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Weapon sounds too quiet?

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When you compare the distance you can hear gunshots in the mod to the SA, there is a massive difference. I wasn't able to hear my buddy shooting his M4 200 metres or so away. Was this intentional? 

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I'm hoping they really up the volume on them. They are so damn quiet, more in line with what a suppressed M4 would sound like - carries in the wind like a .22 or something. I really enjoyed being on one end of Cherno and hearing a shot in the distance knowing someone was in there somewhere. Now it is ridiculous. A friend shot in the 1st floor of a building across the street and I didn't hear it from the second floor a couple houses down. Dafuq?

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I'd love to hear the shots echo and ring out more from a distance.

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Agree, gunshots need to be way louder.  Also, I think there should be a deafening effect if you're close enough.  I've shot an M38 Mosin (shorter barrel version of the Mosin 91/30 in the game) without hearing protection. Once.  Really bad idea, but I was literally deaf in my right ear for a good few minutes, all I heard was ringing.  If you open up with a Mosin in a building, you shouldn't be able to hear footsteps downstairs very clearly for a few minutes.

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So many mods made the Arma 2 sounds awesome. They had better damn well invest in some of that talent. If they keep the sounds on the quality level of the base game I will be sad.

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