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What's the best gun in the game? Apart from Sniper Rifles.

Also, off topic but I got all the way to the top airbase.. and.... got sniped. :@

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Got sniped, eh?

As some may know, I hate nights, but it is the best time to go check places. Just be sure if you do, do it without flashlight, so snipers don't see you. Crawl slowly and you should be fine.

Best gun? Emm... M4A1, besides sniper rifles as you said... :)


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I wold consider the M14 AIM, FN FAL (Irons), AKM, M4 CCO/Holo and M16 Acog all better than the M4A1.

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I know its not a gun but I am in love with the crossbow...

After I've found a few bolts I can quickly and silently carve myself a path through a heavily infested city. The ammo is reuse-able and its one hit one kill anywhere on a zombie (from my experience).

I am aware it is not useful in PKing but after I've found some matches and a water canteen my character will live off wild game and pond water for a good long time.

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Loving the M14 atm..its so damn noisy though :) Good thing with the Coyote backpack though is that i have an ak74 Kobra stashed for close in action as well.

That M14 just does not miss.

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my fav is the new double barrel shotty they added but before that was the lee enfield, it had high damage and the ammo is very common to find.

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Against zombies? M1911. All you'll ever need. Seriously, this thing kills in one shot, is common as dirt, has ammo that is even more common, good accuracy, decent mag size, good reload time.

As for fighting players, it's fairly situational, but the M16 203 and the M14 are my favorites

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AKM is quite powerful and ammo is common, yet not too loud. Otherwise, I love my silenced Bizon PP-19. Too hard to find though.

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The AKM is very good because of its power and the ability to zero its sights. The rifles with optics on them are also nice.

I would say that the best common weapon is the Lee Enfield because of its power, accuracy, and because it doesn't seem to be as loud as it was a few patches ago.

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The M4A3 CCO is my choice. It's a rifle that exceeds at both close and mid range fire. The ammo is also common, and it has a flashlight - so you don't have to restrict yourself to something like a G17 because you want the convenient flashlight. It also isn't too loud, which is a bonus.

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"There are no stupid questions, only stupid question-askers."

Ok so that was a bit mean, but when it comes to a sim like arma, it is a bit like asking 'what is the best gun IRL'.

As has been stated, it depends entirely on what you need to get done.

Weapons are sculpted by necessity and nothing else, therefore it is logical that your weapon choice should be influenced by necessity and nothing else.

If you want to kill zombies, any one-hit-kill weapon that is easy to maneuver should do (attachments such as GLs will reduce weapon mobility, unless you want to scour the configs, just trust me on this). When it comes to PvP, it depends on range, environment, team-mates, blah blah blah. As per real life, there is no best weapon, otherwise there would only be one gun used by Western forces.

As the mod changes, weapons change. With the recent patch, suppressed weapons suddenly became a lot more desirable. If you don't have an overall plan, then any weapon will be useless in your hands. Decide on a strategy, and that strategy will thereafter decide which weapon is best, that is pretty much the soundest advice you will get on the subject, without meaning to sound arrogant.

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Taking into account how hard it is to find particular weapons, I would say the Winchester.

It's quiet, 1 hit kills zombies, is good up to 300m and ammunition is easily found.

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Defiantly the Winchester 1866, that thing is so awesome it kills a zombie in one shot no matter where. Then against players 1-2 shots, honestly I have had most of the weapons but I would turn down a non-silenced M4 for that thing. Now my favorite pistol would over the top M1911, thing is fricken amazing... as someone said you can live off that thing alone. That is my favorite loadout hands down.

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Lee enfeld is too loud. While it can one shot players the enormous noise it generates is just too much of a drawback in a game where intel is power. If every zombie and player within half a click knows your exact position after one shot, maybe one shot isn't that great.

Thankfully crossbow bolts don't stack or it'd be the best weapon by such an enormous margin. Not even the learning curve would balance it out.

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I really like the FN Fal, but the ammo is too rare.

M16A2 is pretty dependable, as well as the AK74 Kobra. The ammo for both is common.

If you want killing power, but don't want a sniper rifle, check out the Lee Enfield.

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well in my opinion, in a game like this asking what is the best gun is just asking which one is the most versatile. in which i would say mk 48, rather compact very good accuracy, sniper rifle kind of damage, large clip and fire rate, and ammo isnt that rare.

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