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Servers always daylight, normal?

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Hello, so i have played like 6 hours in the past 2 days and i met 0 players during all this time, also the servers, always daylight, even when playing at night irl.. i started to think maybe my character is bugged and i am playing alone in a bugged word ( don't know if this even makes any  sence ). I have been walking aroud the coast, trying to rob some1 and i jus't cant find anyway, i have been on the places i spawned on. I wouldn't think this is a bug, i know its a huge map, but the fact that it always day made me wonder


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so u guys are playing at night right now? its day for me lool, which i prefer alot :P ye i checked that, it shows a list of players, still stange to meet 0 in 6 hours of play but i guess its normal then 

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hahah welcome to polar opposites world..


wanna trade servers ???



each day i log into Dayz SA starts the same way... login into countless servers, find its full dark, exit try another server... rinse repeat for 5-10 servers at least until i find  daylite one..


hoping for 24/7 daylite servers with low pings ASAP.

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