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Drinking Not Functioning?

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Last night I spawned in as a new character after the wipe.  I was fortunate enough to spawn near a pond so I began drinking and planned to do so until I got the green "Well Fed" message.  My character did not have yellow thirst when I spawned in, so I wasn't able to get the "Your Thirst is Quenched (etc.)" message.  I literally kept drinking for at least 20 minutes and never received the "Well Fed" message.


Just in case I wasn't waiting long enough, I started counting about 20 seconds after clicking "Drink Water" before I would do it again.  I understand that there is no animation or sound feedback for this currently, but I did notice that if I started drinking when I was standing, my character would crouch down when I clicked "Drink Water."


Even after going very slowly and drinking tons of times, I never got the "Well Fed" message and eventually gave up.  Am I possibly doing something wrong or is anyone else experiencing this?

Edited by damdifino

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It should say your stomach is full.  It did for me yesterday.  Maybe you have to eat and drink a lot for it to say your stomach is full though.

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I've experienced this too...


Alpher problems :(


At least I'm not the only one.


I'll see if anyone else confirms and I guess I should submit the bug?

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I have this problem too.   I have drank three sodas and still have yellow thirst



Just drank some water from a pond and thirst icon went away.   



Disregard :)

Edited by Vindicator

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Sodas do not fill you up like water. Try to stick to water. I have 3 canteens and I'm keeping them full. They last me forever.

Edited by symptom

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