on the server in a single day. I just don't want to see all the amazing camp/base locations I've found made obsolete because of an un-needed flying vehicle. I'm all for having nearly any type of ground vehicle."No, just no. Helicopters are coming. Hide you camp better from the Sky instead of whinning.I think you're missing the point. There is no way to hide your camp from the sky. It is beyond easy for one group of people with a chopper to scout out the entire map and find every camp. The fact is choppers are OP and shouldn't be added. I suppose choppers would be semi balanced if they were truely rare and limited to one per server as well as hard to repair/maintain and have no weapons, but I would much rather have ground vehicles only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim981 5 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) Finding a first person only server isn't a solution for the problem. It's just an increase in problems. There is a FOV slider in the options so peripheral vision isn't an an excuse for third person anymore. I'm only at like 1/3 of the maximum and I have no trouble being situationally aware. They could just lock everyone to a certian FOV and then we're all on completely equal ground. Either way, everyone has the same FOV slider so nobody can gain an advantage. There is no actual benefit to having third person other than the godly advantage that it gives you. I'd be fine with them adding choppers if they give us the tools to make our camps look like part of the forest or where ever you decide to build it. It'd take loads of work but it can be done. As of now, choppers aren't beneficial to the mod. They just take a lot of the fun out of having a camp.I fail to see how having first person only servers are creating problems. It gives people an option. The FOV slider is a great addition to the game, I personally increased it for my game. My "argument" wasn't for or about me, I love first person, but there are people that do love third person. There are people out there that feel more comfortable playing in third person, not because they want to cheat or have a huge advantage or everyone else, but because they like third person. For instance, if people are coming from true MMO's they tend to like third person because they are used to it.If you still hate third person and everyone that uses it, you are truly an arrogant person. Just because you think it's bad, doesn't mean it is. You don't like it? Don't use it. You don't want it to be in the game? Don't play the game. Simple. I am by no means, trying to promote use of one or the other, nor am I trying to put you down in anyway, but if you don't respect other peoples opinions, then your opinion shouldn't deserve respect, fair and square. Rocket has made it easy for people to choose a certain play style, and he fully expects people to use the features given to them, third person being one of them. He has talked about people being able to see around corners with third person before, so he knows it's there. Perhaps a fix will emerge, who knows. Edited December 21, 2013 by Grim 981 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted December 21, 2013 "5. Don't add helicopters!I absolutely love flying helicopters in the DayZ Mod and ArmA. I really think they shouldn't be added, at all, to Standalone. In the mod they always made camps pointless. Players in a chopper could find every camp on the server in a single day. I just don't want to see all the amazing camp/base locations I've found made obsolete because of an un-needed flying vehicle. I'm all for having nearly any type of ground vehicle."No, just no. Helicopters are coming. Hide you camp better from the Sky instead of whinning. I'd hide my camp better if it were possible. If you think you're able to hide you camp at all in the mod then you're a liar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) I fail to see how having first person only servers are creating problems. It gives people an option. The FOV slider is a great addition to the game, I personally increased it for my game. My "argument" wasn't for or about me, I love first person, but there are people that do love third person. There are people out there that feel more comfortable playing in third person, not because they want to cheat or have a huge advantage or everyone else, but because they like third person. For instance, if people are coming from true MMO's they tend to like third person because they are used to it.If you still hate third person and everyone that uses it, you are truly an arrogant person. Just because you think it's bad, doesn't mean it is. You don't like it? Don't use it. You don't want it to be in the game? Don't play the game. Simple. I am by no means, trying to promote use of one or the other, nor am I trying to put you down in anyway, but if you don't respect other peoples opinions, then your opinion shouldn't deserve respect, fair and square. Rocket has made it easy for people to choose a certain play style, and he fully expects people to use the features given to them, third person being one of them. He has talked about people being able to see around corners with third person before, so he knows it's there. Perhaps a fix will emerge, who knows. Third person is the second worst thing to ever be allowed in the DayZ Mod/DayZ.Allowing server owners full control over the setting is the first. The only good thing that came from that is that it allowed people to create variations like Epoch and Origins. All of the variations are just awful but most do contain a lot of good features that should be added to DayZ Standalone.It doesn't matter if someone is more comfortable using third person, it doesn't change the fact that all it does is give people an advantage they shouldn't ever have and there is no reason to have it as far as the gameplay is concerned. I fully aware that others enjoy third person but, again, that doesn't change the fact that removing it makes the game more balanced for everyone. This is why it should be removed completely. I don't want it removed because I don't like it. I want it removed because doing so makes the game more balanced for everyone. Removing it makes the game better. "Don't like it don't play the game" is just plain f'king stupid. "Don't like it don't use it" doesn't work. If you think it's possible to find a good hardcore server in the DayZ mod then you're truly mistaken. This is exactly what's going to happen to DayZ Standalone as well. 1/4 of their servers will be "Hardcore" according to Brian Hicks - me say that again just so it can be better understood. ----> 1/4 <---- of the official servers in DayZ, which is supposed to be a hardcore unforgiving zombie survival simulator, will be Hardcore/first person only. Maybe he meant that is just how many there will be at first but I really doubt it.These servers might be full to the brim at the start then they will slowly die off. I will want to play on them and most of my friends won't.Since between First and Third, First makes the game more balanced and fair for everyone, it is the only option there should be.As for the SOME of the problems with choice between First/Third - "I'm sure I will eventually be able to choose between a first and third person server but that doesn't solve the problem. The first person servers will always be near empty or the owner won't continue to pay for them for long periods of time from lack of players and donations. Also, everyone who enjoys playing first person only has at least one friend who doesn't want to play first person, someone losses every time you play together." It seems like you really skimmed over the details of my original post. Edited December 21, 2013 by Psychobob Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim981 5 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) Third person is the second worst thing to ever be allowed in the DayZ Mod/DayZ.Allowing server owners full control over the setting is the first. The only good thing that came from that is that it allowed people to create variations like Epoch and Origins. All of the variations are just awful but most do contain a lot of good features that should be added to DayZ Standalone.It doesn't matter if someone is more comfortable using third person, it doesn't change the fact that all it does is give people an advantage they shouldn't ever have and there is no reason to have it as far as the gameplay is concerned. I fully aware that others enjoy third person but, again, that doesn't change the fact that removing it makes the game more balanced for everyone. This is why it should be removed completely. I don't want it removed because I don't like it. I want it removed because doing so makes the game more balanced for everyone. Removing it makes the game better. "Don't like it don't play the game" is just plain f'king stupid. "Don't like it don't use it" doesn't work. If you think it's possible to find a good hardcore server in the DayZ mod then you're truly mistaken. This is exactly what's going to happen to DayZ Standalone as well. 1/4 of their servers will be "Hardcore" according to Brian Hicks - me say that again just so it can be better understood. ----> 1/4 <---- of the official servers in DayZ, which is supposed to be a hardcore unforgiving zombie survival simulator, will be Hardcore/first person only. Maybe he meant that is just how many there will be at first but I really doubt it.These servers might be full to the brim at the start then they will slowly die off. I will want to play on them and most of my friends won't.Since between First and Third, First makes the game more balanced and fair for everyone, it is the only option there should be.As for the SOME of the problems with choice between First/Third - "I'm sure I will eventually be able to choose between a first and third person server but that doesn't solve the problem. The first person servers will always be near empty or the owner won't continue to pay for them for long periods of time from lack of players and donations. Also, everyone who enjoys playing first person only has at least one friend who doesn't want to play first person, someone losses every time you play together." It seems like you really skimmed over the details of my original post.I didn't skim at all, I fully understand what you're saying. You want everyone to only have the option of first person because it is "fair". But like I said, that makes you arrogant. You want everyone to change how they play to suit your play style so that you don't have to deal with third person players. You don't care if they like third person, you want it removed because that's how it "should" be according to you. I get that you want it to be a "hardcore simulator", but the truth that the FOV slider is an insta-fix for perspective is somewhat false. You lose perception the higher you get it. It shrinks and distorts your screen so that you can see to your sides on a flat monitor. Third person allows a wider field of view as well as giving a bit more situational awareness If you think that everyone should bow down to the first person players, then you are wrong in every way. I started off playing ARMA 2 and watched as DayZ became what it is today. I was here from the first public release of the mod and I have to say, it's come a long way. I can also say that if it wasn't for third person, I would never have survived multiple situations. Not because I see people around corners or over objects, but because I had more situational awareness. There is no master race in this, no first person or third person side of a war. Everybody has their own way of playing, and if you can't respect that, and can't get over the fact that third person is an option, then don't play the game. You say that not playing is a stupid idea, but I say it suits you. You have no respect for peoples decisions and would rather complain that people use a feature that you don't like. It's in the game and it's not leaving. It's your choice to use it or not. If people want to use it, then they will use it. It's a feature and will be used as such. As for servers, I see no reason why people can't choose to have a different kind of play style. If people want more guns, then give them guns. Odds are that they usually can't get one without dying, or can't keep one in any normal server. If they want a ton of vehicles, let them have vehicles. Personally I hope there are a ton of vehicles because that's how it should be. Tons of vehicles and little gas. First person servers are a kind of rare breed because there aren't many people that hate third person. If you truly wish to argue this point, then please give some good reasons. You wanting it to be a certain way because you feel heavily that it should be that way, is not a good reason. Edited December 21, 2013 by Grim 981 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted December 21, 2013 I didn't skim at all, I fully understand what you're saying. You want everyone to only have the option of first person because it is "fair". But like I said, that makes you arrogant. You want everyone to change how they play to suit your play style so that you don't have to deal with third person players. You don't care if they like third person, you want it removed because that's how it "should" be according to you. I get that you want it to be a "hardcore simulator", but the truth that the FOV slider is an insta-fix for perspective is somewhat false. You lose perception the higher you get it. It shrinks and distorts your screen so that you can see to your sides on a flat monitor. Third person allows a wider field of view as well as giving a bit more situational awareness If you think that everyone should bow down to the first person players, then you are wrong in every way. I started off playing ARMA 2 and watched as DayZ became what it is today. I was here from the first public release of the mod and I have to say, it's come a long way. I can also say that if it wasn't for third person, I would never have survived multiple situations. Not because I see people around corners or over objects, but because I had more situational awareness. There is no master race in this, no first person or third person side of a war. Everybody has their own way of playing, and if you can't respect that, and can't get over the fact that third person is an option, then don't play the game. You say that not playing is a stupid idea, but I say it suits you. You have no respect for peoples decisions and would rather complain that people use a feature that you don't like. It's in the game and it's not leaving. It's your choice to use it or not. If people want to use it, then they will use it. It's a feature and will be used as such. As for servers, I see no reason why people can't choose to have a different kind of play style. If people want more guns, then give them guns. Odds are that they usually can't get one without dying, or can't keep one in any normal server. If they want a ton of vehicles, let them have vehicles. Personally I hope there are a ton of vehicles because that's how it should be. Tons of vehicles and little gas. First person servers are a kind of rare breed because there aren't many people that hate third person. If you truly wish to argue this point, then please give some good reasons. You wanting it to be a certain way because you feel heavily that it should be that way, is not a good reason.If you actually read my post, you wouldn't continue to say "You only want it because you prefer it." If I'm arrogant because I want the game to be fair for everyone and last for a long time then I guess I'm arrogant. Personally, I think that sounds pretty stupid.What don't you understand about my opinion has no bearing on my suggestion?Just because I prefer first person doesn't mean it's the better choice. It's the better choice because it's the better choice; there is absolutely no need for it at all, the game would be better balanced with out it and allowing it slowly kills the game, just like everything else that gives people a god-like advantage. I don't want it to be a hardcore zombie survival simulator ----> it was designed to be one from the start! <---- Third person stops it from actually being one. Third person was part of ArmA and the mod was as well so there wasn't anything that could be done about third person in the mod other than server owners disabling it. Now the devs are in control and they aren't even sticking with the original design of the game. Everything the player does in game is supposed to matter. Every decision is supposed to be a major one. If you can see a player without leaving yourself exposed in even the slightest way then you're going completely against the point of the game and what made it fun. "Is this guy going to kill me? Should I kill him first or try and trade?" It's supposed to be a mind game as much as a physical one. That's why the DayZ mod was so popular so quickly, now it's just deathmatch with zombies and a couple survival aspects. I don't want to see DayZ Standalone go down the same path, I want to see them actually improve.I've given plenty of facts to support why my suggestion is a good idea. Nobody has given an argument that supports why it's not. All I've heard is "Some people prefer it", "Motion Sickness" and "Situational awareness". Some people prefer it is irrelevant because it's opinion. I've already addressed motion sickness and you don't need third person to be situationally aware. The majority Loves third person but just because the majority wants it, doesn't mean they should get it or that it's a good thing and is beneficial to the game. This is exactly the case with third person.Situational Awareness in first person only suffers because of the player being used to how much more third person gives you. If everyone was locked to first person. Nobody would know the difference and after they played using first person only for a while they would become accustomed to it. Since everyone else would be in the same boat, there is no argument for situational awareness.When it comes to servers that players have control over, they will lock it, make it super easy for them and their friends to loot all the best gear then come to a server where people are playing legitimately. When they die, they will go back to their server and gear up again. It's an exploit, it's exactly as bad as hacking. The mod has devolved even further from that. All you have to do is look at it. There is nothing but servers with settings that completely defeat the purpose of the game.I would be fine with there being hundreds of vehicles if gas spawning in-game was about as rare as seeing a unicorn in real life. I'd be fine with there being thousands of weapons if ammo and magazines were equally as rare.I'm trying to get the game back on it's original design track because I actually care about it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim981 5 Posted December 21, 2013 (edited) If you actually read my post, you wouldn't continue to say "You only want it because you prefer it." If I'm arrogant because I want the game to be fair for everyone and last for a long time then I guess I'm arrogant. Personally, I think that sounds pretty stupid.What don't you understand about my opinion has no bearing on my suggestion?Just because I prefer first person doesn't mean it's the better choice. It's the better choice because it's the better choice; there is absolutely no need for it at all, the game would be better balanced with out it and allowing it slowly kills the game, just like everything else that gives people a god-like advantage. I don't want it to be a hardcore zombie survival simulator ----> it was designed to be one from the start! <---- Third person stops it from actually being one. Third person was part of ArmA and the mod was as well so there wasn't anything that could be done about third person in the mod other than server owners disabling it. Now the devs are in control and they aren't even sticking with the original design of the game. Everything the player does in game is supposed to matter. Every decision is supposed to be a major one. If you can see a player without leaving yourself exposed in even the slightest way then you're going completely against the point of the game and what made it fun. "Is this guy going to kill me? Should I kill him first or try and trade?" It's supposed to be a mind game as much as a physical one. That's why the DayZ mod was so popular so quickly, now it's just deathmatch with zombies and a couple survival aspects. I don't want to see DayZ Standalone go down the same path, I want to see them actually improve.I've given plenty of facts to support why my suggestion is a good idea. Nobody has given an argument that supports why it's not. All I've heard is "Some people prefer it", "Motion Sickness" and "Situational awareness". Some people prefer it is irrelevant because it's opinion. I've already addressed motion sickness and you don't need third person to be situationally aware. The majority Loves third person but just because the majority wants it, doesn't mean they should get it or that it's a good thing and is beneficial to the game. This is exactly the case with third person.Situational Awareness in first person only suffers because of the player being used to how much more third person gives you. If everyone was locked to first person. Nobody would know the difference and after they played using first person only for a while they would become accustomed to it. Since everyone else would be in the same boat, there is no argument for situational awareness.When it comes to servers that players have control over, they will lock it, make it super easy for them and their friends to loot all the best gear then come to a server where people are playing legitimately. When they die, they will go back to their server and gear up again. It's an exploit, it's exactly as bad as hacking. The mod has devolved even further from that. All you have to do is look at it. There is nothing but servers with settings that completely defeat the purpose of the game.I would be fine with there being hundreds of vehicles if gas spawning in-game was about as rare as seeing a unicorn in real life. I'd be fine with there being thousands of weapons if ammo and magazines were equally as rare.I'm trying to get the game back on it's original design track because I actually care about it.I'm not sure how you come to these conclusions, but it's like watching a dog chase it's tail. First person being better is by no means, a fact. It will never be the master of all perspectives. You forget that ArmA was a hardcore mil sim before DayZ was even thought about, and absolutely no one bitched and moaned as bad as you are about third person. They just made their own server and went about their business, never to speak of it again. It's a part of the game, it works for those who like it and yet here you are, saying "it's not my opinion, but I know that first person is better"... how do you know this? because you believe that it would be better for all and no one would complain if they just took third person out. That, is what we call opinion. No matter what you do or how you change the game, people will always kill each other (some even without speaking), there is no way in hell you can stop that and there's sure as hell no way that taking out third person will stop it... People find the game fun, not because it's so close to realism you can practically taste it... that's just stupid. They like it because no matter how you play it, you can have fun. Third person isn't killing the game, things that people like and use that are being removed, is what is killing the game. And at the moment, nothing is killing the game. People play it with the little amount of stuff we have and still have fun. It's not dead nor dying because third person is in it, taking it out would kill it. If those arguments are all that you've heard, then you are ignorant or just haven't read close enough. People prefer third person like you prefer first. I haven't heard much of motion sickness, but I get where they are coming from. I just decrease head bob. Situational Awareness is a biggy. If you wanted true awareness of your surroundings, you'll need your senses about you. You need to hear the things around you, make full use of your eyes, and know what you are standing on or around. The sound quality in this game is kinda bad, but it's improving greatly. To be able to use your eyes to the fullest extent, you need to use your peripheral vision and be able to concentrate on certain things. In order to get peripherals, you'd need to fit 180% into a flat monitor in front of you. that doesn't quite work out. One thing that strikes me as odd is that you complain about third person, and yet in first person you can still zoom with your eyes... now I don't know if it's just me, but I can't zoom with my eyes. In game it is used to resemble your character focussing on something in the distance. Is zooming hardcore realistic? hell no. Is it resembling something that you can do in real life? absolutely. As far as I can tell the only arguments you have for it is; it's realistic, it's fair, it will make the game better, using third person is cheating... all sound like opinion to meYou point out that situational awareness isn't a big deal anymore if we just take out third person... I'm a bit confused by this because well, it makes no sense... you mean to say that by taking everyones vision away, the world will be a better place? Imagine this, you are sitting, looking in a direction and someone walks up to your side... a full 90% from you. In real life you could tell someones there, in game you cannot. That could just be a life and death situation, but you chose death. Catch my drift? These little details that they added are to help make up for what a video game cannot. Servers... Servers will always be like this... ALWAYS... you can get a group of people and join a near empty server and loot to your delight, then go to another server. Easy. For people who make private servers, I'm sure it will be like the mod, no connection to the hive. No looting in your own, then joining a public server.As I said before, servers with tons of weapons and vehicles is not idiotic, nor is it destroying the game. It is an adaptation to certain peoples play styles. Some want to get a gun and shoot things, some (like me) just want to drive around all day. You go to those servers and have fun doing what you want. It's not like you can take them with you to another server (unless they're linked). The game has always been on track, but it's people like you who don't want certain things in the game, even though they are a full fledged feature, to be removed that are bumping the game off it's tracks. Edited December 21, 2013 by Grim 981 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clumzy (DayZ) 377 Posted December 22, 2013 As I said before, servers with tons of weapons and vehicles is not idiotic, nor is it destroying the game.Well, it's definitely the reason I stopped playing the mod for a while. Splitting and fracturing the community over and over is never good for a game. A couple weeks before the release I wanted to play DayZ mod, but I didn't find a single vanilla or DayZero server with good ping and anyone in it. It was ridiculous, because I don't have any interest in the Origins/Epoch modmods. I think it's a very good thing that server owners can't make servers like this, as it's just trying to appeal to the masses and get as many players as possible, and I don't think that's what DayZ is about. Say what you will against third and first person, but I don't believe that splitting the community into groups that play a hundred different variations of the same game will be anything but a bad thing. It's best that we keep the game unified. Oh, and about this quote of yours:"You want everyone to only have the option of first person because it is "fair". But like I said, that makes you arrogant. You want everyone to change how they play to suit your play style so that you don't have to deal with third person players. You don't care if they like third person, you want it removed because that's how it "should" be according to you." I don't think you should be accusing him of being arrogant, for trying to change how everyone plays based on his opinion of what is best for the game. That's what a suggestion is, look at all the suggestions made that would have (and did) change the way that everyone played the game. I only hear accusations like this when it's about third person. He's not being arrogant or anything like that, and he has never at any point claimed to be part of a 'master race'. He is just saying what he thinks is best for the game as a whole. There is no need to attack him, it's better to just have a respectful discussion about the pros and cons of third person (That would be a first). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim981 5 Posted December 22, 2013 Oh, and about this quote of yours:"You want everyone to only have the option of first person because it is "fair". But like I said, that makes you arrogant. You want everyone to change how they play to suit your play style so that you don't have to deal with third person players. You don't care if they like third person, you want it removed because that's how it "should" be according to you." I don't think you should be accusing him of being arrogant, for trying to change how everyone plays based on his opinion of what is best for the game. That's what a suggestion is, look at all the suggestions made that would have (and did) change the way that everyone played the game. I only hear accusations like this when it's about third person. He's not being arrogant or anything like that, and he has never at any point claimed to be part of a 'master race'. He is just saying what he thinks is best for the game as a whole. There is no need to attack him, it's better to just have a respectful discussion about the pros and cons of third person (That would be a first).I tried reasoning with him, telling him that it's something that is pretty much has to stay in, but he just goes on about how it's bad for the game or destroying it. When it's not. A suggestion can only be taken seriously when it makes sense. Removing third person would take away about 3/4 the population of the game and yet he still wants it taken away? Rediculous... It's there for a reason, and people use it all the time... taking it away is just insane. It would be more game breaking than leaving it in, or even the server issue. It is truly arrogant to believe that taking something that everyone uses away, will make things better. It's not game breaking, nor ruining any ones fun (except for his apparently) to have it in this game. So why take it out? because he doesn't want it in.I tried to have a respectful discussion, but when the other party doesn't think about others. It's difficult to say the least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tingkagol 9 Posted December 22, 2013 Remove helicopters: yes. Third person: NEVERI'd consider removing 3rd person if the controls weren't so damn clunky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burneddi 13 Posted December 22, 2013 (edited) Sorry in advance for not reading all the long posts in this thread. I really like your suggestions. However, they hit "a vein" with the community, so don't be surprised that your thread has gotten a lot of angry replies and controversy. They are all what some would call hardcore features -- although I prefer to think of them as "the real experience", or at least, the sort of game I pictured when I first heard of the concept of DayZ: a tough-as-nails, gritty, extremely realistic sandbox zombie survival game (needless to say, that's not exactly what it proved to be, although a lot of my disappointment is just because it was not only a mod, but not completely finished. I have faith it'll be exactly that eventually). However, a lot of the community the game now has around it is used to much... bear with me with my choice of wording, easier experience. An experience more like to that other video games offer, something not as hard to get into, something more forgiving, something exciting and cool. It's only obvious, though, there's no way a really "hardcore" game could be this hugely popular. It seems like most of DayZ players came to this game looking for different things I did. As such, I believe the situation would be best solved by introducing a new "game mode", or a difficulty setting. Just call it hardcore or something. It would have things such as forced 1st person, better day-night cycles (ie. no 24/7 day servers, so everyone would have to deal with the horrible scary night sometimes. Something like a 6-hour day/night cycle would be cool), gamma and brightness enforced to sane levels to prevent abusing them to gain faux-nightvision, possibly no choppers, body hiding requiring you to have a shovel.. That kind of thing. There is definitely a demand for a difficulty setting like this, and tons of first-person locked servers I played on were very popular back in the mod. Also, by doing it with a standardised "ruleset" like Normal/Veteran back in the mod, it'd help prevent splitting the community interested in something like this onto a gorillion different private hives. also if it's called hardcore I could make fun of my non-hardcore playing friends for playing on a casual difficulty setting Edited December 22, 2013 by Dejecaal 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim981 5 Posted December 22, 2013 Sorry in advance for not reading all the long posts in this thread. I really like your suggestions. However, they hit "a vein" with the community, so don't be surprised that your thread has gotten a lot of angry replies and controversy. They are all what some would call hardcore features -- although I prefer to think of them as "the real experience", or at least, the sort of game I pictured when I first heard of the concept of DayZ: a tough-as-nails, gritty, extremely realistic sandbox zombie survival game (needless to say, that's not exactly what it proved to be, although a lot of my disappointment is just because it was not only a mod, but not completely finished. I have faith it'll be exactly that eventually). However, a lot of the community the game now has around it is used to much... bear with me with my choice of wording, easier experience. An experience more like to that other video games offer, something not as hard to get into, something more forgiving, something exciting and cool. It's only obvious, though, there's no way a really "hardcore" game could be this hugely popular. It seems like most of DayZ players came to this game looking for different things I did. As such, I believe the situation would be best solved by introducing a new "game mode", or a difficulty setting. Just call it hardcore or something. It would have things such as forced 1st person, better day-night cycles (ie. no 24/7 day servers, so everyone would have to deal with the horrible scary night sometimes. Something like a 6-hour day/night cycle would be cool), gamma and brightness enforced to sane levels to prevent abusing them to gain faux-nightvision, possibly no choppers, body hiding requiring you to have a shovel.. That kind of thing. There is definitely a demand for a difficulty setting like this, and tons of first-person locked servers I played on were very popular back in the mod. Also, by doing it with a standardised "ruleset" like Normal/Veteran back in the mod, it'd help prevent splitting the community interested in something like this onto a gorillion different private hives. also if it's called hardcore I could make fun of my non-hardcore playing friends for playing on a casual difficulty settingThey're making Hardcore servers and there has been those servers in the past. But this guy thinks that they shouldn't split them up and everyone should play this way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burneddi 13 Posted December 22, 2013 (edited) They're making Hardcore servers and there has been those servers in the past. But this guy thinks that they shouldn't split them up and everyone should play this way.He's not explicitly saying that, and even if he was, so what? It's not like we're forced to accept his ideas as they are -- they can be changed and adapted for the better. Hell, if I had to choose between no third-person for anyone, and giving people a superficial choice, I'd go for the former, too. It's the same as with any other "choice" like this, where you have two options of which the other is clearly practically superior but not necessarily the preferable one.See: "Don't like thermal-scoped AS50 being in the game? You don't have to use it if you don't want to!"; "Don't like cranking up the gamma to gain faux-nightvision? You don't have to do it if you don't want to!"; "Don't like everyone spawning with Makarovs? You can drop it if you want to!". Anyway, that's beyond the point. The point is, there are a lot of players out there who would rather play the game without anyone being able to cheat using third person, and without anyone being able to fly choppers, and those people deserve to be able to enjoy the game that way as much as anyone else deserves to be able to enjoy the game with those features in. A hardcore difficulty setting would, in my humble opinion, be the best solution for this problem, with customisable "private hives" being the second-best (although vastly less optimal, as they'd split up communities more than an universal ruleset) one. Edited December 22, 2013 by Dejecaal 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaper1 2 Posted December 22, 2013 They're making Hardcore servers and there has been those servers in the past. But this guy thinks that they shouldn't split them up and everyone should play this way.Dayz is a zombie survival simulator and as such it attempts be as realistic as possible. Having a floating camera behind your head isn't realistic, first person is. These are facts not opinions. My OPINION is that, as another poster in this thread said, splitting the community is not going to do any good. Scumbag tactics like corner peeking in third person shouldn't exist in a survival simulator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
newtee2 9 Posted December 22, 2013 I agree third person is kind of an unfair advantage and this isn't really a third person game. I believe it ought to be rid of, but keep helicopters. Limit helicopters to civilian models and make sure that parts are difficult to get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted December 22, 2013 I'd consider removing 3rd person if the controls weren't so damn clunky.They're really not bad in the Standalone at all. Not nearly as bad as in the mod. They'll only get better as well since this is just an Alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 55 Posted December 22, 2013 1 to 6 + 8 = Yes! 7: I like 3rd person for screenshots :) But yeah I played on a 1st person only server on the mod for a while and I liked it, but I don't see how taking away the choice is going to help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazrauken 0 Posted December 22, 2013 Heli is fun for me because i don't hoard but i can understand its an issue if you do, i think it doesn't need removing(because its fun shooting at one or having to hidfe whenyou hear the dur dur dur) but needs better ways of hoarding, tents are OK but temporary storage, lets give the pen and paper use, use it to write down co ordinates of buried goods, which you can bury in a safe for example(probably have to use cars or buggys to setup but hey) which to stop the issue of right place can be found by digging in a 1m^3 area, off top of head there probably will be better solutions 3rd person, hell nah, i play it in 3rd for movement and z killing and close quaters skirmishes but i vastly prefer 1st person above 80m firefights, its just how i do it, i hate movement in this game and third person helps a lot for me. i agree its advantagous if YOU'RE AMBUSHING, or looking round a corner in firefights in cqb(or meele it adds depth of field with meele as you have an accurate gauge of length like in real life) but i'm the opposite of you. i play casually with a friend and we just go and loot places and repaired vechs and had fun because we like the game like that and i think for me its much more fun. its like argueing a TDM is better then a DMP(i think thats what you call it in most games), there is no right or wrong one is just more hardcore and tense and the other is casual fun i think the 1st person servers and hardcore only will suffice, if you hate not having enough people(say 3 in every 10 players) then it would make more sence for rokitt to remove FP then TP as really you should make the player-base happy. but i'm up for coexistance. one final note, TP is not as useful as getting the first glimpse of somone and bieng able to sneak up on them, its only really useful for finding loot in wierd places and in an established fight.hate peeking round corners, hey i've got real 5.1 headphones, in a week i'll be able to tell footsteps round a corner and their distance easily. do you want surround sound removed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burneddi 13 Posted December 22, 2013 hate peeking round corners, hey i've got real 5.1 headphones, in a week i'll be able to tell footsteps round a corner and their distance easily. do you want surround sound removed?The game only has stereo sound, though. Not only that, but "surround" headphones are completely useless anyway, as you only have two ears and regular headphones are already covering both of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted December 22, 2013 I'm not sure how you come to these conclusions, but it's like watching a dog chase it's tail. First person being better is by no means, a fact. It will never be the master of all perspectives. You forget that ArmA was a hardcore mil sim before DayZ was even thought about, and absolutely no one bitched and moaned as bad as you are about third person. They just made their own server and went about their business, never to speak of it again. It's a part of the game, it works for those who like it and yet here you are, saying "it's not my opinion, but I know that first person is better"... how do you know this? because you believe that it would be better for all and no one would complain if they just took third person out. That, is what we call opinion. No matter what you do or how you change the game, people will always kill each other (some even without speaking), there is no way in hell you can stop that and there's sure as hell no way that taking out third person will stop it... People find the game fun, not because it's so close to realism you can practically taste it... that's just stupid. They like it because no matter how you play it, you can have fun. Third person isn't killing the game, things that people like and use that are being removed, is what is killing the game. And at the moment, nothing is killing the game. People play it with the little amount of stuff we have and still have fun. It's not dead nor dying because third person is in it, taking it out would kill it. If those arguments are all that you've heard, then you are ignorant or just haven't read close enough. People prefer third person like you prefer first. I haven't heard much of motion sickness, but I get where they are coming from. I just decrease head bob. Situational Awareness is a biggy. If you wanted true awareness of your surroundings, you'll need your senses about you. You need to hear the things around you, make full use of your eyes, and know what you are standing on or around. The sound quality in this game is kinda bad, but it's improving greatly. To be able to use your eyes to the fullest extent, you need to use your peripheral vision and be able to concentrate on certain things. In order to get peripherals, you'd need to fit 180% into a flat monitor in front of you. that doesn't quite work out. One thing that strikes me as odd is that you complain about third person, and yet in first person you can still zoom with your eyes... now I don't know if it's just me, but I can't zoom with my eyes. In game it is used to resemble your character focussing on something in the distance. Is zooming hardcore realistic? hell no. Is it resembling something that you can do in real life? absolutely. As far as I can tell the only arguments you have for it is; it's realistic, it's fair, it will make the game better, using third person is cheating... all sound like opinion to meYou point out that situational awareness isn't a big deal anymore if we just take out third person... I'm a bit confused by this because well, it makes no sense... you mean to say that by taking everyones vision away, the world will be a better place? Imagine this, you are sitting, looking in a direction and someone walks up to your side... a full 90% from you. In real life you could tell someones there, in game you cannot. That could just be a life and death situation, but you chose death. Catch my drift? These little details that they added are to help make up for what a video game cannot. Servers... Servers will always be like this... ALWAYS... you can get a group of people and join a near empty server and loot to your delight, then go to another server. Easy. For people who make private servers, I'm sure it will be like the mod, no connection to the hive. No looting in your own, then joining a public server.As I said before, servers with tons of weapons and vehicles is not idiotic, nor is it destroying the game. It is an adaptation to certain peoples play styles. Some want to get a gun and shoot things, some (like me) just want to drive around all day. You go to those servers and have fun doing what you want. It's not like you can take them with you to another server (unless they're linked). The game has always been on track, but it's people like you who don't want certain things in the game, even though they are a full fledged feature, to be removed that are bumping the game off it's tracks.Well believe whatever you need to believe. You're clearly not reading my posts.I've given plenty of un-biased proof to support why first person only would be more beneficial to the game and allowing third person. I've given plenty of proof as to why the option of having first and third person servers isn't a solution that works.If you don't want to hear what I've got to say that's fine by me but I'm done discussing with you until you present some tangible facts to support what you're saying.Good luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burneddi 13 Posted December 22, 2013 (edited) On the topic of 3rd person "representing peripheral vision", you have no idea what you are talking about. Third person in this game does absolutely nothing of the sort. It doesn't increase your field of view at all. It is literally just a third-person view, it moves your camera back a metre and up like 20 centimetres. It is a 100% an illusion and just something you've grown accustomed to. Say you're running in a forest, in third person your camera is essentially where your first person camera was a second ago, and it does not give you any more vision as it doesn't change your field of view. The only advantage 3rd person has over 1st person is being able to peek over grass, and behind and through walls. That has absolutely nothing to do with "peripheral vision". If you want something representing peripheral vision, either bring back the peripheral dots (an awful solution if you ask me), or just learn to utilise the Alt key to look around. Edited December 22, 2013 by Dejecaal 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites