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Oh for the love of god Fix the Breathing! Do I have Asthma?

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Does anyone else find it terribly annoying that running 20 feet makes you breath heavier than a fat guy who just saw a cake with his face on it?


This has bothered me from day 1 showcasing of the SA (Back when Dean was showing us the closed Alpha stuff)


And I hoped it would be changed or down-toned but NO!!!! lol


Its still really bad, And even when you walk your character starts breathing like he forgot his inhaler in his last pair of brown pants back in Cherno.


Please for the love of god, either make it much quiet'er or simply remove it. Or make it take longer because even resting for a period of time does not help it go away.


And what is worse is when you are with 5+ people and all you hear is this Storm of "insert heavy breathing noise here" Coming your way.

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Yeah man, to hell with server stability and that other frivolous stuff, fix the breathing!?!


Sound guy recently hired, all sounds to be replaced.  Relax.

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Get used to it for now, with all the other stuff needs doing this might be very last thing on the todo list. Run in third person, you shouldnt be bothered by it all that much that way.

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And what is worse is when you are with 5+ people and all you hear is this Storm of "insert heavy breathing noise here" Coming your way.


:beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:

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Look on the bright side, you could be the chick from the mod.


Her breathing was a combination of getting railed all the while getting punched in the abdomen.

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And what is worse is when you are with 5+ people and all you hear is this Storm of "insert heavy breathing noise here" Coming your way.

Oh man if someone could make a YouTube video of a gang of mouth breathers messing with someone it would be gold.

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Oh man if someone could make a YouTube video of a gang of mouth breathers messing with someone it would be gold.



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Oh god look at the Alpha tard posting in my thread




This has been a problem since the mod, so dont sling your alpha crap at me.


Im well aware of what DayZ is and I fully support it and all of it juicy bugs.


This isnt a bug though, its just a thing.

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I don't have this problem because I know when my character is tired. I bet you have problems with your character always begging you for food and drink, too.

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I don't have this problem because I know when my character is tired. I bet you have problems with your character always begging you for food and drink, too.



  If you dont have this problem, you must be playing without sound.....



 Im tired of sounding like a dirty old man in a womans yoga class after taking a single flight of stairs....



  Interesting thought though.... Maybe Asthmatics were the only people immune to the infection  :P

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When you have to jog several k's with over 30kgs of gear, a rifle and a chest rig that restricts the capacity of your lungs, it sure as fuck feels like you've got asthma!

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Look at it this way, you haven't been walking for 5 foot you have been surviving with little to no food and been running with a giant ruck on your back...... Your body in a environment like this would be pretty damn tired.


(I don't really find it that irritating)

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  If you dont have this problem, you must be playing without sound.....


  • Make sure your character is full. Not 'quenched' or whatever, that's apparently only 20% of full.
  • Jog everywhere, use sprint only to cover open spaces until you're in cover again.
  • Make sure you don't have an axe or firearm in your hands when jogging.
  • Walk as soon as your character begins panting, you will recover almost immediately.
  • Carry as little stuff as you can unless mobility is not an issue for you.

Having learned these things I can traverse great distances without my character panting like a tired dog, I also see almost no hunger/thirst/tired spam any more.

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  • Make sure your character is full. Not 'quenched' or whatever, that's apparently only 20% of full.
  • Jog everywhere, use sprint only to cover open spaces until you're in cover again.
  • Make sure you don't have an axe or firearm in your hands when jogging.
  • Walk as soon as your character begins panting, you will recover almost immediately.
  • Carry as little stuff as you can unless mobility is not an issue for you.

Having learned these things I can traverse great distances without my character panting like a tired dog, I also see almost no hunger/thirst/tired spam any more.


You Dont see the spam anymore because they patched the game so it wasn't so needy

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The logical fallacy of the "server performance" argument is just astounding. You think everyone in the team work on the same things? The map designers fix the map, the audio designers fix the audio, the coders fix the server performance. The argument of heavy breathing is extremely legit, and I agree wholeheartedly when it comes to reducing the effect. But thank heavens it's not as bad as the female character was in the mod.

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Well, its better than a orange triangle above my head=Dice

Edited by iDash

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You Dont see the spam anymore because they patched the game so it wasn't so needy


I don't think so because I haven't been getting the spam since the second day of the game being out, and because my idiot friends who run everywhere and don't eat or drink enough still get spammed with the messages all the time. I tried teaching them how to play properly but they have short attention spans.

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Sorry, the Alpha excuse is very valid here. New sound guy just hired. All sounds are bound to change. So the panting will likely change and when the panting starts will probably change as well. Maybe wait and see what happens?

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haha xD zoom in for 10 secs and he will start breathing too xDDDD 


Nope... Zoom does no such thing. Now using the Right Mouse Button to HOLD YOUR BREATH does, and it also zooms your view. There is a separate zoom option that works fine without holding your breath as well.

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When you have to jog several k's with over 30kgs of gear, a rifle and a chest rig that restricts the capacity of your lungs, it sure as fuck feels like you've got asthma!


Totally agree with statement. Here we called the term "Blowing oot yer arse"  

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