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Eating and Drinking till your are Full doesn't increase health.

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So what's the deal here?...


I have eaten all I can eat and drank all I can drink up to the point where it says I am about to vomit from eating too much but my vision is still grey and doesn't seem to be improving. 

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Roger, known bug fixed in the update currently on experimental branch.

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Roger, known bug fixed in the update currently on experimental branch.

It's awesome your listening community and fixing stuff fast as posibble. I like it! :thumbsup:

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Roger, known bug fixed in the update currently on experimental branch.

Like Kipale say's Its awesome you listening to community and fix stuff fast as posibble.


yea your really amazing i hope you keep doing it! And sorry for off topic

Edited by Fflint

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Holy crap ! got a response from the man himself! 


Suck a big fat one EA! Thats how you keep your fans happy.


Thanks for the response Rocket!


Loving the game so far even in alpha and super excited to see the next updates.

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I was under the impression you gained health as you ran around. Also,if you find a saline bag, that will restore health. Worked on me tonight.

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The world needs more game developers like you Rocket.

Edited by MFratane

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Roger, known bug fixed in the update currently on experimental branch.


It's very nice that you listen so fast to the community and fix bugs or make improvements! :)

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