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The hold up

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Was at Stary, noticed someone jacking all the loot started looking around and found them. Sadly Shadowplay doesn't record your voice yet so you can only hear him.


Basically I needed food, and I tried helping him with his blood situation. We didn't have the blood test though.

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Kudos to you for not firing into his back like a madman while screaming all high pitched like alot of others would have.  Hope to see alot more of these types of interactions instead of trying to deal with a 13 year old that just discovered direct chat.  Also if you have the latest version of shadowplay you need only go click a check box and your mic will be recorded (feature was added a cpl patches ago iirc)

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Kudos to you for not firing into his back like a madman while screaming all high pitched like alot of others would have.  Hope to see alot more of these types of interactions instead of trying to deal with a 13 year old that just discovered direct chat.  Also if you have the latest version of shadowplay you need only go click a check box and your mic will be recorded (feature was added a cpl patches ago iirc)

Thank you, just double checked and got it.


I really try not to shoot if I can get the jump on people. He managed to listen and not turn around.  I had no reason to kill him because he gave me what I needed and he wasn't heading the direction I was.(so I hope not) :D

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