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Here comes the hackers...

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So me and two of my friends went to north west airfield we took control of the place, out of no where a players starts shooting us with a mosin (scoped) 2 of my team-mates die, I end up going up the fire house watch tower and found him, shot him about 6 times till he died, he ended up coming back to life again and started running, I shoot him about 10 times now and he dies finally.... 3 seconds later he is standing back up and ends up killing me.....

My friend re spawns in balota and about 10 minutes a player teleports him into the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. So atm my friend is pretty much stuck not being able to respawn unless a server restart or wipe happens....

Just thought I'd share the news if any other players comes across anything out of the ordinary that does not sound like a bug :) 

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There's hackers in SA? I thought the last 30 posts, including rockets were just bullshitting me.




We are well aware. There is currently no antihack enabled, as it did not prove stable during release. All in good time.

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Well with the guy coming back to life that is a simple glitch that can happen if he combat logs but with your friend being teleported into the middle of the ocean, idk about that.

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what is there to hack in? There is 3 guns and like 3 melee weapons and a bunch of clothing. But it's rediculous most gear in the game is rather easy to obtain. So hacking could be (spawning in things hacking) replaced by 30 minutes of looting.

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what is there to hack in? There is 3 guns and like 3 melee weapons and a bunch of clothing. But it's rediculous most gear in the game is rather easy to obtain. So hacking could be (spawning in things hacking) replaced by 30 minutes of looting.

Just proven again.... me and 4 of my team mates just got teleported to no man's land when we were in balota airfield shooting someone, guess he didnt wanna die so he teleported all of us to the middle of the map. 

I guess its just another way to prevent a player from getting killed lolol

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its a really bad glitch not hacks if you log out after dying you don't lose your character I couldn't kill a guy because he kept leaving and rejoining 

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its a really bad glitch not hacks if you log out after dying you don't lose your character I couldn't kill a guy because he kept leaving and rejoining 

was this within 15 seconds? cause when I shot him he came back alive instantly.. there was no delay. And everything happened within 10-15 seconds b4 I was dead. He died two times 

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 Actually, i dont think this is a hack, i hear of these weird glitches that teleport people to god only knows where. I once logged in at the base of a tower, inside the wall, took me like 10 mins to vault my way out.


But an ocean teleport sounds horrible, you cant even kill yourself 

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actually , if it wasnt for the infistar and hangender anti hacks, dayz mod would have been pretty much hacking with no stopping it.


Why is it, that a third party who has nothing to do with the games development can make better anti hacks then the people making the game?


serious question, cosidering dean and team have "the machine" behind them, the machine being a million dollar company called Bohemia

Edited by piffkush

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actually , if it wasnt for the infistar and hangender anti hacks, dayz mod would have been pretty much hacking with no stopping it.


Why is it, that a third party who has nothing to do with the games development can make better anti hacks then the people making the game?


serious question, cosidering dean and team have "the machine" behind them, the machine being a million dollar company called Bohemia

Because most of the time the game cannot detect changes that are happening via an intercepted packet between your client and the server.  That's why they have these 3rd party tools that can detect these changes while not also running the server.  This let's the server do it's thing without having to take processing power away.

Edited by Aeoneth

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Because most of the time the game cannot detect changes that are happening via an intercepted packet between your client and the server.  That's why they have these 3rd party tools that can detect these changes while not also running the server.  This let's the server do it's thing without having to take processing power away.


Yet there are quite a few games on the market that cant/ are extremely hard to hack. For example, why have i never run into a hacker on Planetside 2? Dota 2? Black ops 2? I dont need an answer, i can answer all three.


PS2 - Constant framework updates, in-game program that detects unusual behavior as well as an army of game moderators (most hackers banned in under an hour)


Dota 2 - Server side data, security updates every month


Black ops 2 - A paid, trained team of moderators that have been known to ban hackers within a day of hacking, to the point most hack sites dont even bother since they lose clients

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