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The Hacks, the broken Restraining System, And "I"

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 I don't post about hacks all too often however I call it when I see it. Earlier I died . . . yes wah wah wah booh hoo I know. However just to one guy, me and my friends all to one guy. That was friggin invisible, he repeatedly tried to handcuff us in the middle of an open field. We tried shooting but we all know when you get handcuffed your character decides to turn full retard and cooperate by himself by starting to put his weapon away. We could have killed him (if he wasn't GM). A simple 180 with a blaze of fire would have wiped him. So please Dean if you're out there and you read these? Please do something about our characters self deciding to cooperate. Also on a side note whilst I ramble. Anyone else get pissed at the message that say "I am hungry" or "I am thirsty". What's with all the frickin "I"? I feel like I'm taking care of a child screaming for mommy. I'd much rather see "YOU are hungry" and "YOU are thirsty". I'm playing as ME not controlling a random needy baby.

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My english isn't really good, but i've figuered out, that "I'm hungry" is:


First Person






So that means, that your char is 'talking' in a inner monolouge. You can read the characters thought. And he won't think "You are hungry" if he wants to say, that himself is hungry.

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Your character would not say "You are hungry" 


I like the first person aspect to it all.


Oh, and moved to the DayZ area - not the mod

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it definitely doesn't effect you the same every spawn as well. sometimes my guy won't stop whining no matter how much he stuffs his face


other times i'm just running for hours without a peep


those messages are almost as vague a description as "badly damaged water bottle"


is the water badly damaged or the container? do i get aids from it? 


while they're both novel ideas, 1-100% indicators would be more clear, with seperate indicators for any contents.


the old dayz mod let you plan when you were going to eat, based on some coloured indicators.


now hunger and thirst are complex and based on running speed and a whole load of stuff, while i like having to drink more if i'm running a lot, it seems like it could be implimented better.

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My english isn't really good, but i've figuered out, that "I'm hungry" is:


First Person






So that means, that your char is 'talking' in a inner monolouge. You can read the characters thought. And he won't think "You are hungry" if he wants to say, that himself is hungry.

"I have a bad taste in your mouth."

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