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Spidey (DayZ)

Min. Requirements - will I be able to run Dayz standalone?

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I have AMD Athlon x2 240 (that's dual core 2,8ghz), ATI Radeon HD 4650 1gb (altough I'm not sure about this, in DXdiag it says the maximum video memory or whatever is 2,8 gb :O )

and 4GB DDR2 ram.


So, should I be able to run this? I played dayz mod for a pretty long time, it didn't run very well but I had a good stable 25fps, altough it dropped to 15 in cherno/electro etc. If Dayz standalone (hence arma3) will work on this pc on atleast 25fps, I'm buying it right now without hesitation.


Thanks for the answers ;)

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Don't worry about the game FPS wise; I've dropped to 10 before, and the game is-I kid you not-smoother than anything I've ever played on my laptop. The controls might be awkward, movement might be very strange, but the frames are smooth

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I'm currently running:


AMD FX-4100 @4.0Ghz 

GTX 660 3GB

and 8G of good ram


But my frames are pretty shitty... Mainly because the AMD FX series is dogshit when is comes to older architecture games like DayZ.

I literally just bought myself a used Athlon 3.4Ghz and I sincerely believe this will actually give me a BOOST to my FPS...  I will report back on January second after I'm able to test it...


I recommend a small overclock to you CPU and you should be fine... Jaxc is right... despite my only getting 15-25 frames the games still feels pretty smooth.


Buy it.

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