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Silencer not working on M4 Standalone

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The silencer will only work if you have the SD type of ammo, which I don't believe is implemented yet.

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I haven't come across any SD ammo too. I don't believe it's in game yet like the other guy said. No point in having a silencer without any SD ammo unless you just like the aesthetics of it.

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I haven't come across any SD ammo too. I don't believe it's in game yet like the other guy said. No point in having a silencer without any SD ammo unless you just like the aesthetics of it.

The silencer won't look very nice if you're firing regular ammo out of it.

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So you would need the SD ammo what a drag the silencer should be able to silence regular ammo a bit just like it does in real life haha 

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The silencer function alittle from what ive noticed. Not to much though. Just takes the loudest crack of the shot

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If the game is still modeled after arma2, then the suppressor only masks the gunshot but not the supersonic crack, because you cant mask that, in real life if your bullet flies faster than sound, it will cause a crack.

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I just tested it. It doesnt really do anything yet. Just looks cool on my M4 with acog, flashlight and 40 round magazines(or clips, whatever i dont really care so dont correct me).

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One of the features I really hoped the would have fixed in the Standalone.............. *sigh*.


A suppressor suppresses both regualr and sub-sonic ammo. Hopefully this will be changed otherwise I'll be really disappointed.  

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Is there even a silencer yet? all I've found are suppressors, which as people have mentioned arn't supposed to completely silence your gun anyway.

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Actually, subsonic 5.56 is basically useless. It hardly has any penetrating power, and at 200m with even a slight breeze, the bullet will yaw. Also, the recoil isn't even powerful enough to cycle the bolt. The purpose of a suppressor is to conceal the shooter's location, not to silence a gunshot completely. Hearing a supersonic crack means nothing if you don't hear the point of origin of the shot.


But I'm pretty sure the attachment does not work currently, whatsoever. Others who have done comparisons notice no difference in the sound of the shot. I had similar results. I think it just hasn't been implemented yet.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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