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spent six hours last night...

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to gear up, found just about everything I need but a compass .. So I wanted to get a good view to plot my next moves just to fall off a ladder to my death.. that kind of crap makes me sick, it's hard to hit the re-spawn button after such garbage..

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That's nothing man :D


Anyone remembers being on top of a building and your guy decides to run and leap to his death instead of laying down?

Edited by Tegla
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That's nothing man :D


Anyone remembers being on top of a building and your guy decides to run and leap to his death instead of laying down?

THIS. Many a time have I wanted to lay down and instead my character's all like "LOLNOPE" stands up from crouch and precedes to jump off a building. Has happened to me more than once and each time I've died laughing

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Yeah haha, those stupid deaths really do make you laugh :)

That and a giant rock sucking me in and throwing me everywhere. Oh, and when you drive with an ATV over a bridge, launching you spinning rapidly 100 feet in the air. Or the stairs breaking your legs when you try to crouch on them.


Oh boy, i am almost looking forward to brand new bugs :D

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That's nothing man :D


Anyone remembers being on top of a building and your guy decides to run and leap to his death instead of laying down?


I was playing the mod last night when this shit happened :D

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