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I'm already unconsciousness for more than 3 hours .... HELP!!!

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Hello, I'm new player for this game, I knew it's hard but I did enjoy it. I played it for about 15 hours continuously but thing happened, someone knocked my door so I hided my character beside a big tree to make sure no one will see me. I did tried to look for zombie but I didn't see any of them nearby, after answer to the guy who lived next door (for a minute) I ran back to my PC and saw a zombie was hitting my character and he felt into unconscious, these f**king zombies can see me in extremely far distance in the airfield area which I don't know why. Back to the topic, my character got unconscious but I don't want to hit respawn because by doing that I will just waste my 15 hours playtime for nothing. I can't do that, so I decided to wait, but it's already 3 hours and I'm still seeing the message "you are unconscious". Are there anyway to help me get out of this situation, it made me feel so damn mad which I wish could make a bomb then blow the fcking douche bag who created the buggy unconsciousness system away, DAMN IT!! Please help me, PLEASE!!

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I think if you log in and out enough you might possibly wake up.

But, I've never been unconcious.

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Don't get attached to your gear.

Welcome to Dayz!

Edited by creature

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Rule #1 Dont ever get attached to your gear.


You might be to low on blood to ever wake up. Someone would need to give you a saline bag or something. Good lesson for the future though if you have to go afk just log out. 

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I think if you log in and out enough you might possibly wake up.

But, I've never been unconcious.


I saw a guy said that in this forum but I tried like dozen of times but it still useless, I swear I really want to kill someone for this...

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Rule #1 Dont ever get attached to your gear.


You might be to low on blood to ever wake up. Someone would need to give you a saline bag or something. Good lesson for the future though if you have to go afk just log out. 


Thanks for the advice, but honestly there were some assholes who were keep running from nowhere and gunned me down when I was trying to find water and food at the towns around spawn spots. So I changed the tactic by rushed to airfield to collect gears then I had some revenges but it wasn't for long before I got bored and gave up the manhunt and travel around. But now it's seem like everything is gone good because of the damn bug. I just want to cry!! 

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Its not really a bug. You were hit, lost blood and will remain unconscious until you get blood or a saline bag. 

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For how long? Forever? I heard it might take up to one hour at maximum but mine is over 3 hours already. I wish I could travel back in time to tell myself not to buy this game so I can save money and time to play Starbound. 

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Best thing is to just hit the respawn and try to go back to where you were.


I think the only bug involved is the fact that zeds can walk through walls.

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Best thing is to just hit the respawn and try to go back to where you were.


I think the only bug involved is the fact that zeds can walk through walls.

Oh yeah I did that one time, took me half hour to run from the coast to where I died but my corpse was disappeared without any trail and I was the only one in the server at that time.

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Oh yeah I did that one time, took me half hour to run from the coast to where I died but my corpse was disappeared without any trail and I was the only one in the server at that time.

Might've been a server reset. Really sorry to hear that, man.

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Welcome to DayZ, where you get shot, and shoot at people. You lose gear often if you play stupid. Why AFK when you insta load into games now anywayS?

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Those comments are, in my opinion, out of line. You need to gain control of your emotions and realize that DayZ is just a game. To be honest, you have only yourself to blame. Think of this as a lesson to be learned for the future:


Should exit the server if you plan to go AFK.


Hope this helps.

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