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Welcome to the Psikhuskas (Mental institution)

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NOTE: Input for this suggestion will be constantly updated on the OP (Original Post)




During times of political unrest, politicians and bureaucrats are often taken prisoners. Locking them up in regular prisons are too obvious for the public. Where do they get sent you asked? The Psikhuskas of *insert location*; where they are mixed up with actual criminally insane and just plain insane patients. Years have passed and the outbreak and the lack of care has tarnished the building. Blood on nearly every hallway and cell. Mold growing on each corner. Speakers spitting out static and darkness....nothing but darkness. What's left from the forgotten building is nothing more than cells after cells, a medical room, a shock therapy, an empty cafeteria that doesn't seem empty and a small library.


Now it is filled with the infected but the chances of medical supplies lure the scavengers of the wasteland.




Straitjacket (Great for taking hostages!)

Doctor coats

Nurses uniform

General medical supplies



food (Found in the cafeteria)


Community suggestions


I don't think there'll be a bridge, I hope not anyway but there's an airfield there ATM. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be replaced by a large installation like a prison or asylum meaning there would be good motivation to get a boat/heli or risk death by swimming there to get yourself some phat loot.




I don't think it would go out of place atmosphere wise.
I would like for this to be put either up North in new areas of the map/ maybe merge together with the other prison I thought they were planning.

I'd like some play with sound effects inside this place aswell spooky.
Maybe it should have some connection to green mountain?



Yeah, definately..we got small prisons that look like police offices with temporary holding cells, hospitals, Offices, We need a mental Institute and a large prison for permanent confinement.

Definitely needs long empty hallways that echo any sort of sound such as footsteps, opening doors, infected screams.



This is a good idea. Chernarus needs new unique buildings such as the one in this suggestion.
















courtesy of CynicalBeans





Edited by ThaFatBuddha
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Lots of work went into this post.

I don't think it would go out of place atmosphere wise.

I would like for this to be put either up North in new areas of the map/ maybe merge together with the other prison I thought they were planning.

I'd like some play with sound effects inside this place aswell spooky.

Maybe it should have some connection to green mountain?

Edited by AP_Norris

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Lots of work went into this post.

Thank you for the compliment! Rather than just posting a plain text, I'd always prefer to elaborate on the idea.

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No one up for discussion?

nope, good idea though, i look forward to seeing those Nurses outfit's in action.

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Yeah, definately..we got small prisons that look like police offices with temporary holding cells, hospitals, Offices, We need a mental Institute and a large prison for permanent confinement.

Definitely needs long empty hallways that echo any sort of sound such as footsteps, opening doors, infected screams. Something like:


Perhaps cells with Infected still in them, sort of like this:


And of course creepy looking rooms:



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Yes, I also think a great idea, there is also another post talking about this,

also add (most of them) prisons, hotels, and unique locations of each

part of the map!

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Well, there are two large hotels in Cherno, one with a plane crashed into it and the other one is in one of the new apartment complexes..its a matter of designing their interior and making them enterable(They could be a hotspot for finding decent civilian clothing). I believe the game currently lacks enterable structures that are still fairly dark regardless of time of day, we need some windowless hallways imo(the hallways between cellblocks in the Walking Dead Prison for example). 

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good idea, i would put this building in middle of woods far from all nearby cities

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I think right now the whole country of Chernarus is housing all brainsick people...we don't need a house since the amount of players won't fit inside :P

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Will there be working gas chambers an electric chairs to trap unconscious players an lead fools into?

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